Saturday, March 23, 2024


It seems that we have established the fact of deception in the worlds churches.  This was prophesied by the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles.  When looking at the total number of all the members of all the churches it is about 2.2 billion people.  Yahweh has over the centuries called many people to come out of these churches but many did not answer the call.  The people who did answer came out and separated themselves from the lies, confusion and deception.

These people became part of the elect, that group called in this current age before the great tribulation.  The very first of these elect was Able and the last is unknown.  When the last of this group of elect is called and chosen they will all be sealed in their human spirits with the mark of Yahweh weather dead or alive. They are the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel, the combination of saints before and after Jesus as Romans 11 and Hebrews 11 show.  This will be the first harvest, the barley harvest, and they are symbolized by the two loaves of bread in Leviticus 23:17 .  Jesus gave a parable in Matthew 13:33 that explains the three groups that in their assigned time will be offered salvation.  The first group is the 144,000, the second group is during the millennium and the last group in the second resurrection.  These are the three measures of meal, the leaven symbolizes Yahwehs Holy Spirit that just as physical leaven overtime spreads through the three measures Yahwehs spirit spreads through people.  It should not be taken as an insult or viewed as elitism to be in the 144,000 because it is Yahwehs business alone as to what group a person will be in.  If a person is a new convert they need to realize that they must make a clean and complete break from the world and its ways.  This will require a certain amount of time, as each person is different, to understand the totality of what not being of this world truly means.  The Apostle John brings this out plainly, 1 John 5:19 , 1 John 4:6  .  Sometimes it is difficult to determine what is of the world from what is of Yahweh, we must sharpen our spiritual senses to determine good from evil, Hebrews 5:14 .  All the elect have baggage from the world that overtime needs to be discarded.  This requires constant use and training in the spirit of Yahweh.  Along the way we may try to make excuses to continue in the worlds ways until we finally realize that it is futility and unGodly.  The separation from this world must be complete not partial.  I am not writing about obvious things, but the things that are not obvious and only become known by growing in grace and knowledge.  We do not all travel the narrow road in one big group, but as a strung out line due to the time we were chosen and how long we have traveled that narrow road. We are all at different stages of growth but we all have the same destination.  To whom much is given, Luke 12:48 much more will be required.  We are Yahwehs servants, and if in ignorance do wrong will be corrected by a loving Father for our own good.  Hebrews 12:9  .  This is where the strong can help the weak or the babe in Christ.  How long has it been since your eyes of understanding were opened ?  If not long then you are a babe, but if many years there should be much growth unless you have buried you talent.

We are here to follow the will of Yahweh as demonstrated to us by Jesus.

Saturday, March 9, 2024




Matthew 5:40 , If someone will sue you for your coat let him have your cloke also. 

How far do we go with this, should we strip naked ?  Going the extra mile is to do more than just the basics or not being only a hearer but a doer.  Paul said, as much as it depends on you live in peace with all men. You cannot control what men may do that goes far beyond what you are obligated to do. 

Matthew 5:39 , do not resist evil people. If someone slaps your right cheek offer the left as well.

Basically we are to overcome evil with good, so did Jesus tell us to allow evil people to do anything to us they want ?  There is a scripture that says God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear but with that temptation provide a means of escape. 

Matthew 5:11-12  , blessed are you when men revile and persecute you, say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.  Rejoice, and be very glad, for great is your reward, for they also persecuted the prophets before you.  

Nothing is said here about physical violence.

Should we literally pluck out our eye or cut off our hand ?  If so, we all would be missing eyes and hands.   Don’t we know that it is our human spirit that sins not our body, then how would mutilating our bodies stop sin?  Jesus even brings this out when he spoke about adultery and murder, that sin is in our spirits.  If Jesus literally means we should mutilate ourselves why not just cut our heads off because dead men can’t sin.  Romans 6:7 Our spirit is to control our body not our body our spirit. Romans 6:12-14 , Paul gives a more clear understanding of what Jesus said.  Yield your body to God , as those who are alive from the dead, as an instrument of righteousness.   We are to be living as though we were in the kingdom now.   Spiritual wisdom must be applied to everything Jesus said, looking at his words spiritually not carnally.  What was sin 5,000 years ago is still sin today, God does not change the rules for some while enforcing them on others.  Solomon said there is a time for everything under the sun, we just need to know those times.  David was a man after Gods own heart yet David killed, not murdered, but when David did murder Uriah this greatly displeased God.  Even physical violence may sometimes be required in an act of love to defend others from evil men.  Just to stand by and do nothing would not show love.  1 John 3:17 , James 2:16 ,  Psalm 82:3,4 Proverbs 24:11 Moses, Sampson and Abraham all killed but never murdered anyone. It boils down to what the thought and intent of your human spirit is when you act or speak.  God knows your thoughts and motives and if driven by HIS love for others to protect and defend them against evil then this is good in Gods eyes.



