Sunday, March 19, 2023


The 144,000 in Perspective 


According to a report from the Global Economic Forum there are about 8 billion people in the world.  After accounting for many factors they further estimate that the total number of people who have ever lived is estimated at 117 billion.  Of these 109 billion are dead which means that for every person alive today 14 are dead.  Our current population of 8 billion is only 7% of all that have ever lived.  These are interesting statistics however I want to show my readers something even more amazing.  The book of Hebrews chapter 11 records that the very first of Gods elect was Abel, Adam and Eves second son, who was murdered by his brother Cain.  Abel was called “righteous” which indicates he was a man of faith, the same as Abraham and all the others mentioned in this chapter 11, known as the faith chapter.  These people are the elect of God before Christ, under grace and knowing the message of the gospel.  They are the root of the olive tree in Romans 11 into which the gentiles are grafted. These people were Christians and the church in the wilderness and included in the 144,000 of the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel recorded in Revelation chapter 7.  They along with those who came during and after Jesus will make up the 144,000.  Now of all people that have ever lived, 117 billion, only 1 of every 812,500 was an elect saint of God.  Now, of all who have lived , 117 billion, 109 billion are dead which means most of the elect are dead leaving only a paltry number, a remnant , alive today. Even though we do not know exact numbers we can know the number of the current elect is incredibly small.  These will be the saints who are yet alive when Christ returns.  These people are the only true Christians on Earth today. They are the “invisible church” the world doesn’t notice. They do not know each other or where each other are and are not an organization attempting to preach the gospel.  They live peacefully and quietly keeping themselves unspotted from the world. These saints love God and neighbor thus fulfill the law. These saints are taught spiritual knowledge by God through Jesus Christ by divine revelation.  All of the 144,00 are only the first fruits of the harvest at the return of Jesus with more to follow in the millennium and second resurrection.  Matthew 13:33 KJV

I know that the vast majority who read this will not believe it but I would challenge you to prove it out yourself.  At this present time not all the elect have been called and chosen, but when that number is fulfilled all of them , dead or alive will receive the seal of God in their foreheads. This event happens just before the start of the great tribulation.  During the tribulation another group called the innumerable multitude must suffer martyrdom to be in the kingdom with the elect in the first resurrection at the return of Jesus.  Then comes the millennium where people who had repented during the tribulation will live under the rule of Christ and the elect saints. Lastly there is the second resurrection where all that never new the truth from all time will be in a mortal resurrection excepting those who had committed the unpardonable sin.  At the end of this event there will be the white throne judgement where the righteous will enter the kingdom but the wicked cast into the lake of fire.  After this there will be endless ages where the kingdom will increase without end and righteousness prevails.

2 Peter 3:9 ,  If Yahweh were to give all people today HIS Holy Spirit many would perish because they would commit the unpardonable sin.  Instead, Yahweh will place each person in a time, predetermined , that will be the best for them .  In  the book of Revelation you read verses about how many refused to repent even though experiencing Yahwehs wrath.  Revelation 9:20 , Jeremiah 8:6 , Revelation 2:21-22 .  This is why Jesus spoke in parables, to hide the truth from those who would not repent but to the saints only was it given to know about the kingdom of Yahweh.  Matthew 13:10-17  This is the mercy of Yahweh to only call and choose each one in their own order.  1 Corinthians 15:23 ,  Revelation 20:5 , Revelation 20:11-15 .  The 144,000 are only the beginning not the end of Yahwehs plan of salvation.  

No human being controls becoming one of the elect, only Yahweh,  Acts 2:47 ,  Matthew 22:14 . 

I realize that former Jehovahs witnesses were lied to about the 144,000 however if you go to Yahweh through Jesus and ask for this wisdom and if HE is willing you may receive it .  James 1:5 , Psalm 51:6 , Proverbs 2:6 ,  Matthew 7:7 .  People sometimes ask, how do I know if I am one of the 144,000, if one has to ask then they are not because if you are you will know it.  Just like all truth no man can give the understanding of it, it must come from Yahweh through Christ to the elect.  


Anthony Buzzard


I have known Anthony for about 18 years.  I have had numerous conversations with him.  His style of conversation differs with his style of writing. In conversation he is vague, distant and sometimes seemingly incoherent.  In writing he is extremely long winded to the point of boredom.  What I could say in an hour would take Anthony all day. Anthony sees himself as an expert in the Greek and Hebrew languages and literally thinks that if you are not also then you are ignorant and your opinion is irrelevant.  I believe Anthony has a condition known as narcissistic personality disorder or NPD.  NPD is a mental condition in which a person has an inflated sense of self importance and is found more commonly in men who self consciously feel less masculine . It is one disorder used in an attempt to overcome another.

This condition has no cure.  It seems Anthony takes great pride in the title, third baronet, he likes being addressed as Sir Anthony.  All of this seems to impress his followers and admirers but it does not impress God Almighty, Christ or me.  It is all dung, a crock of manure.  I must give some credit to Anthony for having stumbled upon information that he acquired from reading and studying the views of historical Unitarians where he learned about the false trinity.  This was not divine inspiration but more like a blind squirrel finding an acorn.  It is like churches today saying they know Jesus when all they are doing is parroting words from scripture without any knowledge of what they mean.  I am aware that this all sounds cruel but scripture demands that people like Anthony need to be exposed for who they are. Romans 16:17-18 “ I appeal to you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine you have been taught; avoid them.  For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.”

Other true doctrines Anthony has he gleaned from his former church the Worldwide Church of God.

Anthony, in person, is a likable fellow, well mannered and with a dry British sense of humor.

