Friday, May 21, 2021

 Is The United States A Racist Nation?


In 1950 the U.S. was a racist nation.  Now, 71 years have passed; have we made any progress at all to address this sin?  Do you think mixed black and white marriage would have been accepted in 1950?  Do you think the U.S. federal, state and local governments would have black men and women holding public offices?  Do you think the U.S. would have had a two term black president of the United States?  Would the U.S. have black doctors, teachers, college professors, heads of industry, bankers and lawyers in 1950?  

I will state that pockets of racism still exist today but when compared to the entire white population the number is very small.  Black lives matter and Antifa say all white people are racist and if they say they are not then they are liars as well.  White privilege means that whites have an unfair advantage over blacks in society.  The reality is that a large segment of blacks have failed to take advantage of the many government programs created to help all races, not just blacks.  Some blacks have taken advantage of these programs and have become successful in many areas of society.  Many of these black people see that black lives matter and Antifa are mainly composed of blacks who have chosen failure resulting in poverty with crime and violence directed at their own people in black neighborhoods.  Over the years since 1950 the black father has been missing from black families and black mothers have begun to abort rather than have their children.   This is also happening in lower class white, Asian and Latino populations.  To deny the truth of all this information will never solve anything and only lead to more violence and chaos.  For blacks who can not accept their own failures in life and attempt to pin all their problems on whites will not help blacks at all. The main stream media, social media, politicians and industries that continue to support this lie will only add gas to the flames that will burn our nation to the ground.

Black lives matter and Antifa blame their own failures in life on white people and they have found a voice and power in the Democrat party and by using violence and intimidation will have for a time some success at achieving their goals.
In 1950, if blacks tried to do what black lives matter or Antifa are doing today, what do you think would have happened?  There would be a lot of dead black people, that’s what.  If the U.S. was truly a racist nation there should be a lot of dead black people today.  If the fictional time machine existed it would be interesting to send those of black lives matter and Antifa back to 1950 so they could see what racism truly is.

I have great fear for what I see coming in the U.S. in the near future.  Whites will wake up not woke up and see the truth of what black lives matter and Antifa are really about.  When that happens you will see white backlash and many black people will suffer and die.  Whites will eventually rise up and kill black people by the tens of thousands.  Yes, a full blown race war is going to happen.  Blacks will have brought this on themselves by pushing a lie of racism that did not exist into one that does.  Whites who have supported blacks will also die and what most white people have been falsely accused of now will become a reality.  The U.S. will once again be a racist nation and all because of the lie being told at this present time.  This is not 1950.

If the U.S. government tries to side with blacks it will be overthrown and the politicians who support blacks killed.  It will be a twofold war against tyranny and race.  A war of this magnitude will destroy the nation as a third component will also come into play; total economic collapse.  

Exactly how and when these events will play out I do not know.  All one needs to do is honestly look at the present time in which we live and ask ourselves, what is all of this leading to?  

The fall of the 7th king along with all the other nations into a false tribulation, a hell on Earth, that will be solved by a false messiah.  Satan has been more active in the last three years than he has in a very long time.  
Speaking for myself and all of Gods elect saints I say that we view all people as Gods people.  John 3:16 applies to all people of all nations.  The saints love God and their neighbor with no respect to gender or color.  We see all the horrible things people do to each other and we sigh and cry over them.  The righteous hearts of the saints are sad.  We also know that this is the way things will be until Christ returns.  From this moment on things will continue to get worse and worse, more evil is coming.  Then a man will arrive who appears to be the savior of the world but is really its destroyer.  After a brief time of false peace and prosperity all hell breaks loose and the real great tribulation will begin.  

It is so sad that human beings have to learn the hard way but God knew this in eternity and loves us all enough to make everything that has happened work together for good in the end.

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