Politics: the activities associated with the government of a country and the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.    Politics is about power.  If you are a Christian then you should be very concerned about what Yahweh thinks and declares about human governments.  Christians must obey the law of the land, AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT CONFLICT WITH THE WILL OF YAHWEH.  With Moses Yahweh gave HIS law, this law is not for a righteous man, a man with Yahwehs imputed righteousness by faith. 1 Timothy 1:9  The saints are bound by the law of agape that will do no harm and therefore will fulfill any law especially the Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments are for carnal people, all people, not just carnal Israel, Romans 3:19 . The law condemns all carnal people to the second death because of sin.  Jesus does not save people from the first death that is appointed to all men simply because they are mortal.  Jesus saves people from total and complete annihilation of the soul, both body and human spirit. If this was not true then why are there resurrections ?  It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. Jeremiah 10:23  The proof of humanity’s inability to govern themselves is their history.  Today the U.S. is in the process of electing a president.  If you have been watching the news you should know that there is bitter conflict and division in the nation over Trump or Biden. Ever since the founding of this nation competing political parties have been fighting for power and today it continues.  Politics is a filthy thing that has no hope of the utopia each party promises.  To be involved in politics is to be part of the problem not the answer.  Look at all the elections there has been then look at what we face today.  Over and over we elect and elect hoping for  change and this is a sign of insanity. If you are Yahwehs saint your hope is in HIM and HIS kingdom not human government because we seek a heavenly country our citizenship is in heaven.  Philippians 3:20 , Hebrews 11:16   We are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world, to come out from among the world and be separated. Jesus said he was not of this world and if we are in him then neither are we.  Being involved in politics is similar to being involved in the law, politics makes laws.  If it was possible I would vote for Jesus but there is no voting with Yahweh, Yahweh is a king, a monarch, who has appointed HIS son as king under HIM. There is no voting in a kingdom. Humanity will never know true righteous government until Yahweh brings it to us at HIS sons return.  

Friday, March 8, 2024


The study of scripture must contain both covenants in order to have a complete understanding of the meaning of scripture.  The Bible is collection of different authors all inspired by the spirit of Yahweh.  The Bible is basic instruction before life everlasting .  

Both Ezekiel and the Apostle John were instructed to eat a scroll.  Ezekiel 3:1 , Revelation 10:9   The scroll or little book was to be sweet as honey in their mouths ,  Ezekiel Ezekiel 3:3 , Revelation 10:9  then bitter in their belly,  Ezekiel 3:14 , Revelation 10:9   The scrolls writings contained lamentations, mourning and woe, Ezekiel 2:10 ,  Revelation 8:13 , Revelation 15:6 .  Both Ezekiel and Revelation speak of an image,  Ezekiel 8:3,4,5  Revelation 13:15 , Romans 1:23 , Psalm 78:58   Ezekiel and Revelation mentions measuring the temple,  Ezekiel 41:13 , Revelation 11:1   Ezekiel and Revelation have visions of God, Ezekiel 1:1 , Revelation 4:1,2 .  Ezekiel 23:32,33,34  ,  Revelation 14:10 , Revelation 17:4 Revelation 18:6   The seal of Yahweh on the foreheads of the saints,  Ezekiel 9:4 , Revelation 7:3   There are many more commonalities with Ezekiel and Revelation showing how the sure word of prophecy should be heeded and that the prophets were writing to the church.  2 Peter 1:19 , 1 Peter 1:12   The Apostles and Jesus preached the gospel by the oracles of Yahweh.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

EZEKIEL 34 The Lord is my Shepherd

Ezekiel  chapter 34 is similar to Jeremiah chapter 25 in that it is a prophecy but is about how Yahweh would deal with the Satanic efforts to destroy the gospel message.  Yahweh is omniscient, HE knows absolutely everything and has in eternity. Isaiah 46:10  Yahweh knew that Satan and his human agents; ministers, pastors, preachers, evangelists, or any other human who presents themselves as a teacher or leader, AFTER THE DEATH OF THE APOSTLE JOHN,  were going to appear and bring in damnable heresies that pervert all truth. Jude 1:4

 The true church since the death of the Apostle John changed drastically in the way of organization.  All the offices listed in Ephesians 4:11 are no more except that of prophet and prophetess because it is by divine revelation through Christ that all Christians are taught the truth.  John 6:45

