Saturday, March 4, 2023


What Time Is It  ?


In the Greek language there are two words for time; first is chronos which is the constant forward movement of time with no cause or purpose other than existence.  The second word is kairos which is an extraordinary moment for a special purpose requiring interpretation, understanding the signs that occur in chronos and responding to them by faith. 

An example would be the creation of Jesus as kairos in the flow of chronos.  Chronos is Gods indirect will and kairos is Gods direct will; it is Gods intervention into the normal flow of the human experience. In chronos God allows whatever to happen happen but in kairos  God directly intervenes.  

All of humanity flows constantly forward in a river of chronos. During their lives many have a kairos experience but few respond to it. Those who do not respond return to chronos, those who do respond do also but within them is that kairos experience and although they are in chronos have many more kairos experiences.  Those who respond and those who do not continue in chronos until they dissolve into nothingness.  Chronos is Gods indirect will and kairos is Gods direct will. The responders are Gods elect saints who have been in kairos taught of God. The non responders remain in ignorance. The responders are spiritually minded and met oblivion with the hope of a promised future completely removed from chronos to live forever in kairos.

A kairos experience is extremely rare among humans as many are called but few are chosen. It is an experience of awe and wonder you might describe as an epiphany or a eureka moment. This is because God has contacted you, His Spirit to your spirit. It is by this spirit bond that you become a new creation while yet present in the old.  Since the change is by Spirit it cannot be perceived by the eyes of others. 

If you have experienced kairos then you understand what I have written here, if not then not.  You would not know what time it is.

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