Tuesday, December 14, 2021



People who think keeping the law is required by Gods people usually transform into self righteous finger pointing monsters who set themselves up as judges of others and lack mercy, compassion, forgiveness and love.  

The law was the old covenant. It, the tables of stone, was kept in the ark of the covenant.  This law rightly condemns all who sin to death. This law defines what good and evil is, for when it says,”thou shalt not” then you know that if you do you are evil but if you obey you are good.  The law, the Ten Commandments, was given by God in response to Eves thinking it was desirous to gain the knowledge of good and evil and be like God. The other tree in the garden was the tree of everlasting life; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the tree of death. Sin, by breaking the law, is punished by death. Scripture informs us that all people sin and deserve to die forever.  There is none righteous, no not one.  Under the law there was no repentance, mercy or forgiveness only death. This law, not one jot or tittle, was changed or done away with by Jesus. Jesus provided a new covenant that had nothing to do with the law hence no need to alter or abolish the law. The law is to this day in full force and yet condemns the sinner to death. The law , if enforced, can be a deterrent to sin because of fear of death but it cannot eradicate  sin. These two covenants cannot be mixed together as Paul showed, “if it is of law then it is no longer of grace or if it is of grace then it is no longer law”

Salvation is not by the law.  The law only produces death.  People who think they need to keep the law reject the new covenant, Jesus and God.  They do not understand how there can be sin with no law to define what sin is.  All sin is lust in the human spirit and as Jesus showed it is our thoughts and intents that are the sin and any words or deeds that follow is only the manifesting of our defiled human spirit. It is the spirits of just men made perfect, not the fleshly body. Jesu

 magnified the law into two commandments that are greater than the Ten Commandments, Godly love by the Holy Spirit will fulfill any law because it works in your human spirit to change the way you think from evil to good. Therefore sin is no longer the transgression of the law but whatever is not of the love of God. Without the Holy Spirit the people who still think the law is the way to go become self righteous finger pointing monsters. People of this carnal mindset are dead and usually have very few if any friends . They are arrogant and ignorant of the gospel of Christ. They are children of the devil and will do the devils works.  

The law could never address the true problem of humanity; their defiled human spirit. The law deals with the flesh but not the spirit of man. While I feel sorrow and have compassion for these people they are impossible to live with as they make themselves your enemy by their own deceived minds. As Jesus said,”a man’s enemies will be those of his own family.” Love these types from a distance, pray for them and be willing to have mercy to forgive them.

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