Ezekiel 34:1 begins with the prophecy against the shepherds of Israel.  This Israel mentioned here is spiritual Israel, the church.  Ezekiel 34:2-6 shows how these false shepherds treated the flock.  Special notice to Ezekiel 34:4  strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind the injured, bring back strays, search for the lost are all the teachings of Christ and the Apostles. Matthew 9:36,  Matthew 18:12  Under the law no mercy was shown, you break the law you die. Hebrews 10:28  The flock became scattered over all the Earth.  John 10:12 James 1:1 KJV ,  Mark 13:27 , Matthew 24:31 , Isaiah 40:11  The shepherds , after John, until this day feed the flock with lies and charge them for it.  Then here is Yahwehs remedy, Ezekiel 34:11,12  the day of thick darkness is when Jesus returns. Joel 2:1-2  More of Yahwehs remedy, Ezekiel 34:14 , Psalm 23:1-3  Yahwehs right arm, Jesus Christ, is Yahwehs salvation and by the will of Yahweh, Jesus is the only leader or shepherd of Christians. John 10:11,14  Yahweh by HIS Holy Spirit is the only teacher through Christ, all human shepherds are no more, the saints have no need of them.  1 John 2:27 ,  Matthew 23:10  The false shepherds try to do only what Yahweh and Christ can do.  They have set themselves up, Yahweh did not send them. Many of these false shepherds come in the name of Jesus preaching that Jesus is the Christ but yet deceive many. Matthew 24:4-5   Even though there are dozens of scriptures that confirm what I have written here, many will not give up on their human shepherds.  Christ gave his life so that ALL CHRISTIANS may have contact through him with Yahweh.  It is up to each of us to decide who is their shepherd, but the Lord Jesus Christ is my shepherd.

Monday, March 4, 2024


 Jeremiah 25:1  This prophecy was for Judah and Jerusalem and informs us that for 23 years Jeremiah and other prophets have warned the people of their failure to repent but they did not listen.  God warns the people of punishment for their disobedience. History may not always exactly repeat but it often rhymes.  Jeremiah 25:10 is rhyming with Revelation 18:23 , Jeremiah 7:34 , Jeremiah 16:9  and this is not a coincidence.  Jeremiah 25:12  says the desolation will be everlasting, going against the 70 years commonly thought of by most biblical historians to be the time of Judahs captivity.

Jeremiah 25:13  notice, all the words God pronounced that are written in the book of Jeremiah for all nations.  This is future because God has never punished all nations at any time in the past.  Jeremiah 25:15-16 rhymes with Revelation 14:10 , Psalm 60:3 , Isaiah 51:17  this is not a coincidence either.  This cup is given first to Judah and Jerusalem  , then to all the nations of Earth. Jeremiah 25:26,31

Judah and Jerusalem drink a double portion of Gods wrath which agrees with Revelation 18:3,6  Isaiah 40:2 , Jeremiah 16:18 , Jeremiah 17:18 .

Jeremiah 25:32 rhymes with Luke 21:25 , Isaiah 17:12  this too is not coincidence.  Jeremiah is writing about the future in these verses.  Jeremiah is describing events that will happen during the time of Jacobs trouble, the great tribulation. For God to mention Judah and Jerusalem first and by name is significant because a nation cannot be punished if it does not exist.  Judah and Jerusalem or Israel today, after passing out of existence for almost 2,000 years, has risen again, Revelation 13:1 .  It was, is not, but now is,  Revelation 17:11,8 .  The captivity of Judah and Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar was a shadow type of the great tribulation just as Adam was a shadow type of Christ.  

Jeremiah  25  is another clue because the modern nation of Israel is in reality Judah as the northern kingdom of Israel disappeared from history leaving only Judah to return after 70 years by a decree by Cyrus king of Persia.  Modern Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948 and after 70 years would be May 14, 2018. This “after 70 years” would be up until May 13, 2028 because it is not after 80 years.  Therefore, it may be that sometime before 80 years the false tribulation, man of sin covenant with ten nations and false millennium will take place during the first 3 1/2 years of the seven year covenant. After this God then begins fulfilling the events in Jeremiah 25 .  Daniels last week of the 70 week prophecy or 7 years is what Jeremiah 25 describes.  

 When you consider the rebellion of Israel when coming out of Egypt, their rebellion under the judges, rebellion under their kings and the murder of the son of God and their end time alliance with the man of sin it is no wonder they receive a double portion of Gods wrath.  God will after all this yet show them mercy.  


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...