It is his style of “teaching”  that is extremely lacking and on certain issues incorrect.  If you challenge Anthony while demonstrating to him that you are no novice he quickly goes on the defensive to the degree that he will cease all manner of communication as he did with me.

I bear no ill will towards Anthony and I would yet engage him on issues if he is only willing to listen to another’s views.  

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Matthew 28:19

The Apostles never used the baptismal formula recorded as, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  This alone should be abundant proof that the verse was altered. Matthew knew that the Father was the Holy Spirit and not two distinct entities but the same entity which violates the trinity false doctrine. You are not baptized into God, you are baptized into Christ. 

At the council of Nicaea the scriptures used were older than what we have today.  Eusebius, a church historian, wrote a paper on baptism and quoted Matthew 28:19 with the words, “in my name”, meaning Jesus. Acts 2:38 Peter said, in the name of Jesus Christ and not a false Trinity formula.  If you were baptized in the trinity then you were baptized into nothing, baptism is in Jesus only, as we are baptized into his death, Romans 6:3-11 and resurrection symbolically but with a new life now in Christ.  Neither the Father or the Holy Spirit died for you, Jesus did. The Apostle Matthew would never had written this verse as we have it today.  We really have no idea how far back the trinitarians went in altering scripture to conform to the trinity. 

Everything we know about baptism is focused entirely on Christ, not the Father or some imaginary Holy Spirit third person.  Attempts to use Greek to justify this verse is absurd and ignores all the actual proof I have given here.  The Didache is used to support the triune formula but this work like all others that contain it are suspect. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023


What Time Is It  ?


In the Greek language there are two words for time; first is chronos which is the constant forward movement of time with no cause or purpose other than existence.  The second word is kairos which is an extraordinary moment for a special purpose requiring interpretation, understanding the signs that occur in chronos and responding to them by faith. 

An example would be the creation of Jesus as kairos in the flow of chronos.  Chronos is Gods indirect will and kairos is Gods direct will; it is Gods intervention into the normal flow of the human experience. In chronos God allows whatever to happen happen but in kairos  God directly intervenes.  

All of humanity flows constantly forward in a river of chronos. During their lives many have a kairos experience but few respond to it. Those who do not respond return to chronos, those who do respond do also but within them is that kairos experience and although they are in chronos have many more kairos experiences.  Those who respond and those who do not continue in chronos until they dissolve into nothingness.  Chronos is Gods indirect will and kairos is Gods direct will. The responders are Gods elect saints who have been in kairos taught of God. The non responders remain in ignorance. The responders are spiritually minded and met oblivion with the hope of a promised future completely removed from chronos to live forever in kairos.

A kairos experience is extremely rare among humans as many are called but few are chosen. It is an experience of awe and wonder you might describe as an epiphany or a eureka moment. This is because God has contacted you, His Spirit to your spirit. It is by this spirit bond that you become a new creation while yet present in the old.  Since the change is by Spirit it cannot be perceived by the eyes of others. 

If you have experienced kairos then you understand what I have written here, if not then not.  You would not know what time it is.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Human Government

Human Government


There has never been nor will there ever be a perfect human government.  Human governments rise and fall as history testifies.

The United States will be no different than all the nations preceding it. At the present time the federal government has gained so much power that rule directly by the people is a thing of the past.  Elections are an exercise in futility as those elected do their own will rather than those who elected them.  When this happens it is called a tyranny.  It has taken many years for the U.S. to arrive at this moment.  The government has become an independent entity of its own that is seeking power and control.  If the people were truly united the chance of tyranny would be very small.  The evil politicians know this so they have planned to divide and conquer, that is to create situations to turn the people against themselves.  These evil politicians use education, economics, religion, race, gender, science and history to promote division.  Division then will lead to chaos, confusion and violence.  As this is growing it provides evil politicians opportunity to create even more unconstitutional laws that rob even what freedoms remain .

If you have been awake and not woke you should be noticing these things.  Being woke is like having your head in a bucket of excrement and being awakened is realizing that.  If the people desire life, liberty and happiness it will not be produced under the current conditions.  

I do not think the U.S. is going to survive as the nation it once was.  It is going to fall, very hard.  Another will arise after this fall that will takes its place in the world.  This is biblical prophecy being played out before our eyes but most are blind to it.  This is why they will fall.

God has a government called, The Kingdom of God, that is prophesieid to arrive when Christ returns.  Gods kingdom is perfection unlike any human government .  This is why all nations past, present and future governed by man must fall.  Gross imperfection must be replaced with perfection to have any hope of true justice, freedom, safety and happiness.  Only God can do this, man cannot.  

Matthew 6:10  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.   

Revelation 13 describes the rise of the nation that will replace the U.S. 

I have a post called the 7th king that gives some information about this nation.  Another post identifies that nation and the harlot.  The timing of end time events cannot be understood until the seven year covenant is made by the man of sin with ten nations, then we know there will be seven years until Christ returns.  When the two witnesses are killed in Jerusalem there will be 3 1/2 days until Christ returns.  We are not in darkness so that we cannot see that day approaching.  We need to closely watch world events as Jesus said, Mark 13:37 .  We need to be aware that Satan will use scriptures to deceive by twisting the truth to suit his agenda.  Satan will change times and laws, Daniel 7:25 , as he counterfeits Gods plan making it seem as though things happen when the time is not yet.  There will be a false Elijah who calls fire down from heaven to consume the sacrifices at the third temple.  The post, The Chukas of 666, may be describing the mark enforced on people. We know the great tribulation will be cut short for the elects sake, the churches sake, for those who are alive and remain at the coming of the Lord.   Exactly how all of this will play out is uncertain because scripture does not go into great detail but as the events begin to happen we will see them unfolding and gain a better sense of detail.  What we all need to do is…… Luke 21:36 


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...