Wednesday, November 3, 2021



Some say the bible has nothing to say about Covid 19.   Many preachers say you should obey the government and get the vaccine; they say it is love to others to prevent death by spreading Covid.   If you are like me you research things before giving your view on any subject; if not you operate on hearsay with no proof.   Preachers say that saving lives is more important than your freedom to chose to be vaccinated or not.

It is a fact that those who contract Covid may become very sick while some feel just fine.  It is a fact that very few people die from Covid; about 99% live while the 1% that die already had serious health issues before getting Covid.   By definition Covid is not a pandemic but a syndemic.   A pandemic kills all equally of all ages whereas a syndemic targets victims that already have serious health problems.   The government and the mainstream media have hyped Covid so much that some people believe getting it is a death sentence.    They have used Covid as an excuse top rob people of their freedoms.

Anyone who is willing to give up their freedoms for any reason may as well go to the grave yard and urinate on all the veterans graves who gave their lives for your freedom.     Freedom to chose for yourself what you accept or reject is the idea behind the Constitution of the United States.  There you find God given rights  like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   Freedom of choice is a matter of conscience.  In your mind you decide after thinking things through if you want to do or not do something.  Once you have come to a conclusion then it is your freedom to act on it.  

The bible speaks of the conscience of people in the latter days, saying in 1 Timothy 4:2 "speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron".   This means that people lose the ability to reason and discern good from evil as is clearly evidenced by the acceptance of perversions like abortion and homosexuality.   The importance of a good conscience is paramount in decision making and all people should have their senses sharpened so as to determine good from evil.   To go against your own conscience makes you a hypocrite because you think one thing yet do another; you become an unstable person.    How many freedoms are you willing to give up because the government or a preacher tells you to?  Patrick Henry said, "give me liberty or give me death."   If you have no freedom to live your life then life is not worth living.   Liberty and freedom mean the same thing and are a part of your conscious thinking process.   

"The torture of a bad conscience is the hell of a living soul"   

John Calvin

"In matters of conscience the law of the majority has no place"  Gandhi

"There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right."     Martin Luther King Jr

Once you make a decision about Covid no one has any right to judge you or accuse you or condemn you.  If you decide to get the vaccine OK, if you decide not to get the vaccine OK.    

President Biden has no constitutional authority to mandate the vaccine upon the public.  The vaccine has been proven to cause serious side effects and death.   People who are fully vaccinated  can still get covid and pass it to others and some few of them die.   Then what good is this vaccine?   The state demands you get the vaccine or you will lose your job;  all this over a virus that is not even near as deadly as the state claims.   If you have decided not to get the vaccine because you have in your mind, after careful thought, that it is not for you then that is your right, your freedom.   The state has no business in the practice of medicine or religion.   

"Never do anything against your conscience even if the state demands it."  Einstein

If you have faith you have a conscience and to go against your own conscience is not of faith and whatever is not of faith is sin.  Romans 14:23   

Almighty God gave you your body and only you have the say of what is put into it.

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