Sunday, September 29, 2024



Legalism  Universalism Catholicism Armstrongism Pentecostalism  Trinitarianism  Liberalism Binitarianism   Unitarianism  Jehovahs Witnessesism  Mormonism  All Protestantism 


There are a lot more “isms” that are in the world but all of them have one thing in common, they are all lies.  Isms are carnal Satanically inspired ideas that are used to deceive.  

Another common thing is that all of them were the product of men of carnal minds.  The only "ism" that is true is Yahwehism or Christism.

If Yahweh through Christ did not teach you then you are deceived.  If you read books written by carnal men about their particular "ism" you are not taught by the Holy Spirit, and not even a spiritual babe, you fall for the lies contained in them the “isms”.  Mike Vinson is an excellent example of a carnal minded man, who does preach some truth on his website, also has some of the most blasphemous writings I have ever seen.  If you are a babe in Christ do not read his material as it is very convincing and highly deceptive.

Herbert Armstrong taught a mixture of both covenants but focused mostly on the law and had no idea of what grace is.  His teachings made sense to the carnal mind.  Armstrong was a false Apostle, false Prophet and a deceitful worker.  There must be over 50 splinter groups that have come out from Armstrongism.

The Pope in the Catholic Church is just a man who thinks he is far more than what he is, a demonically influenced man leading the eldest daughter of the harlot of Babylon.  Virtually everything that is taught by this church is false.  It is no wonder that the churches that came out during the reformation contain much of the false Catholic beliefs.  

Protestantism is a religious buffet, a smorgasbord, offering all kinds of false worship.  For carnal people there is probably something that you will like.  

Liberalism is truly an anything goes church.  They will accept people that traditionally are rejected by mainstream.  This church is especially popular with homosexuals and other types of sexual perverts.  This church also disbelieves other doctrines and denies miracles.  Basically you can do anything you want and still “go to heaven”.

Universalism says everybody will receive salvation and the people not saved by Christs sacrifice will be saved by the lake of fire.  They do not not understand the unpardonable sin. They say GOD created all sentient life evil both angels and humans. Then they say that GOD desires to show HIS great power by giving salvation to everyone and some of this belief system even give salvation to Satan and the demons.  They, like all other false churches, do have some truth but like all false churches more lie than truth.  

Yes, everyone has their isms but as for me I have GODISM and Christism only, everything else schism.

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