Friday, March 7, 2025



Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures give an understanding that contradicts this idea.

Matthew 24:33  Mark 13:29   Luke 21:31  These scriptures say that when Christians see the fulfillment of the signs Christ gave they will know when the first advent is near. 

1 Thessalonians 5:4   Christians are not in darkness, we can see the day approaching ,  it will not surprise us as a thief the way it does the world.  

If it is YAHWEHS will for us to be of that group that is alive in the days preceding the first advent we will have seen with our eyes the fulfillment of many end time prophecies. 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17   We will have witnessed the making of the covenant of the antichrist with the ten nations, we will have seen the antichrist proclaim himself god, we will have seen the ministry of the two witnesses and seen the horror of the great tribulation but are protected from it, Revelation 3:10 . 

 In the book of Daniel there is the very last week of the 70 weeks that will be the events that will culminate the end of the age.  Daniel 9:27   This verse mentions the abomination of desolation Jesus spoke about,  Matthew 24:15   2 Thessalonians 2:3,4   Revelation 13:5,6,7   This abomination is set up around the midpoint of the seven year covenant antichrist made with ten nations.  The total time of this covenant is 7 years or in the Hebrew calendar  2520 days so the mid point is 1260 days therefore the tribulation begins at around the 1260 days. 

 Christians know that the tribulation is cut short for the sake of the elect Christians alive at that time.  Matthew 24:22  These Christians would then know that the final 1260 days would be cut short and would know by how many days.  In Daniel the 2300 days mentioned here are when the sanctuary is cleansed, meaning that Christ will destroy the antichrist temple at his return.  Originally there were 2520 days but cut short to 2300 days:  2520 - 2300 = 220 days ,  the tribulation is cut short by 220 days. 

 Putting this information together we can see that the first advent happens 2300 days after the antichrist covenant is made.  Now there are other days mentioned in Daniel; the 1290 days in Daniel 12:11 , the sacrifices are ended at the antichrist temple and the abomination of desolation is set up.  This means that from the beginning of the 7 year covenant it will be 1290 days until the these events occur.   Then there  is the 1335 days.  Daniel 12:12  this is only 45 days after the 1290 when the abomination of desolation is set up and is when the Christians who are alive and remain will be sealed in their foreheads .  Revelation 7:3  Ezekiel 9:4,5,6   Revelation 9:4   Satan has his own mark as well Revelation 13:16,17   

The Christians who were alive when sealed were joined with them who are also sealed while dead and these dead will be resurrected and they along with the living will inherit the kingdom.  Revelation 20:4   Isaiah briefly mentions the great tribulation in Isaiah 26:20,21   These numbers 1260, 1290, 1335 , 2300 and 2520 are in sequence beginning with the antichrist covenant and are literal numbers and are not symbolic .  Christians alive in these days will know that when they see the two witnesses murdered in Jerusalem by the antichrist that it will be 3 1/2 days till Christ returns because the two witnesses will be raised from the dead and ascend into the air along with all the saints from all times.  Revelation 11:11   The same would be true of the other days and with the passing of each of these days the time of the first advent becomes clearer.   At this time it is at the doors as Jesus said.  And understanding Daniels days we are not in darkness as Paul said. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025


 The United States has not won a war since the Second World War. In   Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan we spent billions of dollars and lost thousands of lives and maimed thousands more only to leave with nothing to show for it.  According to available data 97,159 lives were lost in these three conflicts.  The U.S has been involved in 119 military conflicts.  In my lifetime the U.S. has been  in 5 major wars, winning only one only to throw the victory away while losing the other 4.   If you are a Christian would you enlist in the military ?  Would you want your son or grandson to enlist ?  The U.S. glorifies it’s wars and calls their soldiers heroes.  Most of these soldiers are between 19 and 26 years old.  In the time some of these wars were fought those soldiers under age 21 could not vote, drink a beer or buy a gun.  Most military veterans will be the first to say the war is stupid, that politicians send others to fight wars they start.  General Sherman said “war is hell.”  Sherman also said, “it is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation.”  Politics is the author of war.  If you participate in politics then you are one of those people General Sherman described.  Both sides in a war believe God is on their side.  In both world wars the combatants on both sides were predominantly Christians.  Christians killing Christians, would God be pleased ?  1 Samuel 8:10 

1 Kings 9:22  Isaiah 2:4   Micah 4:3   Hosea 2:18 

Zechariah 9:10   Matthew 5:9   James 3:18   James 4:1,2,3,4,5   Matthew 24:6   War should be something a Christian should have nothing to do with.  Should we love our neighbors or kill them ?

