Monday, November 22, 2021

Brother Kel 2


           Response to Brother Kel on 1John 1:8

          Brother Kels recent video on 1John 1:8 was to me confusing. I listened carefully but Kel did a very poor job of explaining what he was trying to say. It seemed Kel had two different explanations for the meaning of this verse. Does Kel believe that once sins are forgiven you are without sin for the rest of your life and you will never sin again?  He seemed to imply this with his repeated “zero sin” comments. 1John 2:1-2 says that true Christians that sin can yet repent and be forgiven. Matthew 18:21-22 doesn’t put a limit on the number of times God will forgive our sins. All  true Christians are in a spiritual warfare within themselves in the process of overcoming sin. Having the gift of the Holy Spirit of the Father does not make us impeccable permanently as this would eliminate repentance. Only in the kingdom of God will the saints be impeccable but until that day we will need grace and forgiveness upon repentance. This is the gospel message that keeps the saints on the straight and narrow way that leads us into the kingdom and perfection.  The righteousness we have is not our own but a gift from the Father that keeps us as the righteousness of God until our change comes; when we enter the kingdom of God. The process of grace is as a continual washing away of sins until the Father changes our nature to be the same as His and His Sons. The saints are a shadow image of God while in the flesh and need changed to be the true image at the resurrection.  While in the flesh, no true Christian has ever attained to the equal of Christ and the Father. Paul in Philippians 3:12 admits that he has not fully obtained or been made perfect but that the end goal is perfection. The resurrection of the dead in Christ is a twofold thing: immortality and impeccability.  While still in the flesh we are not immortal or impeccable. Kel said that 1 John 1:8 is used by people to get away from overcoming their sins that they repeatedly do thus giving them a false sense of safety. True Christians can and do have repeated sins that they struggle with perhaps all their lives but as long as they do not give up but use the gospel message Gods forgiveness is always there, the grace in times of need. As the begger said, “God have mercy on me a sinner”.  The spirit of God in the saints  doesn’t make them spiritual giants, rather the opposite. It is sown in corruption, weakness and dishonor but resurrected from the dead in glory, honor, power and immortality. We are in a spiritual race and must run toward the finish line and no matter how many times we fall God helps us up and we keep running toward that high prize. 

I hope Brother Kel knows these things and deletes the video and remakes another with a clearer message.   

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