Sunday, December 24, 2023


What are the end time elect supposed to do ?


The end time elect are living in a world filled with deception.  Satanic activity is ever increasing with violence, immoral behavior and perversion.  The ability of the elect to live peacefully and quietly is effected because the chaos has spread to unconverted family, friends , employers and all institutions of society.  In the midst of all of this some very few people are asking questions because they know this is not normal or right.  It may be that one of these asks you, “why are things this way, what is going on” ,  or they may ask , “is this the great tribulation “ .  By using your spiritual sense you can determine if the questioner is sincere or not.  If not keep quiet but if sincere then you should always be ready to give an answer.  The elect know that all of the 144000 have not yet been chosen.  God will finish that number before the tribulation.  It is very likely that God will use any of us as a tool to to stir up the mind or spirit of the one who asks us a question.  

During the tribulation according to Daniel, those who know their God shall instruct many, that’s you and me and all the elect who do the instructing.  Why then would we not think that we would do the same before the tribulation. All of the elect at this time should remember how God called and chose them.  In the parable of the talents we know that the talent symbolizes the portion of Gods spirit each elect receives, the spirit of God is the talent.  God gives to each of the elect a measure of His spirit in accordance to what He expects of them and to whom much is given much is required. In other words God expects a return on His investment in us.  God expects growth in the spirit from us no matter what measure of His spirit we were given.  We should be alert and ready always in the event God will require something from us.  Now, pre tribulation, to aid in the addition of an elect and in the tribulation aid in the teaching of the innumerable multitude.  This is a great honor for us to serve God in any way He desires.  

Wednesday, December 20, 2023




The title above was the response given to an article that I posted.  The man was obviously upset about something I wrote and most definitely did not agree.  This is his right as I do not demand neither do I expect what I write to be understood.  The members of this forum are a mix of difference theologies from different perspectives and many have been seriously injured psychologically by organizations they formerly belonged to.  I understand this and have compassion for them as I too experienced the same from my former organization.  A big difference between myself and others is that my conversion happened 30 years ago and from what I gather for most if not all of you it has been much less.  I came to this forum about a year ago, not to teach or get a following but to share.  Paul says we should edify, share what we have been given , to lift up others to whom it has been given to understand.  I have said that every true Christian today is directly taught by God through Jesus by divine revelation just as the Apostles were.  This means that all the saints today are prophets and prophetesses.  There is no human ministry because the anointing we have is our teacher.  Now I can say this is the truth but I do not think anyone here would agree. This has been for the most part the response to all my articles and it is exactly what I expected.  The world is a mass of spiritual confusion with so many voices and most in opposition to each other over doctrine.  This makes it impossible for the truth of God to be heard because it would be viewed as just one more voice among many.  In one of my articles I wrote about the 144,000 and deliberately left out information because I knew it would not be believed.  I did the same with all of the articles I have written as sort of a test to see if anyone would respond by including what I left out.  This would be to me the sign of a mature Christian.  I am falsely perceived by blah, blah, blah  as arrogant and less inspired than he when the reverse is true.  He has a very long way to go but with his cocky attitude he is in for a fall.  I have noticed that everyone of you has put some man you esteem as a great man of God over you in the Lord even though some of you deny this.  I view all Christians, after the death of the Apostle John, to have no man on Earth as their leader or teacher because this has been the mistake made ever since the days of the Apostles.  Today the churches are being controlled by a modern day Diotrephes. The Apostles were real men of God and once they all died their office died with them the woman was attacked by the serpent and driven into the wilderness while false churches usurped the name Christian.  This is the world we live in today but the level of deception has grown and truth has been cast to the ground  and trampled.  I wrote about the Elijah to come that Jesus told us about, I explained in detail with scripture that this is the Holy Spirit of the Father through Jesus .  The false shepherds, human ministry, are completely removed and God took total control of His church;  but how many of you understood, how many even read it.  I have warned you that if you have a man as a shepherd you are deceived but you do not hear.  I explained that an excellent deception contains elements of both truth and lies and I gave proof to you  of how one of your shepherds has deceived you.  Again, I was not expecting any of you to even get a glimmer concerning what I have written but there are a few of you that I think may have had some eye salve.  I do not say things to insult, injure, hurt or to be thought of by you as arrogant, conceited or haughty;  I have written the truth in love, going to great lengths to use edifying words, to use my gift to aid you. 

