Saturday, March 9, 2024




Matthew 5:40 , If someone will sue you for your coat let him have your cloke also. 

How far do we go with this, should we strip naked ?  Going the extra mile is to do more than just the basics or not being only a hearer but a doer.  Paul said, as much as it depends on you live in peace with all men. You cannot control what men may do that goes far beyond what you are obligated to do. 

Matthew 5:39 , do not resist evil people. If someone slaps your right cheek offer the left as well.

Basically we are to overcome evil with good, so did Jesus tell us to allow evil people to do anything to us they want ?  There is a scripture that says God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear but with that temptation provide a means of escape. 

Matthew 5:11-12  , blessed are you when men revile and persecute you, say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.  Rejoice, and be very glad, for great is your reward, for they also persecuted the prophets before you.  

Nothing is said here about physical violence.

Should we literally pluck out our eye or cut off our hand ?  If so, we all would be missing eyes and hands.   Don’t we know that it is our human spirit that sins not our body, then how would mutilating our bodies stop sin?  Jesus even brings this out when he spoke about adultery and murder, that sin is in our spirits.  If Jesus literally means we should mutilate ourselves why not just cut our heads off because dead men can’t sin.  Romans 6:7 Our spirit is to control our body not our body our spirit. Romans 6:12-14 , Paul gives a more clear understanding of what Jesus said.  Yield your body to God , as those who are alive from the dead, as an instrument of righteousness.   We are to be living as though we were in the kingdom now.   Spiritual wisdom must be applied to everything Jesus said, looking at his words spiritually not carnally.  What was sin 5,000 years ago is still sin today, God does not change the rules for some while enforcing them on others.  Solomon said there is a time for everything under the sun, we just need to know those times.  David was a man after Gods own heart yet David killed, not murdered, but when David did murder Uriah this greatly displeased God.  Even physical violence may sometimes be required in an act of love to defend others from evil men.  Just to stand by and do nothing would not show love.  1 John 3:17 , James 2:16 ,  Psalm 82:3,4 Proverbs 24:11 Moses, Sampson and Abraham all killed but never murdered anyone. It boils down to what the thought and intent of your human spirit is when you act or speak.  God knows your thoughts and motives and if driven by HIS love for others to protect and defend them against evil then this is good in Gods eyes.

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