Should we seek revenge and hate our enemies?   Should we support government leaders that support war ?  Matthew 5:9   Matthew 5:21,22,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45   There are Christians that live in many different countries that have governments that are similar.  Leaders are chosen by the people of that nation to make the laws of the nation.  How many laws have these politicians made that are in direct conflict with love GOD and neighbor ?  Why is it that there are so many wars being fought.  There are at least 150 armed conflicts recorded each year and currently 56 conflicts since World War Two, 92 countries involved in conflicts beyond their borders.  In the final analysis who is behind all these wars ?  Is all of this pleasing to GOD ?  Is GOD pleased if Christians take part in any way with all these wars ?  How is this loving GOD and your neighbor ?    Should not Christians be in line with Isaiah 2:4  “they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.  Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”   

Since the draft ended many U.S. citizens have not had to face compulsory military service.  This has taken away some of the understanding that those of us who have faced the possibility of being drafted from them.  Even though there is no draft young men at age 18 must register for the draft.  This could change and if it it does are you ready to kill the enemy Christian ?

If you claim to be a Christian then you better see how Christ and the Apostles define a Christian.  Do you measure up ?  Politicians promise you liberty but what have you received by their hand ?  2 Peter 2:19 

The U.S. government is nothing even close to what the founders intended and has mutated into a tyrannical government that has robbed the freedoms and liberties promised by its constitution.  They have become a ruling elite that once elected serve themselves rather than the people.  Should Christians be a part of this ?  This has been the way it has operated for many years and all the votes you cast mean absolutely nothing.  Matthew 7:13   Hebrews 10:39   1 John 5:4   

The scriptures describe what a true Christian is.  It is someone who is 100% dedicated to GOD, does not love the things in this world, has his citizenship in heaven, realizes that this is Satans world, comes out of the darkness of this world and into the light of Christ,  that knows he is owned by GOD being bought with a price, that his old self is dead, that the things highly esteemed by men are an abomination to GOD.   This current evil world is ruled by Satan and Satan controls all the governments. Revelation 12:9  This word lies in the sway of the devil and all the chaos and confusion you see in it are the devil’s handiworks.  Jesus is going to destroy all of this evil, all the governments of this earth and replace them with the kingdom of GOD.  If you know this why would you want to be part of any of it ?  You are to shine as a light of that kingdom and have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness.  

Friday, February 28, 2025


It is YAHWEH who determines who will receive salvation in this current evil age. GOD must put a person in HIS church, no one else can. Acts 2:47

This calling and election of GODS church was completed before time began, from the foundation of the world. Titus 1:2  2 Timothy 1:9  Romans 8:28,29,30   Ephesians 1:4   The point of all this is to show that GOD alone in eternity called and chose all the elect saints, from righteous Able to whoever the last one will be to a total of 144,000.  It is extremely rare to be one of the 144,000 .  With this in mind how likely do you think it would be for you to convert your family and friends by preaching to them ?  What you may think by trying to do this will produce more harm than good.  The conscience of the carnal world is seared with a hot iron against everything that is of GODS truth.  Carnal people will not appreciate what you are trying to do and will turn and rent you.  It was given to the Apostles to preach the gospel to the world, are you an Apostle ?  With the number of the elect alive today how would they preach to the world ?  The elect are scattered, have no money, do not even know each other or where each other are.  The elect are not to be preaching the gospel to the world else GOD would be giving them everything they would need to do it.

