Thursday, February 11, 2021

Brother Kel 



I have watched on You Tube a man called Brother Kel.  In his videos he mainly talks about the lie of the trinity and I am in full agreement with him on this matter.  Brother Kel has briefly touched on other subjects as well.

I like the way Kel speaks and how he shows the scriptures on screen.  Kel is no doubt a converted man who is still searching for the truth and the spiritual understanding on many issues.  I do have some things that I would take issue with him.  It would be my hope that my intent in doing so not be seen as an attack on Brother Kel but rather one brother bringing out things that another may have missed.  I will address four issues in this writing.


Issue #1  Brother Kel states that the law, the ten commandments, has been completely done away with being nailed to the cross of Christ and that the law only applied to Israel.  I, like Anthony Buzzard, once was a member of a law keeping church for a good many years until GOD through Christ led us out of it into the new covenant.  Anthony and I know the law does not apply to a true Christian.  The law was our schoolmaster to lead us to Christ and then we had no more to do with it.  Now Anthony and I are under the law of love to GOD and love to neighbor and being empowered by the spirit of the FATHER through Jesus to bear fruit to GOD, to overcome and grow in the spirit.  The law is still in force to do this for many others who will come after Anthony and I.  As Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-18; he did not come to destroy the law or the prophets but to fulfill both.  Then he said that not one jot or tittle of the law would pass away until heaven and Earth pass away.  This passing away of heaven and Earth takes place in Revelation 21:1.  The law is a very important tool for GOD to lead people to HIS son as it is what we need saved from because it righteously condemns all the world guilty of sin and when used lawfully convicts the sinner in GODLY sorrow leading them to repentance and then delivering them to the feet of the Christ and his gospel with the new covenant message of faith, grace and forgiveness.  Romans 3:19 says that all the world becomes guilty before GOD because of the law. The law is holy, just and good. In Romans 7 Paul explains how the law is to reveal to us our sinful nature and our inability to control ourselves. The spiritual warfare in us has victory only in Christ.  Romans 10:4 the law ends only for those in Christ. Sin is the transgression of the law and all have sinned and there is no excuse for this and GOD shows no respect of persons, the ignorance of man of the law is no excuse for sin under the law. The new covenant of Christ did not end the law but provided a new and living way apart from the law so that we could draw near to GOD. I love GODS law because it led me to Christ.

 Scripture says that where there is no law there is no sin.

The law is what defines sin for the carnal unrighteous man and is not intended for the righteous saints of GOD.  If the law had never been revealed then there would have been no sin but yet death still reigned from Adam to Moses due to Adams sin alone. The law was added by GOD as a deterrent to sin but the law could not put and end to sin.  In Romans 3:9 it says both Jews and Gentiles are under sin; this means they are both under the law.  Israel was to be a model nation to all the other nations of the blessings of following the GOD of Israel so that other nations would want to be a part of Israel.  Israel failed to keep the covenant but yet the message of their experience survived.  This is all preserved in scripture.  Christians are not to make void the law through faith but establish the law.  How is this done?  Love is the fulfillment of the law; the love of GOD shed abroad in the human heart by the Holy Spirit of the FATHER through Jesus.  Love to GOD and neighbor is how Jesus fulfilled the law and not by keeping carnal commandments of the law of Moses.

Jesus demonstrated this GODLY love to us as well as his GOD and FATHER did.  Jesus and GOD had the same exact type of Love; John 15:9 "As my Father has loved me so I have loved you; abide in my love."  This is how Christians establish the law, by GODLY love.  Jesus was not born under the law, his mother was.  Jesus was not under both covenants at the same time.  Jesus was the new covenant and salvation by the will of his FATHER just as the prophet Isaiah declared in chapter 42:6 "I the Lord have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles."  

Isaiah 49:6 "And He said, it is a light thing that thou should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved of Israel; I will also give you for a light unto the Gentiles that you may be my salvation unto the end of the Earth."

In conclusion; the law, all of it, it still in full force and power today and will be until the new heavens and Earth.  The only way out of this covenant of death is by being purchased by the blood of Christ and become a Christian fulfilling and establishing the law not by works of the law but by the love of GOD. For it is GOD who works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure.

Issue#2  Brother Kel says that you are only dust, that you are not a spirit.  The breath of life, the spirit of man is what gives life as well as being sentient.  Dust alone is just dust. We are not living dust but the breath of life animates the dust. It is the human spirit that gives life. This is what makes us after GODS image and according to His likeness but on a shadow level as Tslem or tsle meaning shadow in Hebrew,  or the shadow of death as we are mortal and subject to death.  If we are in some way in GODS image it is not the body but the spirit that is the image.  Job 32:8 "but there is a spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding.” A soul is the union of body and human spirit, in other animals it is their body in union with a spirit of raw instinct only.  These are all souls or nephesh in Hebrew.  It is the spirits of just men that are made perfect and not their fleshly body, Hebrews 12:23. In reality you are a human spirit in a fleshly body but the flesh profits nothing.  2 Corinthians 5:1 informs us that our Earthly body is replaced by a spirit body that will be in union with the human spirit of those just men made perfect.  Flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of GOD. The human body is only the temporary dwelling for our human spirit.  The human spirit is what you really are and contains all of your thoughts, memories and knowledge.  Your fleshly brain will not be in your spirit body. 

