Wednesday, September 18, 2024



In a true representative republic the executive and legislative branches are designed to directly reflect the will of the people.  Elected officials have no platform, no stand on issues as they are obliged to follow the will of the people who elected them.  Elected officials have no power except those granted by the constitution.  The people in this way hold the true power.  If any elected official fails to comply with these conditions they are immediately removed from office.  Government is to be of, by and for the people and the above description is the only way to guarantee this.  What the U.S. government is today is far away from what the founding fathers intended.  Federal, state and local governments have become entities that have stripped the people of the control over government and on almost a regular basis violate the will of the people.  These governments have transformed into hungry beasts that crave tax revenue which in many cases is wasted on useless things.  Now that citizens are taxed to the limit and governments have overspent causing huge deficits the federal government either prints money by fiat or borrows it in the form of selling bonds.  This printing and borrowing is what causes inflation.  The governments lie to the people with false economic numbers; measuring inflation, employment, gross domestic product and many other things to deceive the people to think things are better than they are.  The current president and vice president and the Democratic Party support many things that are nothing more than perversion,  have caused racial, political and economic division to support their agenda of a new world order, a world government.  There are also republicans called neocons but have changed the definition of the word to hide their real goals which they share with the democrats. President George H. W. Bush , a republican, was the first president to speak about this new world order in his state of the union address in 1991.  In order to have their new world order the nations must give up their sovereignty and freedom but these NWO criminals realize that the people in the U.S.A. will not do this voluntarily so they must tear down what is to build back better, which is the motto of the Biden /  Harris administration.  Donald Trump won the election in 2016 and disrupted all their plans and this enraged them to no end.  This is why they have gone after Trump with a hatred and vengeance unseen in political history.  

All this is going to end very badly and it will not matter who wins the election or even if there is an election.  The U.S.A. is the seventh king in Revelation 17:10,11 and must fall to make way for the eighth and what we have been seeing in the news is the beginning of that fall. 

As I have mentioned before I am apolitical and do not involve myself in the affairs of men.  I would recommend that you remain neutral and be loyal to the kingdom of GOD.  Prophecy has already determined what is coming and voting will not change that and the outcome will be as the prophets declared.  

We are living in perilous times and I am keeping watch on events as Jesus said we should.  Even though the immediate future is going to bring the false and real tribulations I agree with the Apostle John, even so, come Lord Jesus.  Revelation 22:20,21

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