Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return. The following scriptures give an understanding that contradicts this idea.
Matthew 24:33 Mark 13:29 Luke 21:31 These scriptures say that when Christians see the fulfillment of the signs Christ gave they will know when the first advent is near.
1 Thessalonians 5:4 Christians are not in darkness, we can see the day approaching , it will not surprise us as a thief the way it does the world.
If it is YAHWEHS will for us to be of that group that is alive in the days preceding the first advent we will have seen with our eyes the fulfillment of many end time prophecies. 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 We will have witnessed the making of the covenant of the antichrist with the ten nations, we will have seen the antichrist proclaim himself god, we will have seen the ministry of the two witnesses and seen the horror of the great tribulation but are protected from it, Revelation 3:10 .
In the book of Daniel there is the very last week of the 70 weeks that will be the events that will culminate the end of the age. Daniel 9:27 This verse mentions the abomination of desolation Jesus spoke about, Matthew 24:15 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 Revelation 13:5,6,7 This abomination is set up around the midpoint of the seven year covenant antichrist made with ten nations. The total time of this covenant is 7 years or in the Hebrew calendar 2520 days so the mid point is 1260 days therefore the tribulation begins at around the 1260 days.
Christians know that the tribulation is cut short for the sake of the elect Christians alive at that time. Matthew 24:22 These Christians would then know that the final 1260 days would be cut short and would know by how many days. In Daniel the 2300 days mentioned here are when the sanctuary is cleansed, meaning that Christ will destroy the antichrist temple at his return. Originally there were 2520 days but cut short to 2300 days: 2520 - 2300 = 220 days , the tribulation is cut short by 220 days.
Putting this information together we can see that the first advent happens 2300 days after the antichrist covenant is made. Now there are other days mentioned in Daniel; the 1290 days in Daniel 12:11 , the sacrifices are ended at the antichrist temple and the abomination of desolation is set up. This means that from the beginning of the 7 year covenant it will be 1290 days until the these events occur. Then there is the 1335 days. Daniel 12:12 this is only 45 days after the 1290 when the abomination of desolation is set up and is when the Christians who are alive and remain will be sealed in their foreheads . Revelation 7:3 Ezekiel 9:4,5,6 Revelation 9:4 Satan has his own mark as well Revelation 13:16,17
The Christians who were alive when
sealed were joined with them who are also sealed while dead and these
dead will be resurrected and they along with the living will inherit the
kingdom. Revelation 20:4 Isaiah briefly mentions the great
tribulation in Isaiah 26:20,21 These numbers 1260, 1290, 1335 , 2300
and 2520 are in sequence beginning with the antichrist covenant and are
literal numbers and are not symbolic . Christians alive in these days
will know that when they see the two witnesses murdered in Jerusalem by
the antichrist that it will be 3 1/2 days till Christ returns because
the two witnesses will be raised from the dead and ascend into the air
along with all the saints from all times. Revelation 11:11 The same would be true of the
other days and with the passing of each of these days the time of the
first advent becomes clearer. At this time it is at the doors as Jesus
said. And understanding Daniels days we are not in darkness as Paul