Wednesday, February 17, 2021


What kind of Body do the Saints receive in the Resurrection


In 1Corinthians 15:35-50 Paul answers a question about what type of body the saints are given in the resurrection.  Paul says there is a fleshly or Earthly body and a heavenly or spirit body. Paul says nothing about a glorified fleshly body.

Some people say the saints receive a glorified flesh body based on the body Jesus had after his resurrection. Jesus told his disciples that he was not a spirit but flesh and bone. (Luke 24:39)  The resurrection of Jesus was not to his glorified body.  Jesus had to be raised from the dead as a man because he died as a man.  The proof of his resurrection would be in doubt if Jesus was raised in a glorified spirit body.  The total and complete separation of flesh and spirit was explained by Jesus in (John 3:3-8) when he said “that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.” Jesus did not say that which is born of the spirit is glorified flesh. Jesus describes this birth of the spirit as being like the wind.  Clearly Jesus is saying that being born again means one will have a 100% spirit body. Spirit beings, the angels, have a spirit body as shown by the prophet Ezekiel in describing Lucifer's creation by God. (Ezekiel 28:11-15) If Jesus had been resurrected  in his glorified body he would have looked like how he is described in (Revelation 1:13-16) with hair as white as wool and eyes like flames of fire. Jesus did not look like this when he was raised from the dead. In (1John 3:1-3) John says we do not even know yet what we will be like until Jesus returns and we see him as he is.  Why would John say this when he was an eye witness of the risen Jesus unless Jesus was not in his glorified body when John saw him?  (1 Timothy 3:16 says Jesus was received up in glory; Jesus had to ascend in order to be glorified.  The Holy Spirit could not be given until Jesus 

was glorified. (John 7:39)  Jesus said he had to go away before the spirit could be given. (John 16:7).  After his resurrection Jesus said he had not yet ascended to the Father. (John 20: 17)

What all these scriptures prove is that Jesus was not raised in a glorified body but after 40 days would ascend and be glorified and then ten days later send the Holy Spirit.  

The idea of glorified flesh is an oxymoron or a figure of speech containing contradictory terms. An example: The short tall fat skinny man. 

The word flesh occurs 315 times in scripture and in some verses the importance or value of it is very negative.  Galatians 5:16-17, Romans 8:5-6, 1 John 2:16, Romans 6:6 and John 6:63 are a few examples.  If this fleshly body we have now is destroyed God has another body from heaven that is 100% spirit reserved for us. Notice the fleshly body is “destroyed”. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) All beings in Gods kingdom will be composed entirely of spirit as God, Jesus and the angels are. The spirits, the human spirits, of just men are made perfect when clothed with a spirit body. (Hebrews 12:23).   At that day we will hate the thought that we were once stained by the flesh. (Jude 1:23)

God is spirit. (John 4:24) and if we are truly to be made in His image it will be spirit and not glorified flesh.  Jesus said, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up"

Jesus was speaking of the temple of his body as verse 21 confirms. The body Jesus said he would be raised in was the body he was in when he said, "this temple".  Verse 22 says the disciples believed the scripture and the word Jesus said. Remember in (1 John 3:1-3) John said he had no idea of what the glorified body of Christ and the saints was like that we also would have when Christ returns.  

In summary: If you are a true Christian and die your human spirit will go back to God who will at the resurrection join your human spirit into a spirit body. You will be 100% composed of spirit just as God, the angles and Jesus are.  You will be immortal and impeccable.

The words “glorified flesh” are like “immortal soul” or “trinity”; they do not appear in scripture.  I have presented to you the truth using scripture.

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