Sunday, March 19, 2023


Anthony Buzzard


I have known Anthony for about 18 years.  I have had numerous conversations with him.  His style of conversation differs with his style of writing. In conversation he is vague, distant and sometimes seemingly incoherent.  In writing he is extremely long winded to the point of boredom.  What I could say in an hour would take Anthony all day. Anthony sees himself as an expert in the Greek and Hebrew languages and literally thinks that if you are not also then you are ignorant and your opinion is irrelevant.  I believe Anthony has a condition known as narcissistic personality disorder or NPD.  NPD is a mental condition in which a person has an inflated sense of self importance and is found more commonly in men who self consciously feel less masculine . It is one disorder used in an attempt to overcome another.

This condition has no cure.  It seems Anthony takes great pride in the title, third baronet, he likes being addressed as Sir Anthony.  All of this seems to impress his followers and admirers but it does not impress God Almighty, Christ or me.  It is all dung, a crock of manure.  I must give some credit to Anthony for having stumbled upon information that he acquired from reading and studying the views of historical Unitarians where he learned about the false trinity.  This was not divine inspiration but more like a blind squirrel finding an acorn.  It is like churches today saying they know Jesus when all they are doing is parroting words from scripture without any knowledge of what they mean.  I am aware that this all sounds cruel but scripture demands that people like Anthony need to be exposed for who they are. Romans 16:17-18 “ I appeal to you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine you have been taught; avoid them.  For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.”

Other true doctrines Anthony has he gleaned from his former church the Worldwide Church of God.

Anthony, in person, is a likable fellow, well mannered and with a dry British sense of humor.

It is his style of “teaching”  that is extremely lacking and on certain issues incorrect.  If you challenge Anthony while demonstrating to him that you are no novice he quickly goes on the defensive to the degree that he will cease all manner of communication as he did with me.

I bear no ill will towards Anthony and I would yet engage him on issues if he is only willing to listen to another’s views.  

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