Monday, February 15, 2021



Answer to Critics about my View of the Two Trees in the Garden of Eden



My critics say that the tree of life was completely unknown by Adam and Eve.  If this is true why was GOD so concerned that the man Adam or some other man would eat the fruit of the tree of life and live forever?  Why would GOD place angels and a flaming sword to guard the tree from access?  The reason is because Adam and Eve did know about the tree of life and where it was located.  GOD did not want Adam and Eve to eat of its fruit and gain everlasting life as sinners.  Both trees; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life were in the midst of the garden just as scripture tells us. 

Genesis 2:9 "And out of the ground the Lord GOD made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.  The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."


 Critics say that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was good for food but in verse 16-17 of Genesis 2 GOD singles out one tree that He says is will kill Adam if he eats the fruit of it.  This would be a clear understanding that not all the trees were good for food if one of them would kill you.


 The critics say the only choice Adam and Eve had was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  GOD has always given humanity a choice of life or death. In Eden it was the two trees; one producing life and the other death.  Under the law, Moses gave two choices, life and death, saying choose life and live. (Deuteronomy 30:19)  In the new covenant the choice is to obey the gospel and law of love to have immortality or blaspheme the Holy Spirit and suffer the wrath of God and everlasting death. (Hebrews 10:26-27)

Critics do not see why Adam and Eves attaining the knowledge of good and evil was bad, evil or sin.  Adam and Eve did not have the Holy Spirit and had no knowledge of what good and evil is.  In this condition to acquire the knowledge of good and evil without the power from GODS spirit to control it a person will sin and sin brings death.  GOD told Adam and Eve that in the day they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree that they would surely die.  It was sin for them to disobey GOD and eat the forbidden fruit in the first place.  This is when sin entered the world and death because of sin for as in Adam all have sinned and all die.  The death GOD was speaking of was not the death all people die because they are mortal but the everlasting death, the second death.  It is given to all humans once to die simply because they are mortal but their sins would have led to death everlasting if it were not for what Jesus did.  Jesus does not save us from our mortal death but from everlasting death, the second death.  Jesus provided forgiveness of sin and the elimination of the everlasting death penalty. Jesus saves us from the second death not the first death which is temporary due to two resurrections.  The green tree has been growing since Adams sin but GOD will dry up this green tree and make the dry tree green.  Sin and death replaced by righteousness and immortality.  My critics lack spiritual wisdom and understanding and leap to conclusions without proper examination of scripture; in short they are at best babes or at most unconverted.






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