I have traveled that straight and narrow way far longer than any of you and I have not buried my talents but I asked, I sought and I knocked and the Philadelphian door was open for me and not for me alone but for all of Gods elect saints.  This has been the most amazing event in my life, I have found that good part and it will not be taken from me. 

Matthew 12:30  describes the false shepherds like Diotrephes, who are in control of what calls itself Christianity.  These are against Christ and do not gather but scatter scatter the sheep.  They feed themselves by fleecing the sheep and feed the sheep lies and false doctrine.  The sheep were scattered into many different false churches when there is to be only one church. God has removed these shepherds from tending HIS flock and HE will do the calling, choosing, teaching and leading.  The Lord is my shepherd and with HIM I have no want but was spiritually starved to death by the false shepherds.  Come out of them, be separate, have nothing more to do with these unclean shepherds and I will receive you.  This is the prophecy of Ezekiel 34 .  Isaiah 40:11 , John 10:8-11 ,  Jeremiah 23:1  These scriptures are all prophetic and describe what happened to the church of Pentecost.  Evil men waxed worse and worse deceiving and being deceived and usurped the name of Christian and grew in great numbers.  While this was taking place God was calling out a remnant of true believers to add to those HE had already elected since the day of righteous Able until this day and when GOD completes , fulfills the number of 144,000 ,the open door will be shut.   Anyone who reads these words and in truth understands them, blessed are you little flock, do not be afraid, for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 

Monday, December 18, 2023



The Apostle Paul wrote about conscience, the inner feeling or voice acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of our behavior. In Christian life this concerns spiritual things, the things of God and Christ.  1 Corinthians 8:1-13 is scripture addressing conscience and so is 1 Corinthians 10:27-32 .  Those who are strong in the faith should bear the weak and be willing to limit their freedom in Christ for the sake of all people.  The strong know they can eat anything, even food sacrificed to idols and that all days are indeed alike. However this knowledge is not in all people.  Paul’s letter to the Galatians shows Paul’s anger over them keeping days, months, seasons and years. God, who is spirit cannot be worshipped in this way because it uses the physical to worship a God who is to be worshipped in spirit. No physical thing is to be used to worship God or His son because physical things are not spirit.  Colossians 2:6-8  makes it very plain that deception based on human traditions and the spiritual forces (Satan) of the world ,  2 Corinthians 4:4 , are not of God and Christ. Even weak Christians are not to remain weak but rather grow in grace and knowledge to become strong.  Strong Christians have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them, expose them for what they are to the weak Christian but not to the world because they will turn and rent you to pieces.  Ephesians 5:6-7 .  We can associate with people of the world but it is very wise to not get involved in their spiritual practices.  You could find yourself in a very uncomfortable situation.  Do we not know the Father is the only true God but most people in the worlds understanding say Jesus is God too.  They think God died for them.  The world has its ways and the church has its ways, which of these ways do you think are of God ?  

Proverbs 1:10 , Romans 13:12 , 2 Corinthians 6:14 ,  Romans 12:2

Yes, we are to love God and our neighbors but should we love our neighbors more than God.  This is a question that should be easy to answer but with a babe in Christ it may not.  A babe only recently was converted and needs to grow and God is able to make him Stand or fall as he is the Lords servant not ours.  The strong can help the weak in love, careful not to offend their developing conscience in the Lord who in time will strengthen them.  Politics and religion are said to be things not to discuss as both have the potential to produce bad results. We know this ,so why open ourselves up to even that possibility.  Matthew 7:6 is the chance your taking when you mix it up in the worlds politics or religion. Years ago, before I learned this lesson I got myself into numerous troubles, Jesus was right, they rent me into pieces. Wisdom is learned over time and through experiences. 1 Peter 2:2 

When a person is unconverted all they have is carnal consciousness and are only able to operate in man’s wisdom, it is only when converted that a person’s consciousness is linked to YAHWEH.  This link enables them to think spiritually, to come to the knowledge of the truth, to be taught of YAHWEH through Christ.  The faith carnal people have is carnal, they are carnal minded.  The faith of a Christian is spiritual, a gift and a fruit of the spirit of YAHWEH.  

Carnal people say they cannot go against their conscience when they make decisions and so their decisions will be carnal.  Christians become engaged in a spiritual warfare with this carnal conscience to defeat it, overcome it and become more like Christ.  