  The elect are to be about one thing, love GOD and neighbor, be as lights not a foghorn and by how the love is a testimony to the world.  Just as Jesus was in the world but the world didn’t know him the elect are in the world that doesn’t know us.  The mysteries of the kingdom of GOD have been given to us but not the world.  The odds of one elect meeting another is astronomical.  If we try preaching to the world we are actually going against GODS will.  One of the signs of the return of Jesus is,  Matthew 24:14 ,  the true gospel must be preached in all nations as a witness and then the end will come.  If the true gospel had been preached all along how could it then be a sign ?  The organizational structure of the church has changed since the first century.  GOD has removed all human ministry, therefore any who say they are a minister is a liar.  The elect saints are to be seeing to their own growth in the Spirit.  I have had to learn the hard way not to preach to people as they will become your enemies.  Matthew 10:36   Luke 12:53   Micah 7:6   Mark 13:12   Matthew 24:10   John 15:18,19   Jeremiah 9:4,5   There are many more scriptures that describe the condition that exists in the world between GODS saints and the carnal people.  In a forum like this I remain anonymous and only speak to others who are anonymous and everyone is seeking answers, it is not like preaching to our families or friends.  It takes spiritual maturity to achieve a balance in how the saints deal with the unconverted.  The best way is to love, be a good neighbor, be kind and giving and in this way perhaps someone may ask you a question.  1 Peter 3:15  notice, if you are asked, so do not offer answers before you are asked.  We are to be lights in the world, a light makes no sound.  We are not to be foghorns blaring out a message no one wants to hear or can hear.  On a forum like this many questions are asked and if we believe that we have an answer then we answer.  Then it’s up to each one to determine the value of the answer.  Participation in this process seems sparse and that is sad.  If however there is something GOD can use here then HE will enter the conversation and open minds, we can’t do this.  The glory in all things is GODS so if spiritual knowledge is gained it will be GOD who gives it.  This however I think is extremely rare as many are called but few are chosen.  A new convert, a babe in Christ, must grow to understand these things and only GOD can make this happen.  The mature Christian who was once a babe himself will have compassion on the babe and knows that in time GOD will make the babe mature.

The act of fellowship in this is very important so that iron can sharpen iron.  It is all to be done in GODS love.  The babe, weak or new convert should not be easily offended by the comments of the mature and neither should the mature be insensitive to the babe.

It all requires a spiritual balance.

Monday, February 24, 2025


The ancient science of classifying the universe had only four areas that all things were defined by.  These were earth, wind, water and fire.  The earth was anything that came from the earth, wind was the movement of the air , water was the the flowing of a substance and fire was what gave warmth and light.

This ancient method was developed by a Greek man named Empedocles in the mid fifth century BC.  Today our modern science has greatly expanded on this ancient method to categorize and define further the things that make up these original four groups.

Science is the study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation and testing theories against the evidence obtained.  Over many years science has “evolved” due to new discoveries and therefore proves that science is not able to produce a definitive answer to what we call creation.  Faith is defined as a strong belief in GOD and in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual apprehension rather than on proof.  While science and faith have many differences they have some things in common.  Certain scientific facts align with those of faith. A man can throw a rock up into the air and the rock will fall to the ground, both science and faith agree with this.  There are other examples of this.  When science involves itself in areas that it cannot prove it becomes a faith in the physical.  Faith also has this same effect.  Faith believes in GOD but cannot prove GODS existence by physical means and neither can science.  What we have here is a conflict between science and faith that exists only when there is no proof available for either.  Science as defined is purely physical while faith is purely spiritual so that the two when used improperly will conflict with each other.  Science today has too many unproven theories that are used as a base or foundation to build on in the hope of acquiring knowledge.  These theories have over time been disproven and replaced with another theory.  Faith is only the same in this way because of Satanic deception in the minds of carnal men.  Yet another spiritual component is required to have a sure faith that is truth and that is the Holy Spirit dwelling in true Christians.  Just as science goes often the wrong way so does faith without the spirit.  Science attempts to explain creation without a creator.  False faiths say there is a creator but do not know who HE is.  Therefore both science and faith operate on theories without having what is needed to truly understand, the Holy Spirit of GOD.  This true spiritual knowledge by the Holy Spirit is rejected by science and false faiths.  

The physical and spiritual are vastly different things.  GOD can only be know and worshipped in spirit, never with physical things.  Both science and false faiths operate without the Holy Spirit and therefore both are blinded to the true spiritual meaning of creation, GOD, Christ, life, death, faith, hope, love and everything that involves the spiritual. Both science and false faiths are like blind men groping in the darkness.  Deuteronomy 28:29   Isaiah 59:10   Zephaniah 1:17   Proverbs 4:19   Matthew 5:14 

The faith of a true Christian is exceedingly rare in this world as only a very few are called and chosen.  It is these people that understand both faith and science for what they really are.  

