Sunday, September 29, 2024



The problem of religion in this world, particularly the Christian religion, is that there is no longer anyone alive in the flesh who is recognized as a true man of GOD in the minds of all people .  Since this condition exists people have accepted human leaders that claim to be a true Christian, a man of GOD.  However there seems to be thousands of men and women that make this claim yet none of them are in total agreement about doctrine.  This condition is what I call Babylon.  No it is not the Babylon of Revelation 17:5 but a precursor, a similar thing.  There are many comments made by the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles about what conditions are to be like at the end of this current age.  None of them say anything about a gigantic revival that unites the thousands of churches.  In fact it is just the opposite.  What calls itself Christianity is actually paganism.  I do not care how much actual truth your church has, if they have a human leader then they are not the true church of GOD.  It is no wonder that highly intelligent people are either agnostics or atheists because what they have seen in scripture does not line up with what they see in the churches.  Rather than blame the men responsible they blame GOD or deny HIS existence.   People who are truly practicing their churches beliefs are deceived by a man but do not know this and are committed to this man fully. This man in effect is their GOD. Romans 6:16   Matthew 6:24.   Deceptions and lies in varying degrees are from these self appointed leaders.  Again, if you follow any man you are to some degree deceived.  No lie is of the truth.  It is impossible for GOD to lie.  Satan is the liar and father of lies.  I do not care how many truths your church may have, if you only have one lie the rest of your truths must transform to accommodate that one lie.  A little leaven leavens the whole lump.  It must be the true truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth else it is lies.  To deceive many all Satan needs to do is deceive your human leader and all who follow him will be deceived.  This has been and is the condition of the world’s churches for a very long time.  GOD, in eternity, knew this would happen and through the prophet Ezekiel revealed it to HIS elect saints.  

The actual number of true Christians is extremely few just as Christ and the Apostles told us.  GOD will not at this time bring any person into the church who HE knows would fail by committing the unpardonable sin.  GOD will wait until the millennium or second resurrection to open their minds to know HIM, HIS son and the gospel.

The saints had their names recorded in the Lambs book of life from the foundation of the world, so yes predestination is true.  Many more names will be added to this book in the millennium and second resurrection.  GOD alone determines who, and when. If someone is not called and chosen in this age they will be in the age to come.  



Legalism  Universalism Catholicism Armstrongism Pentecostalism  Trinitarianism  Liberalism Binitarianism   Unitarianism  Jehovahs Witnessesism  Mormonism  All Protestantism 


There are a lot more “isms” that are in the world but all of them have one thing in common, they are all lies.  Isms are carnal Satanically inspired ideas that are used to deceive.  

Another common thing is that all of them were the product of men of carnal minds.  The only "ism" that is true is Yahwehism or Christism.

If Yahweh through Christ did not teach you then you are deceived.  If you read books written by carnal men about their particular "ism" you are not taught by the Holy Spirit, and not even a spiritual babe, you fall for the lies contained in them the “isms”.  Mike Vinson is an excellent example of a carnal minded man, who does preach some truth on his website, also has some of the most blasphemous writings I have ever seen.  If you are a babe in Christ do not read his material as it is very convincing and highly deceptive.

Herbert Armstrong taught a mixture of both covenants but focused mostly on the law and had no idea of what grace is.  His teachings made sense to the carnal mind.  Armstrong was a false Apostle, false Prophet and a deceitful worker.  There must be over 50 splinter groups that have come out from Armstrongism.

The Pope in the Catholic Church is just a man who thinks he is far more than what he is, a demonically influenced man leading the eldest daughter of the harlot of Babylon.  Virtually everything that is taught by this church is false.  It is no wonder that the churches that came out during the reformation contain much of the false Catholic beliefs.  

Protestantism is a religious buffet, a smorgasbord, offering all kinds of false worship.  For carnal people there is probably something that you will like.  

Liberalism is truly an anything goes church.  They will accept people that traditionally are rejected by mainstream.  This church is especially popular with homosexuals and other types of sexual perverts.  This church also disbelieves other doctrines and denies miracles.  Basically you can do anything you want and still “go to heaven”.

Universalism says everybody will receive salvation and the people not saved by Christs sacrifice will be saved by the lake of fire.  They do not not understand the unpardonable sin. They say GOD created all sentient life evil both angels and humans. Then they say that GOD desires to show HIS great power by giving salvation to everyone and some of this belief system even give salvation to Satan and the demons.  They, like all other false churches, do have some truth but like all false churches more lie than truth.  

Yes, everyone has their isms but as for me I have GODISM and Christism only, everything else schism.

