Saturday, August 12, 2023

 Moral Decline


One of the common signs of a nation that is about to fall is moral decline, a steady downward spiral that usually begins with one or two sinful practices and over time adds more.  I remember a time when parents would have a daughter that got pregnant at 15 to 17 years of age and this was a great shame for the entire family but not today.  Premarital sex in 1940 was yet considered a sin but not today as parents get a hotel room for their children who go to their high school prom.  I remember when abortion was considered a horrifying evil but not today as many use it for birth control.  I remember when homosexuality was a great shame but not today and so transgenderism  is now acceptable.  What is next: beastiality, necrophilia, pedophilia ?  These perversions did not all show up at once but over time.  When a society accepts one perversion it will lead to others.   I am amazed at the great number of people that claim to be Christians yet accept and practice these abominations.  The truth, they are not Christians, their claims are empty words and are betrayed by their actions, they are hypocrites.  There is a growing movement in the world called progressive or liberal Christianity that believes modern social changes are to be accepted and that orthodox Bible believers are behind the times.  This church movement is a haven for people who do not want to repent of their sins but rather be accepted as normal.  This is calling good evil and evil good.  Someone who is a secret homosexual that would be expected to repent under orthodoxy need not under liberal Christianity.  The Bible’s orthodox teachings are heresy to liberal Christians.  If you doubt what I have written here look up liberal Christianity on the internet, you will get an eye full.  These LC’s have a goal to unify the Christian world with their teachings.  In truth they are in my view worse that many other groups as their stealth approach and $50.00 words confuse people as to their true motive.  It is good to remember the true words of scripture;  2 Peter 2:19 , 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 , Galatians 5:1 , Colossians 2:8   Try the spirit of liberal Christianity to see if it is of God or not.  

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