Saturday, February 22, 2025


John 10:9   Jesus said, “I am the door, by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved…..”   John 10:1,2,3,4,5,6,7  Jesus explains that anyone who uses another gate or door is a thief and robber.  These thieves and robbers are false Christianity, false ministers of Satan. Jesus is the shepherd of the sheep.  Jesus is the gate, the door, the shepherd.  The sheep are those called and chosen by GOD to enter the gate , the door .  Jesus opens the gate, the door for the elect to enter.  The sheep hear the voice of Jesus in their human spirit.  Jesus calls us by name and leads us out of this world.  Jesus went on ahead of the elect into the kingdom, he brings out his sheep, the elect follow his voice but not the voice of a stranger.  The elect do not follow the voice of the false shepherds and flee from them.  Read all of John 10:1-18 in these verses is hidden spiritual wisdom.  

The Philadelphia church has set before them an opened door, an open gate.  Revelation 3:7-13  The spiritual wisdom of GOD is either opened or shut.  It is shut to the world but open to the elect saints.  We have this open door, we have Christ, the gate, the door.  Through Jesus, the mediator, we have access to GOD.  John 6:45  We learn from the FATHER through the door, the gate, the messiah, the mediator between GOD and us.  We experience the working power of the spirit behind Elijah, the Holy Spirit, to restore to us the things that were lost.  We are taught by GOD through the door, the gate, Jesus Christ.

Matthew 17:11  is the Elijah to come, to restore all things.  John 14:26  The Holy Spirt of the FATHER through Christ will teach us all things and remind us of what Jesus taught.  

The door, the gate, the mediator, the messiah, the first born of many, the son of GOD .  Jesus was and is all these things.  The time of the the restoration of all things began after Jesus ascended to his GOD and our GOD.  Over the centuries since then GOD has called and chosen HIS elects saints to HIMSELF through HIS son.  We, the saints of today, are living in the last days and the number of brethren yet to be called and chosen is extremely small but when the number is completed there will be 144,000.  Of this number there is to be a faithful remnant yet alive just prior to the return of Christ.  They, along with all the elect will be sealed in righteousness with the mark of GOD in our spirits whether dead or alive.  Those saints alive in that day will defeat the corruption of the antichrist, instruct many people, be strong and do great exploits.  The people they instruct will fall by the sword, the Laodiceans, and false brethren will join the elect and Laodiceans seeking to avoid punishment.  Daniel 11:31-35   

It is the hope of the elect at this time to be of the number of the remnant of the 144,000 who are alive and remain.  1 Corinthians 15:51  1 Thessalonians 4:16,17  Isaiah 1:9  Romans 9:29   This however is in GODS hands.  Either way we will inherit the kingdom of GOD.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Carnal people know what physical light and darkness is but they have no idea about spiritual light and spiritual darkness.  Jesus came into a world in spiritual darkness as a great spiritual light.  John 12:46   John8:12   John 1:4,5   John 9:5   Isaiah 9:2

 The people of this world of spiritual darkness have for the vast majority rejected the spiritual light.  John 3:19,20,21   1 John 1:5,6,7   There are a people who have come to the spiritual light and are called and chosen by GOD to be HIS elect saints.  Luke 1:78,79

Colossians 1:13   1 Peter 2:9   Ephesians 5:8   2 Corinthians 4:6  Now, there is another kingdom, the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of Satan. The world Jesus came into as a great spiritual light was in darkness and the vast majority of the people loved the darkness rather than the light.  This world is Satans kingdom of darkness.  The saints have been called out of Satans kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.  The saints do not walk in darkness anymore.  If we examine Satans kingdom, this world, we see how it operates.  Satan has been given rulership of the darkness by the will of GOD.  When Satan told Jesus that all the kingdoms of the world were given to him he was not lying otherwise Jesus would have called out the lie as Jesus did in Satans other attempts to get Jesus to sin.  How did Satan become the god of this world ?  Adam was given dominion over the earth and in effect was the god of the world.  When Adam sinned by obeying Satan Adam relinquished his rule to Satan.  This confirms a biblical principle, “whoever you render yourself a servant to obey, that is who you will obey.”  In the world since then the vast majority of mankind are the children of Satan.  Only the elect saints of GOD have been called out of Satans dark kingdom.  Acts 26:17,18  Colossians 1:13,14   John 12:46   Once you are in the spiritual light you are to have nothing to do with darkness.  Ephesians 5:11   Romans 13:12 

