Thursday, August 29, 2024


 When Christ was dying on the cross he said, “FATHER forgive them for they know not what they do.”   Luke 23:34  Surely the people who crucified Christ were not converted but Christ did not rail against them or rebuke them for their false beliefs.  In direct discussions with the unconverted as Jesus went about preaching the gospel it was necessary for Jesus to be stern at times and made some shocking statements.  

There is an undeniable truth in scripture that only GOD can open the human mind to understand HIS truth.  No human pastor, preacher or minister can teach the truth to anyone, it is GOD that must give the increase.  1 Corinthians 3:6,7,8   Paul and Apollos could not give understanding, they could only preach not teach.  How do you think this information applies to how the saints should treat the unconverted ?  

It is written that GOD has predestined the calling and choosing of all humanity each in an order determined by GOD.  The unconverted of today will be the converted of tomorrow.  At a time in the past we were all unconverted and in those days how would you have wanted a converted person to treat you ?  

What is the purpose of degrading, rebuking or debunking people who have not been blessed as we have been ?  Would we consider these types of actions Christian ?  Jesus was created by the FATHER to be the messiah and the chief commandment he preached was love.  Love GOD and love your neighbor as yourself, your neighbor, converted or not.  We are to live in peace with all people.  Romans 12:18   It says, as much as it depends on you because the unconverted do not have the help that we do.  The saints are to know their masters will but the unconverted do not.  Who will receive the most stripes for not loving? Luke 12:45,46,47,48   Should Christians attack the Jewish people for their beliefs or the Catholics ?   We cannot even reason with the unconverted in an attempt to convert them because GOD only converts people and HE alone adds to the church.  Acts2:39,47   There is something called the golden rule that we all should follow. Matthew 7:12   Romans 13:8,10   Galatians 5:14   We should not cause people to stumble or be offended as we do not know what plans GOD may have for them and even though not yet converted we are responsible to speak the truth to them in love, bear the weak. Romans 14:21  Romans 15:1,2,3  This attitude may well be able to win over a person in the same way Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:16 and Peter in 1 Peter 3:1   Our loving patient conduct is far more preferable than attacks against the unconverted.  Even if we personally experienced evil from some false Christian groups we should not seek vengeance but follow Paul’s admonition, Romans 12:19,21

So then, given this information, we all need to search ourselves,  2 Corinthians 13:5 ,  and ask if what we do would be acceptable to GOD and Christ.  

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