Christians are to die to their pre-converted self , their carnal conscience and carnal thinking so to be transformed into the spiritual.  

Christians are bought with a price and are not their own, they belong to YAHWEH who demands total love and obedience from HIS saints.  Christians are not to become involved in this carnal world’s religions, governments, politics or causes.  How can anyone claim to be not of this world when they are neck deep in it ?   If your consciousness is not linked to YAHWEH then you are not a Christian.  The old carnal saying is to let your conscience be your guide , that is your unconverted conscience, but with a Christian YAHWEHS spirit is your guide.  Lean not to your own understanding, your own conscience,  Proverbs 3:5,6   Christians are to have the mind, conscience, of Christ who had the mind of YAHWEH.  Christians must be of one mind, spirit and conscience awareness by being in Christ who is in YAHWEH.   The truth of YAHWEH is revealed to our conscience by the spirit of YAHWEH though Christ.  A Christians conscience in the truth is confirmed by YAHWEH.  Romans 9:1   Galatians 1:20   2 Corinthians 4:2  Romans 2:15   2 Corinthians 1:12   

Your human spirit is your mind, your consciousness and when unconverted is totally cut off from YAHWEH.  Let this mind which was in Christ be in you, we are to have the mind, the consciousness of Christ who was one with his GOD.  

I am very aware that the subject of conscience is ,for a babe in Christ, a difficult thing to grasp but babes are to grow, mature, increase in spiritual knowledge to come to see that they cannot allow their former carnal conscience to guide them, they must become a new creation, not of this world.  

Thursday, December 14, 2023



Would you belong to a church that you knew was not the true church ?  With about 55,000 different churches today which one is the true ?  This article is intended for those people who have read and studied scripture seriously on their own or perhaps in a small group.  I hope you know the scriptures very well so that I do not have to baby you and write them out.  This article is for those who are willing to diligently search, to ask, seek and knock so that the door of revelation knowledge can be opened for you.  If you are a person content with modern day churchianity and question nothing but just believe the pastor then not only are you deceived but are also willingly ignorant.  Church is people communicating about spiritual things as an orderly group in which all members may participate.  Church is not a one man show.  Church is not a live band playing music while the people dance and wave their hands.  Church is not about money, tithes and offerings.  Church is not about the great commission or winning souls for Jesus.  What is recognized and accepted today as church is not the true church.  All of the pomp and circumstance in the worlds churches is an attempt to mimic what they think scripture says about the church.  When a person with some biblical knowledge examines the church of the scriptures and compares that to the churches of this world they will see no comparison at all.  The true church that is here in this world is not of the worlds ways.  The true church conducts itself in such a way as to be totally unknown by the the worlds churches.  The true church is to be a light to the world and not a blast horn in the dark.  Worldly churches are carnal minded spiritually ignorant 501C3 organizations referred to in Revelation as synagogues of Satan.  There exists now on Earth a remnant of true believers that were called and chosen by the Father and drawn to the son for salvation at the second advent.  These are the elect saints that total in number 144,000 from the time of righteous Able to when the door is shut.  The worlds churches are pretenders that are ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  This causes them to fill in with carnal thinking what the think the truth is.  At this time these charlatans have dominated the minds of all that is falsely called Christianity.  In reality they combine certain elements of Christianity with paganism resulting in either whole lies or half truths.  The true church is taught by the Father through Jesus, each member contributes what is revealed to them, there is order and mutual love and respect with an attitude of being thankful if shown wrong about any topic being discussed rather than taking offense.  The false churches together have billions of members but the true church has extremely few.  If you know your scripture you should know that.  A person who is an elect saint of God is somewhat like being invisible to the world, not sight wise but in understanding and acknowledgement as to who they are the world hasn’t a clue.

The world’s churches are what God calls people out of not into. They were never a part of true Christianity but are deceived by Satan to think they are.  The revealing of this great deception will be in the future but for now it is what is.  No one can join the true church, it is God who puts you in it.  Once God does this then His Spirit is your only teacher and Jesus is your only mediator and leader.  

