There is no command in scripture to vote or not vote. There is no law in the U.S. requiring you to vote. If GOD controls the appointments of all human leaders and nothing can stop HIS will, then why vote , as GODS WILL IS DONE. The reason Paul gave for obeying the government was so that we could live safely and peacefully in some level of prosperity. 1 Timothy 2:1,2 This cannot be used to say, hey Christians go vote. The rejection of GOD as king by Israel was not something GOD approved of, but GOD would let them reap what they sowed. 1 Samuel 8:7 GOD had Samuel warn Israel about what a king would do. 1 Samuel 8:9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 The history of Israel testifies as to their eventual demise.
How do we square the fact that Satan is the god of this world with YAHWEH controlling who the leaders are ? This appears to be a problem. This world is carnal and under the sway of Satan because YAHWEH wills it to be. Do you not think GOD has the power to remove Satan ? Adam gave up the dominion YAHWEH gave him to Satan when he disobeyed YAHWEH and with knowledge obeyed Satan. The history of humanity from that day until now is one of suffering and death. This is the fruit of the world and by their fruits you will know them.
Participating in both Satanically inspired human and Godly governments at the same time is a problem. Even in human governments your loyalty is to the nation in which you are a citizen but if you try to be loyal to two different governments at the same time a charge of treason will be made. GOD allows Satan to rule this world and in that way HE is still in charge because GOD does draw lines on rare occasions to prevent Satan from doing what is yet to be fulfilled in the future, to keep HIS prophets words relevant.
It is said that voting is a matter of personal conscience but in these last days that conscience has been seared with a hot iron 1 Timothy 4:1,2 and unfortunately this has found its way into false Christianity that is in the world. Voting, politics and human governance is a system that GOD will destroy . When a Christian is praying to YAHWEH , for the leadership they happen to be under in this world, it is only so that they are not hindered by an evil person from living peacefully and quietly in some level of prosperity. This has nothing to do with voting and putting faith in human government but rather placing faith in GOD to protect us from the evil that the world does. John 17:15 Who knows the true intents of the heart and is able to make the correct choice, you by voting for some man or YAHWEH , who controls Satan that places human leaders of governments ? When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan the last temptation was recorded in Luke 4:5,6,7 and here Satan says “it has been given to me” , well who do you think gave the world to Satan ? Therefore if you vote you are voting against GOD and for Satan. I hope it can be seen that voting is useless if you claim to be a Christian.
Another thing to consider. Only GODS elect are true Christians and those who make the claim to be Christians are liars. You should know that it is a biblical truth that the peoples of this world are the children of the devil, their father is the devil. 1 John 3:10
When there is an election both candidates are the devils child. Either way you vote you are voting for a child of Satan. Also consider, did GOD appoint Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Moa Zedong, Kim Jong Un, Adolf Hitler and many other evil despots to power ? GOD allows Satan to appoint these and all governments and their leaders. Was GOD pleased that people of Israel rejected HIM as their King ? In GODS eyes Harris is no different than Trump, neither one is a Christian and both children of the devil. Will there be voting in the kingdom of GOD ?
As a Christian you are to be an ambassador, a representative of a foreign country of which you are to be a citizen , a heavenly country. You are not to be of this world or any of its countries. We are like Abraham who will be the heir of the world but dwelt as a stranger or pilgrim in the land of promise. 1 Peter 2:11,12 Hebrews 11:9 What did Abraham seek, a heavenly country, a city whose builder and maker is GOD. Hebrews 11:10
There is a tremendous conflict of interest here that voters do not see and some refuse to see. Patriotism is a religion, the pledge of allegiance to a nation that you love and place your obedience, faith, hope and trust in. If you are a Christian your allegiance is to GOD only. Mark 12:17 Voting attempts to divide that allegiance between GODS government and human government . Ambassadors do not vote in the nation that they are sent to and in the case of a Christian that is this entire world. I am fully aware that 99.99% of all people on this Earth will reject what I have written here and label me as Satanic, say I am condemning people, falsely judging, think I am better than them when all I have done is show you what the scriptures plainly say. Voters want to fit in, they don’t want to endure any persecution or suffer as Christ did. It is the same thing as not keeping pagan days or holy days of the law that brought persecution to the early Christians. Christ had a single purpose, to do the will of GOD and we should be of his mind. Philippians 3:19,20,21 Isaiah 26:13 Luke 9:23
If you were to google the question, “What can Christians learn from Israel’s rejection of GOD as their king” , you will actually see the meaning of 1 Corinthians 10:11,12 and though the rejection of GOD as king is not listed in the examples given it nonetheless is an example . By rejecting GOD as king Israel violated the covenant they had made with GOD. Exodus 24:7 Just as Israel rejected GOD as king there is a warning to Christians that they should not make the same mistake. 1 Corinthians 10:11 Both Israel and the false churches already had GOD as their king but both wanted to be like the other nations to fit into the world, to be of the world. This was a part of the the falling away Paul spoke about. 2 Timothy 4:3,4
The false churches have fallen into the same trap as Israel and today they have in their deceived minds two GODS , the one true GOD and HIS government and a human false ruler and Satanic government. The rules given by Paul are not an approval of human government but a way for the church to live peacefully in a world that they are not a part of. There is not going to be a “good world” until Christ returns as this world is in the sway of Satan so the how is it possible that voting will change anything? This idea makes voting the way to bring the kingdom to Earth while making the world a better place until then. There is nothing a Christian can do to bring the kingdom as GOD only will do that and that day is not even known to Christians. They will not make the world a better place either as Paul explained. 2 Timothy 3:12,13 1 Timothy 4:1
To understand what I have written here you must have the Holy Spirit and be a mature Christian, not a babe, and conduct a diligent search with GOD guiding you. Since the grand total of true Christians at the return of Christ is 144,000 with most of them currently dead there are not many alive today that will understand.
Another thing to consider. The original being who rejected GOD as king and rebelled against HIS rule due to his vanity and his desire was Lucifer, who desired to set himself up as GOD, then set about to influence humanity to do the same. His was the force behind the Tower of Babel and Israel’s rejection of GOD as king, it also the same force behind voting. It is the rejection of GOD as the only true king and then accepting Satanic human rulership.
Even the documents associated with the founding of the United States; the United States constitution and Declaration of Independence specifically designate government by the people in the form of a representative republic, that is not GODS government it is human government. Yes the name of GOD was invoked but GOD was totally left out of the process. How can government be of GOD and humans at the same time ? If the United States was a Christian nation should not it’s founding documents state, “government of GOD by GOD and for the people” ? When Israel rejected GOD as their king they basically desired a similar thing to what the United States government is. Since the number of true Christians is only 144,000 it is safe to say that none of the founding fathers were Christians. The truth is that GOD in all of human history and to this day only had one nation that was HIS nation, carnal Israel, and they rejected GOD so therefore GOD has no replacement.
It does not matter what the carnal world believes because the entire world is under GODS law, the Ten Commandments, Romans 3:19 No nation on this Earth follows that law, they have all sinned and are under an everlasting death sentence. The true church is not under the law of sin and death, Romans 8:2 , but rather the law of the spirit of YAHWEH through Jesus Christ. True Christians obey YAHWEH rather than men. Acts 5:29 Is this in all things or is human politics excluded ?
Is it a sin to take part in the government and politics of men ? Yes it is. In doing so you side with the Devil who was the first to reject YAHWEH as king.
You cannot serve two masters, you attempt to have one foot in the kingdom of GOD and the other in the kingdom of Satan. It is a form of spiritual treason. A true Christian, an elect saint of GOD, would never do this.