Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Matthew 28:19

The Apostles never used the baptismal formula recorded as, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  This alone should be abundant proof that the verse was altered. Matthew knew that the Father was the Holy Spirit and not two distinct entities but the same entity which violates the trinity false doctrine. You are not baptized into God, you are baptized into Christ. 

At the council of Nicaea the scriptures used were older than what we have today.  Eusebius, a church historian, wrote a paper on baptism and quoted Matthew 28:19 with the words, “in my name”, meaning Jesus. Acts 2:38 Peter said, in the name of Jesus Christ and not a false Trinity formula.  If you were baptized in the trinity then you were baptized into nothing, baptism is in Jesus only, as we are baptized into his death, Romans 6:3-11 and resurrection symbolically but with a new life now in Christ.  Neither the Father or the Holy Spirit died for you, Jesus did. The Apostle Matthew would never had written this verse as we have it today.  We really have no idea how far back the trinitarians went in altering scripture to conform to the trinity. 

Everything we know about baptism is focused entirely on Christ, not the Father or some imaginary Holy Spirit third person.  Attempts to use Greek to justify this verse is absurd and ignores all the actual proof I have given here.  The Didache is used to support the triune formula but this work like all others that contain it are suspect. 

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