Tuesday, May 9, 2023




 The following is a review and summary of most articles on this blog. In it no scriptures given as you can look up and read articles on the blog to get details. 

Before angles, before the universe, before time there was only the Almighty God.  This God is only one being, not two or three and would become the Father of Jesus of Nazareth.  This one true God first created the angels who were immortal spirit beings with intelligence and potential to sin. God allowed the one called Lucifer to deceive a third of the angels because God could have easily stopped it.  This to prove which of the angels would love and obey God and those who would not.  This shows that the angels were not created righteous and they could of themselves choose their own way.  The two thirds of the angels that chose God were then sealed in righteousness so that their natures would like that of God who cannot sin or be tempted with evil.

The beginning of the book of Genesis shows God creating light and separating light from darkness.  The light was not by the sun for it was not created until the fourth day; it was the glory of God that illuminated the Earth. The separation of light from darkness was separating the kingdom of God from the kingdom of Satan. Once God created the physical sun He then withdrew His light. God then finished the rest of creation.  God created a human being He called Adam.  Adam was  mortal flesh  and blood man with   intelligence and free will. God did not give Adam the knowledge of good and evil needed to sin.  God later created Eve, Adams wife, in the same way except woman came from God and man. God planted two special trees in the garden of Eden where Adam and Eve now were.  Both trees were in the midst of the garden.  One called the tree of life that gave immortality and the other called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that produced death. These two trees symbolized the two covenants God allowed the serpent or the devil Satan access to the garden and  this was all allowed to test Adam and Eve even though God always knew the outcome. It also shows that humans have free will because God did not interfere with their choice. Eve was deceived by the serpent but Adam was not and even though Eve ate the forbidden fruit first, while Adam watched and did nothing, sin did not enter the world until Adam ate too then the eyes of both were opened. Without God and His spirit Adam and Eve would not be able to control the knowledge of good and evil and would sin and therefore die.  The tree of life would have give them the Holy Spirit and nature of God without ever having sinned if they only had chosen it. God knew all of this in eternity and would provide later on a way for humanity to escape this error and again have a choice of life or death. But now sin was in humanity and it spread like a cancer to all of Adams children.

 Humanity now had a defiled human spirit and was cut off from God but God would work with only a few who He knew would respond and come to love and obey Him when He gave them a portion of His Holy Spirit. Some of these few are written about in the book of Hebrews and these people were part of the church  and are  the root while gentiles are the branches grafted in to replace the   unbelieving Israelites. The are included in the 144,000. They were Christians before Christ who to them was a prophecy, a person who would be Gods son by a human female and was spoken about by future prophets like Isaiah as a prophetic figure, not as a preexisting being but as one who would exist in the future.  Jesus was a creation of his God and Father, came into existence in his mothers womb and God became his God at that time. Today many believe Jesus was a God man or literally God in the flesh. If true then this means God cannot die.  Humans die and the body returns to dust and the human spirit, the breath of life, goes back to God in an inoperative state.  Our human spirit needs a body in which to function and our body needs the spirit to function.  It sort of like a flashlight, you need both the batteries and the body of the flashlight to have a working flashlight but if separated neither work. Jesus was the same way, he was a human being and he died the same way we die.  If Jesus was actually God in the flesh he could not die therefore there would be no sacrifice or forgiveness or hope of salvation. God through Isaiah said the soul of Jesus was the sacrifice. The soul is the union of human body and spirit, a complete person. If Jesus did not really die and his supposed God in the flesh idea, that was a lie of Satan, is true then all of scripture would be false.  Trinitarians and Binitarians say God died for us, God died ?  If you understand the truth of what death is you would see the utter ridiculousness of this idea. And also the one who benefits from the lie, Satan.  The truth is that Jesus Christ as the second Adam was totally human zero percent God. However God created Jesus with a human spirit that was impeccable, unable to sin or be tempted by evil, as was proven by Satans attempt to tempt Jesus which failed.  This is how Jesus was like God and how we can become like Jesus thus fulfilling Gods will, let us make man after our image and according to our likeness.  Jesus was the very first new man, the firstborn of many to follow, the reason he said I am not of this creation, because God created both the body and human spirit, the complete soul of Jesus in his mothers womb, Jesus did not come from Adam but God.  Jesus was the only human being God ever created that was incapable of sin and not in need of forgiveness or salvation who needed no mediator to be with his God and Father.  Even the angels were not created impeccable and this made the life of Jesus precious beyond words to describe.  This life would be sacrificed for us, not the life of God.  Jesus, the ONLY righteous human being that ever lived died for us.  God ordained by the prophets that because a man, Adam, screwed up everything another Adam would come and set everything straight.  This Jesus gave his life to pay the price for sin which is death.  Obviously this death is not the first death because we all die because we are mortal.  This death we are saved from is the second death. Jesus was raised by his God from the dead three days and three nights later being murdered on Passover and raised on the weekly Sabbath.  Jesus was raised in the exact same body he was murdered in, he was not glorified until he ascended.  The Holy Spirit is only given to those the Father knows will love and obey Him and have learned the truth directly from Him. God has different times for people to be called and chosen. God does not want anyone to perish but come to repentance however extremely few will be chosen in this current evil age due to extreme deception.  Other people will in the millennium and second resurrection have the same hope of salvation the elect have now.  How do you today know who has Gods Spirit and who doesn’t?

1 John 4:1-6 explains how.  Saints are to test the spirits to see if they are of God or not. This is talking about the spirits of human beings because the text mentions false prophets.  Verse 2 is saying that if a spirit says Jesus came in the flesh, was a human being, is of God. Not God in the flesh but just in the flesh, get it. But if any deny that Jesus was not just a pure 100% human being but something else then they are not of God. This evil spirit is of the antichrist who is a man claiming to be God.  You see , do you see ?  Jesus never claimed to be God Almighty but the antichrist will. Another proof is that if you were to tell someone else about what I just wrote above they would not understand you and this would apply to all of Gods truth, they can’t understand Gods truth because they don’t have Gods Spirit. Those who do have Gods Spirit will instantly know what you say and be in total agreement with you.  By this we know the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of error.  Just about all people who do not have the Holy Spirit but think they do will be highly offended if you tell them they don’t have the Holy Spirit. Therefore it is not some horrible thing to say that a person doesn’t have the Holy Spirit, it is not arrogance or self-aggrandizing to make this judgment about other people.  It is actually the wisdom of the Apostle John passed along to fellow true Christians.

Ok, here I go, I can spend only 5 minutes with anyone and be able to determine if that person has Gods Holy Spirit or not.  This is my right and God given ability to do this. This is scriptural it is truth. But I still know even after all of that I will yet be falsely accused.  This too I know because it is always the response of the unconverted.  You uncover, you yet children of Satan still under death in sin cut off from God, I do not hate you, I love you and pray for all of you.  Someday I know you will know what I know today, is just that your day is yet future.  I didn’t make things this way God did.  

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