Tuesday, December 12, 2023





Romans 7:20 is perhaps a puzzling verse to some.  What does it mean ? “ Now if I do what I do not want to do it is no longer I who do it but it is sin that  dwells in me.”  A true Christians mind , their human spirit,  is greatly desiring to obey God to fulfill the law with Gods love as Jesus did.   Even having the Holy Spirit does not eliminate sin instantaneously but sin is overcome as we live our lives in Christ.  1 John 1:10 “If we say we have not sinned we make Him a liar and His truth is not in us.”  Hebrews 12:1 (focus on this part of the verse) “and the sin which so easily ensnares us” .  1 Peter 4:18 (focus on) “And if the righteous scarcely be saved…).   All true Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare because our flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit.  Galatians 5:17 ,  Romans 7:15,  Romans 7:18 .  

Our human spirit is joined to the Lord and is one spirit with Him, however we are weak because of our flesh in which is no good thing.  This is why God will not glorify the fleshly body but replace it with a body composed totally of spirit.  Romans 8:8  If we have the Holy Spirit we have the helper, we can repent and ask for forgiveness and God sees our faith and pours upon us His grace and covers us with His righteousness.  This is why we have the final victory because Jesus already won it.  

God knows the thoughts and intents of our human spirit and He will know if our desire is to obey Him but because of the weakness of the flesh we actually go against our inner desire, our own will to obey and that is why it is no longer us that sin but sin that dwells in us.  Romans 7:18 Therefore,  Philippians 2:13 we become Gods work, 1 Corinthians 12:6 .  I am not saying that we should give up and just continue to sin, no, we must continue to fight the good fight, do not surrender to the enemy that we war against.  

Always remember the gospel message.  Jesus told us to forgive others who sin against us 70 times 7,  therefore we must go to GOD 70 times 7 when we sin.  This 70 times 7 doesn’t mean only 490, it means unlimited times.  When we forgive others we must also forgive ourselves. We must continue in the faith and grace of the gospel message and where sin abounds Gods grace abounds much more and mercy will triumph over judgment.  

Yes, we are very weak now but in the resurrection that will change,  1 Corinthians 15:42,43 , raised in glory, honor and power.  God looks at what our inner will and desire truly is and knows us.  Psalm 103:14  Proverbs 20:27   Remember these things next time the sin in you sins .

Monday, December 4, 2023




Do you think God in His appearance looks like you ?  If you look into a mirror are you seeing what God is ?  Is God composed of flesh and blood with head, arms and legs ?   What this way of thought does is make God in our image rather than we in His image because the image God created us in is spiritual not physical.  Humans have a human spirit, God is spirit.  Humans are sentient and so is God but to an infinite level whereas human extremely lower.  Humans were given dominion over the Earth but God has dominion over everything.  So then, humans are similar to God but on an extremely lower level.  According to Gods likeness.  The above explanation of image is the facts of how God made humans and this  “according to” is confirming those facts.  The Hebrew phrase image of God is, tzelem Elohim, Strongs concordance article # H6754 defines image as an illusion or phantom a vain show.  We humans were created as only a shadow of what God is.  That part of our soul called the breath of life is this shadow, our bodies are not of this shadow.  The human spirit is the shadow of Gods spirit.  Scripture confirms that humans are a spirit in a fleshly body. Job 32:8 ,  there is a spirit in man and the breath of the Almighty gives man understanding.  It is the spirit part of us that can think and reason, have understanding not our fleshly brain.  Our physical life is only possible because of this human spirit, Job 33:4 , Job 38:6 , 1 Corinthians 2:11 , Proverbs 20:27   Genesis is telling us that God created humans incomplete spirits in a mortal fleshly body. When we enter the kingdom of God we will be changed into the completed image of our God with an immortal spirit body.  Jesus was spiritually complete, one with his God, but in a mortal fleshly body.  Jesus was the fulfillment of what God said, let us make man after our image and according to our likeness, not in shadow but in spirit.  While we are flesh we walk as Jesus walked but when we are spirit, in the kingdom, we will also walk as Jesus, who is in that kingdom. All human beings are a spirit in a mortal body with free will fleshly intelligence.  If God calls and chooses us we are given a portion of His Spirit and become a new creation in Christ because we are now joined spiritually to God.  1 Corinthians 6:17 , Romans 8:9  We have hope that when Jesus returns that we will undergo a drastic twofold change or transformation; our flesh will be discarded and replaced with spirit and our human spirit given the divine nature in all fullness.  Jesus was the very first human to experience all that we yet hope for.  Jesus is the first born of many, the beginning of the real and true creation of his God.  


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...