Friday, September 20, 2024



Another analogy.  GOD has a telephone and this phone is at HIS right arm .  When GOD calls some person on this private and unlisted phone most of the time HE gets a busy signal or the one HE calls hangs up on HIM.  On certain extremely rare occasions GODS call is answered by a person that has a true repentant attitude and then that persons name is listed in a spiritual phone book.  These people who have answered the calls now have contact with GOD through HIS telephone or perhaps more accurately telespirit.  Through this one spirit the people listed in the spiritual phone book receive spiritual information called doctrine and have access to all the spiritual blessings GOD alone can give.   The people that were too busy to answer or hung up on GOD in this present age will be called again in the age to come or the age after that.  Anyone that continually hangs up on GOD in any age will have service disconnected forever and their name removed from the spiritual phone book.  No one not listed in the book is able to make a call to GOD, although GOD does know your number, only GOD can initiate a conversation because all people born into this world have not had their bill paid for installation of the private line nor can they pay the bill because GOD will not accept any of their forms of payment.  GOD had to create the telephone network that would make communication with HIM possible and for the people who answer  HIS calls the service is free.   The telephone GOD created would have retroactive effects even covering some who lived before the telephone was created simply because they believed the telephone would be created, seeing things afar off so to speak .  Without GOD having created the spiritual telephone we would all have no hope and be cut off.  Remember all of you whose bill has be paid, you can call up GOD anytime so why don’t you give HIM a call and thank HIM for HIS  spiritual telephone.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



In a true representative republic the executive and legislative branches are designed to directly reflect the will of the people.  Elected officials have no platform, no stand on issues as they are obliged to follow the will of the people who elected them.  Elected officials have no power except those granted by the constitution.  The people in this way hold the true power.  If any elected official fails to comply with these conditions they are immediately removed from office.  Government is to be of, by and for the people and the above description is the only way to guarantee this.  What the U.S. government is today is far away from what the founding fathers intended.  Federal, state and local governments have become entities that have stripped the people of the control over government and on almost a regular basis violate the will of the people.  These governments have transformed into hungry beasts that crave tax revenue which in many cases is wasted on useless things.  Now that citizens are taxed to the limit and governments have overspent causing huge deficits the federal government either prints money by fiat or borrows it in the form of selling bonds.  This printing and borrowing is what causes inflation.  The governments lie to the people with false economic numbers; measuring inflation, employment, gross domestic product and many other things to deceive the people to think things are better than they are.  The current president and vice president and the Democratic Party support many things that are nothing more than perversion,  have caused racial, political and economic division to support their agenda of a new world order, a world government.  There are also republicans called neocons but have changed the definition of the word to hide their real goals which they share with the democrats. President George H. W. Bush , a republican, was the first president to speak about this new world order in his state of the union address in 1991.  In order to have their new world order the nations must give up their sovereignty and freedom but these NWO criminals realize that the people in the U.S.A. will not do this voluntarily so they must tear down what is to build back better, which is the motto of the Biden /  Harris administration.  Donald Trump won the election in 2016 and disrupted all their plans and this enraged them to no end.  This is why they have gone after Trump with a hatred and vengeance unseen in political history.  

All this is going to end very badly and it will not matter who wins the election or even if there is an election.  The U.S.A. is the seventh king in Revelation 17:10,11 and must fall to make way for the eighth and what we have been seeing in the news is the beginning of that fall. 

As I have mentioned before I am apolitical and do not involve myself in the affairs of men.  I would recommend that you remain neutral and be loyal to the kingdom of GOD.  Prophecy has already determined what is coming and voting will not change that and the outcome will be as the prophets declared.  

We are living in perilous times and I am keeping watch on events as Jesus said we should.  Even though the immediate future is going to bring the false and real tribulations I agree with the Apostle John, even so, come Lord Jesus.  Revelation 22:20,21

Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Jesus Christ the son of the living GOD, the messiah, the mediator between GOD and humanity made this statement; Matthew 5:18   Luke 16:17   All things have not yet been fulfilled therefore everything written in the law is still in force.  With this fact in mind let us examine the law.

Romans 3:20  There is no justification if you keep the law.  The law is the knowledge of sin.

Romans 8:3   GOD has done what the law could not do, condemn sin in the flesh.

Galatians 5:18   If you are led by GODS spirit then you are not under the law.  

Galatians 3:13   If you are a law keeper then you are cursed.  Only through Christ is this curse removed.

Galatians 2:19   If you are considered dead in Christ then,  Romans 6:11   Romans 7:4   

Romans 3:21 GODS righteousness is without the law.  Israel was ignorant of GODS righteousness and tried to establish their own righteousness by the law and did not submit themselves to the righteousness of GOD by faith.  Romans 10:3,4   The Apostle Paul learned this lesson.  Philippians 3:9   Isaiah tells us this very thing,  Isaiah 64:6   You see, the righteousness of the law keeper is self righteousness but the righteousness of GOD is a gift through faith. Romans 5:15,17   When Moses brought the law to Israel the offense of sin increased but GODS grace increases even more therefore, 1 Timothy 1:14 

Galatians 2:21  Galatians 3:21   Righteousness is not of the law and if we are not righteous we will not be in the kingdom of GOD.  1 Corinthians 6:9   Matthew 6:33   Law keepers do not have the righteousness of GOD by faith .  The law continually condemns you as a sinner to death as the scripture says plainly that the law does not give life. 

