Monday, August 12, 2024



1.  Jesus is not GOD.  JESUS is the messiah and son of GOD.  Many scriptures prove this fact.

2.  Jesus was not the angel Michael.

3.  Jesus was incapable of sin and could not be tempted with evil.  This is how Jesus was the image of his GOD AND FATHER.  The mind of Jesus in this way was as the mind of GOD.  GOD did not gamble with our salvation but sent us HIS perfect son who was one with HIM in righteousness and love and demonstrated this to us in his defeating Satan in the wilderness proving he could not be tempted with evil.  

4.  Jesus did indeed come from heaven, we all come from heaven and when we die we go back to heaven.  GOD created the human spirit of Jesus and the human spirits of all humanity.  Jesus was a soul and so are we all.  Upon death the real you and I , our human spirit, goes back to GOD totally inoperative and is not dead.  The difference with Jesus was that after his ascension he was glorified and became a life giving spirit being.  The rest of the saints must wait for this to happen to us when Jesus returns.

5.  Jesus was not raised from the dead glorified but was glorified at his ascension.  There is no such thing as glorified flesh.

6.   Jesus was “sealed” by his GOD AND FATHER while in the womb of his mother.  This seal is the same seal that the saints receive, living or dead , in Revelation 7:3   The living saints at that time will be identical to what Jesus was when he was on this earth.

7.  When the saints are glorified they will no longer be human beings but spirit beings, a totally new creation, transformed into what Jesus is, a life giving immortal spirit being. 

8.  In that kingdom of GOD the saints are kings and priests under Jesus.  Each saint will be given rulership over a part of the earth based upon how well they used the power of GODS spirit while humans.  From cities to nations to continents and hemispheres the saints will rule over the former positions of Satan and his demons who now currently rule.  The nations and kingdoms of this evil world will become the kingdom of GOD.  

9.  Human beings alive in the millennium and second resurrection are not in the kingdom of GOD but are ruled over by the kingdom of GOD.  In a time and manner determined by GOD each human in the millennium will be given opportunity to enter the kingdom just as the elect saints did a thousand years before.  Then in the second resurrection this process is repeated.  There will always be humans on earth to continue this process into infinity of infinity never ending, the increase of the kingdom shall have no end.

10.  When the Apostle Paul said, 1 Corinthians 2:9 ,  and Isaiah 64:4 , and David  Psalm 31:19   Therefore, Hebrews 12:28

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