1 Corinthians 2:11 "For what a man knows the things of a man except the spirit of man which is in him.  Even so no one knows the things of GOD except the spirit of GOD."

 Proverbs 20:27 :The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart."

 Death is when the union of body and human spirit is broken. The body returns to dust and the human spirit goes back to GOD. This human spirit cannot operate without a body. When you die you cannot even think or praise GOD; Psalm 146:4, Psalm 115:17, Ecclesiastes 9:5-9  This is because the real you, your human spirit or breath of life no longer operates. GOD is the creator of all spirits; angels, humans and animals and designed all to function in their assigned bodies.  GOD can manipulate, upgrade or convert the human or an Animal spirit as demonstrated by Balaam's donkey, Nebuchadnezzar's transformation and skills given to certain Israelites to build the tabernacle and ark (Exodus 31:1-5).  GOD can create any type of body or spirit He desires and the most grandest of all was Jesus the Christ.

Issue #3  Brother Kel says that Jesus is the Holy Spirit. He also says that Almighty GOD is the Holy Spirit.  The reality is that Jesus has access to his FATHERS power, a power that is not his own.  The Holy Spirit is the power of the highest, the omnipotent power of GOD, which is one of GODS attributes that He alone has.  Just as Jesus had no power on Earth and his FATHER did all the works, now Jesus has been entrusted by his FATHER with that same power to do the works he is doing today.  Being the Holy Spirit makes you GOD ALMIGHTY which brother Kel denies Jesus is.  All power in heaven and on Earth was given to Jesus but it is still not his own personal power, it is still GODS power being used by Jesus.  Jesus is the mediator between GOD and men.  Jesus is a glorified spirit being of himself and as such is the channel of operation of the Holy Spirit to men.  When Jesus was on the Earth he was the only human being ever to have direct contact with GOD and needed no mediator but all other humans do and Jesus is the mediator.  Just as angels in times past served in the role of GOD Himself when dealing with humans Jesus does so today. Jesus is not GOD but GOD operates through Jesus to be with us.  GOD is with us through Jesus.  Jesus is the mediating spirit between GOD and humans.  The Holy Spirit cannot be two different beings at the same time.  The spirit of Christ in a Christian is the way we have access to GOD.  GOD alone is the Holy Spirit, Jesus is a spirit and we have a human spirit and the line of communication is all spirit and all made possible by GODS HOLY SPIRIT. 

Issue #4  Brother Kel says that Jesus did not have the Holy Spirit until baptized by John the  Baptist.  It is a biblical fact that without the Holy Spirit no one can understand spiritual things or have any contact with GOD. Jesus would have been an unconverted man for 30 years of his life. (1Corinthians 2:14)  Scripture shows that when Jesus was 12 years old he made this statement in Luke 2:49 “Did you not know that I must be about my Fathers business?”  Jesus had the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb. Psalm 22:9-10 “Yet you brought me out of the womb, you made me trust in you, even at my mothers breast. From birth I was cast on you; from my mothers womb you have been my GOD.”  The event of the baptism of Jesus was not for him to receive the Holy Spirit. John tried to prevent Jesus and said, “I have need to be baptized by you and you are coming to me?”  Jesus replied by saying, “permit it to be so for now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Only then did John allow him. The reason for this event is given, to fulfill all righteousness.  This was the fulfillment of circumcision practiced by the saints of old from Abraham forward who were not baptized.  The sign was that through Abraham's flesh all nations of the Earth would be blessed.  Jesus and John fulfilled the sign of circumcision in the baptism of Jesus.  I could write much more about this but not now.  The spirit in the form of a dove coming and remaining on Jesus was the sign given to John to identify the messiah. John knew that Jesus did not need baptism, Jesus did not need a baptism for repentance or to be baptized into Jesus. It is in a way ridiculous when seen this way; the one who was salvation in the flesh assumed to not have the Holy Spirit and needing baptized!  Please read Isaiah 49:5-6 and notice; "The Lord formed me from the womb to be His servant"  Do you think that any human being without GODS Holy Spirit could live 30 years and never sin; even the saints with the Holy Spirit still sin and need forgiveness. Brother Kel has made and error and I hope he may see and correct it.

As I said at the beginning of this writing, I am not attacking brother Kel.  To study scripture being guided by GODS spirit requires more than one person to be safe.  In a multitude of counselors there is safety and the word of one witness is not acceptable but two or three is.  As far as I know brother Kel operates alone when studying and presenting his conclusions on video.  I have three others with the Holy Spirit and we operate together in a manner similar to the Jerusalem council in Acts 15.  In this way a matter can be established.  This method is always accompanied by prayer, meditation and sometimes fasting. We realize that no one at the present time has all truth and that we all are at various stages of growth and this should not cause separation but is part of coming into unity of the faith. (Ephesians 4:13)






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