There are 613 commandments in the law and law keepers must keep all of them.  James 2:10  Galatians 5:3  Deuteronomy 27:26  Galatians 3:10    It is totally impossible to keep the law.  If you are in any way a law keeper then you are denying the work of Christ and Christ will be of no help to you.  Galatians 5:4  Romans 9:31  Galatians 5:2  Galatians 2:21   

Oh foolish law keepers who has bewitched you .

I personally love GODS law because as a schoolmaster it led me to Christ,  Galatians 3:24  but when faith came to me the schoolmaster was no longer needed and this is how the law is good if used properly.  1 Timothy 1:8  

It is GOD who calls and chooses the saints, many are called but few are chosen.   GOD is the only one that can open the mind to understand.

Saturday, September 14, 2024



The human body and the human spirit combined is a soul.  Humans do not have multiple natures.  A human cannot be part human and part something else and still be human.  There has never been a human hybrid, we are all human.  Jesus had to be human and be created just as all,of us were created.  Hebrews 2:16,17   Hebrews 2,14  Philippians 2:7  The mother of Jesus, Mary, was the dust of the ground and his human spirit came from GOD.  All humans are the dust of the ground with a human spirit.  There can be no exceptions.

The nature Adam had before he sinned was not evil or righteous but ignorant of the knowledge of good and evil.  Once Adam disobeyed GOD he acquired the knowledge of good and evil.  To sin requires that you have this knowledge and refuse the good but do the evil it is sin.  James 4:17   John 9:41   2 Peter 2:21   This sin of Adam changed his nature from the way GOD originally created him and Adam took on the nature of Satan.  John 8:44   Acts 26:18  

In many scriptures Jesus is plainly called a man and called himself the son of man.  There are about 300 prophecies in the old covenant that foretold things about Christ, Christ was a prophetic figure and did not exist until he was in his mothers womb.  When reading the prophecies  it is important to note that they use future tense words like; shall , he will, will be, will perform, he shall bear their sins.  

Friday, September 6, 2024



Questions about the Ten Commandments and Law of Moses.

Scripture testifies that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of GOD.  1 Corinthians 6:9         Also scripture says, “there is none righteous no not one for all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of GOD.”    Romans 3:10,23        We must ask, does the law produce the required righteousness to be in the kingdom of GOD ?      Galatians 2:21   The Ten Commandments given through Moses to Israel was the core of the old covenant along with the book of the law of Moses.  The Ten Commandments were in the ark of the covenant and the law of Moses in a place outside on the ark.  Deuteronomy 31:26   The statutes were the Ten Commandments and the judgements were in the book of Moses along with the works or service to GOD.    Romans 9:4   While the law is holy, just and good it seems that it cannot provide salvation because it made no one righteous.   Ephesians 2:8       The way the law operates is that two or more human witnesses must testify to what they have seen and or heard someone say or do to the priest and then the accused was stoned to death without mercy.       Hebrews 10:28      There is no repentance or forgiveness in the law, if you sin you die.   The law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.  John 1:17  The law should never be hated or despised because GOD uses it to draw the saints to HIS son and the law is a schoolmaster to teach us what we are, sinners in need of a savior.  Galatians 3:24  but after faith came we are no longer under the schoolmaster of the law.  Galatians 3:23,24,25    King David loved GODS law for this very reason.   Psalm 119:97   All people who are not in Christ are under all of the law, Israelites and Gentiles.  Romans 3:19      Jesus said not one jot or tittle will pass away from the law until all things are fulfilled and when heaven and Earth pass away.        Matthew 5:18   Revelation 21:1     The law defines sin for the carnal mind as transgression of the law but in the new covenant this has been magnified and for the saints sin is whatever is not of the love of GOD.        The law, the old covenant could only produce death but the new covenant is the only way we can draw near to GOD.      Hebrews 7:19     Hebrews 8:7,8   Jeremiah 31:31,32        This is because GODS love is the fulfillment of the law and it is GODS love working in the saints rather than us working in the law to obtain the righteousness of GOD by faith  and not by works in the law.   Romans 13:10   Philippians 3:9        

When anyone thinks they need to keep the law, Ten Commandments or law of Moses ,  they actually deny Christ.  Galatians 5:4   Mixing the old and new covenants together produces nothing, you are either in one or the other.  


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...