Wednesday, March 6, 2024

EZEKIEL 34 The Lord is my Shepherd

Ezekiel  chapter 34 is similar to Jeremiah chapter 25 in that it is a prophecy but is about how Yahweh would deal with the Satanic efforts to destroy the gospel message.  Yahweh is omniscient, HE knows absolutely everything and has in eternity. Isaiah 46:10  Yahweh knew that Satan and his human agents; ministers, pastors, preachers, evangelists, or any other human who presents themselves as a teacher or leader, AFTER THE DEATH OF THE APOSTLE JOHN,  were going to appear and bring in damnable heresies that pervert all truth. Jude 1:4

 The true church since the death of the Apostle John changed drastically in the way of organization.  All the offices listed in Ephesians 4:11 are no more except that of prophet and prophetess because it is by divine revelation through Christ that all Christians are taught the truth.  John 6:45

Ezekiel 34:1 begins with the prophecy against the shepherds of Israel.  This Israel mentioned here is spiritual Israel, the church.  Ezekiel 34:2-6 shows how these false shepherds treated the flock.  Special notice to Ezekiel 34:4  strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind the injured, bring back strays, search for the lost are all the teachings of Christ and the Apostles. Matthew 9:36,  Matthew 18:12  Under the law no mercy was shown, you break the law you die. Hebrews 10:28  The flock became scattered over all the Earth.  John 10:12 James 1:1 KJV ,  Mark 13:27 , Matthew 24:31 , Isaiah 40:11  The shepherds , after John, until this day feed the flock with lies and charge them for it.  Then here is Yahwehs remedy, Ezekiel 34:11,12  the day of thick darkness is when Jesus returns. Joel 2:1-2  More of Yahwehs remedy, Ezekiel 34:14 , Psalm 23:1-3  Yahwehs right arm, Jesus Christ, is Yahwehs salvation and by the will of Yahweh, Jesus is the only leader or shepherd of Christians. John 10:11,14  Yahweh by HIS Holy Spirit is the only teacher through Christ, all human shepherds are no more, the saints have no need of them.  1 John 2:27 ,  Matthew 23:10  The false shepherds try to do only what Yahweh and Christ can do.  They have set themselves up, Yahweh did not send them. Many of these false shepherds come in the name of Jesus preaching that Jesus is the Christ but yet deceive many. Matthew 24:4-5   Even though there are dozens of scriptures that confirm what I have written here, many will not give up on their human shepherds.  Christ gave his life so that ALL CHRISTIANS may have contact through him with Yahweh.  It is up to each of us to decide who is their shepherd, but the Lord Jesus Christ is my shepherd.

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  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...