1 John 1:6,7   What is it that the saints should avoid in Satans kingdom of darkness ?  Since there are two kingdoms then there are two vastly different ways of living. Your faith, obedience, trust and hope is placed in what kingdom you choose.  You cannot serve two different kingdoms at the same time, it’s one or the other.  As a saint you are to seek only GODS kingdom, acknowledge GODS  chosen king, Jesus Christ, as your leader, ruler and king, no one else.  The saints are to submit themselves to the kingdom of GOD only.  How then can we do this if we submit ourselves to another kingdoms rules, authority, faith, hope, trust and obedience in the governments of Satan ?  What do we serve and belong to, light or darkness ?  While the saints are spiritually not of this darkness we are physically yet present in it. We are to shine as lights in it.   We only obey whatever nation we happen to be in as long as it doesn’t violate GODS will for us.  We must have our spiritual senses sharpened to discern good from evil.  Our submission to one of Satans governments does not mean participation in it.  Actively participating in the kingdom of darkness is to betray the kingdom of light that we were called into. How is participating in darkness being in the light ?  Should the saints have two leaders, two governments, to sets of laws or two different ways or paths ?  Isaiah 3:12  According to GODS prophet it is human leaders that destroy the path we need to follow.  The worlds leaders are of Satan who deceives people to trust in human governments rather than the government of GOD.  The people of this world have the devil as their father and will do the devils works.  John 8:44   Matthew 13:38  The degree of the Devils deception is great as all the world has been deceived by Satan except GODS chosen elect saints.  Revelation 12:9 

2 Thessalonians 2:9,10   The saints of GOD do not get involved with the governments of Satan in any way.  GOD intends to destroy all human governments, the work of the Devil, and replace them with the kingdom of GOD.  1 John 3:8   Since all human governments are going to be destroyed do you want to be on the losing side or be a winner by serving only GODS kingdom ?   The choice is simple, light or darkness, go to and remain in the light. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025


“Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says YAHWEH.  Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.”  2 Corinthians 6:17

Who is “them” ?  It is the world of the unconverted.

What does “be separate” mean ?  To set apart or set a boundary, to consecrate to sanctify, to distinguish one thing from another.

What is unclean ?  Not pure.  An impure unclean spirit human or demon. To be defiled and separated from what is holy and pure.   

When we are called by GOD we are made clean of past sins through baptism.  1 Peter 3:21. Then by the gift of GODS spirit, the good leaven, the old leaven of malice and wickedness is purged out and we are made clean. 1 Corinthians 5:7  Baptism rids us of the evil leaven and we become a new lump ready to be made clean by the giving of the Holy Spirit. 

Therefore,  Acts 10:15  ,  Cornelius and his house were cleansed by GODS spirit, given before they were baptized.  Peter spoke this way to Cornelius,  Acts 10:28   In the law of Moses the clean and unclean laws were only symbolic of the spirit that influenced your life; either the spirit of Satan that is unclean or the spirit of GOD that makes us clean. Satan and the demons are unclean spirits.  The elect saints are clean.  Ephesians 5:26,27   The “word” in this verse is the word of GOD. This word was preached by a man called Jesus of Nazareth.  It was about the kingdom of GOD.   The world has not been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD, only the church of the elect saints know the mysteries.  Matthew 14:11  The entire carnal world is unclean and the saints are not to touch it, that is the things of the world.  Satan is the god of the unconverted world, the children of the devil that do the will of their god, Satan.  This evil is in all the things of their society.  There is no area of their lives that Satan has not infiltrated.  As GODS chosen saints we must be extremely careful and acutely aware of all of Satans devices and not touch them.

We use the gift of spiritual discernment to determine what is of GOD and what is not.  1 John 4:1   Isaiah 35:8  Matthew 7:13,14   Proverbs 16:17   1 Thessalonians 4:7   2 Corinthians 7:1  Romans 12:1,2    Just as light has No fellowship with darkness, Ephesians 5:11 ,  clean has No fellowship with the unclean, 2 Timothy 2:20,21  

Look at this carnal world and ask yourself, what is clean ?  Your answer should be nothing.  The social fabric of the carnal world is unclean.  All their institutions, religions and governments are unclean, do not touch them and YAHWEH will receive you.

This article I hope will, with GOD making it possible, open your eyes to a much better understanding of 2 Corinthians 6:17 .  

Once GOD has made us clean to go back into the unclean is as Peter says,  2 Peter 2:22  and Jesus   Matthew 12:43,44,45   and Paul Galatians 4:9 

If you are a true Christian and are involved in any part of Satans world I hope you will be given the eyes to see it and repent, ask and receive forgiveness.


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...