Saturday, March 9, 2024



Politics: the activities associated with the government of a country and the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.    Politics is about power.  If you are a Christian then you should be very concerned about what Yahweh thinks and declares about human governments.  Christians must obey the law of the land, AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT CONFLICT WITH THE WILL OF YAHWEH.  With Moses Yahweh gave HIS law, this law is not for a righteous man, a man with Yahwehs imputed righteousness by faith. 1 Timothy 1:9  The saints are bound by the law of agape that will do no harm and therefore will fulfill any law especially the Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments are for carnal people, all people, not just carnal Israel, Romans 3:19 . The law condemns all carnal people to the second death because of sin.  Jesus does not save people from the first death that is appointed to all men simply because they are mortal.  Jesus saves people from total and complete annihilation of the soul, both body and human spirit. If this was not true then why are there resurrections ?  It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. Jeremiah 10:23  The proof of humanity’s inability to govern themselves is their history.  Today the U.S. is in the process of electing a president.  If you have been watching the news you should know that there is bitter conflict and division in the nation over Trump or Biden. Ever since the founding of this nation competing political parties have been fighting for power and today it continues.  Politics is a filthy thing that has no hope of the utopia each party promises.  To be involved in politics is to be part of the problem not the answer.  Look at all the elections there has been then look at what we face today.  Over and over we elect and elect hoping for  change and this is a sign of insanity. If you are Yahwehs saint your hope is in HIM and HIS kingdom not human government because we seek a heavenly country our citizenship is in heaven.  Philippians 3:20 , Hebrews 11:16   We are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world, to come out from among the world and be separated. Jesus said he was not of this world and if we are in him then neither are we.  Being involved in politics is similar to being involved in the law, politics makes laws.  If it was possible I would vote for Jesus but there is no voting with Yahweh, Yahweh is a king, a monarch, who has appointed HIS son as king under HIM. There is no voting in a kingdom. Humanity will never know true righteous government until Yahweh brings it to us at HIS sons return.  

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