Wednesday, December 14, 2022


    When Did Jesus Receive The Holy Spirit


Brother Kel of “Trinity Delusion “  says Jesus received the Holy Spirit when he was baptized by John the Baptist.  This cannot be true. 

In John 1:31-34  John admits he did not know who the messiah was.  A sign was given to John that the man on whom you see the spirit descend and rest on is  he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 3:11 before John baptized Jesus he said that Jesus was more powerful than he was and could baptize with the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 3:13-17  John did not think Jesus needed baptized and Jesus said that he was doing this to fulfill all righteousness.  Then John agreed and the sign John was given before was the fulfilled. It is so obvious here that Jesus did not get baptized to get the Holy Spirit but for another reason.

In the account in  Matthew 3:13-17 it is plain that Jesus did not come to John for a usual baptism.  The reason was to fulfill all righteousness.   Imagine, Jesus, the messiah, who was the embodiment of salvation and had direct access to God not having the Holy Spirit until he was about 30 years old.  Jesus would have been an unconverted man.  Do you think that was the case for a man  who was conceived by the Holy Spirit. What did Jesus mean by “fulfill all righteousness”??   John understood this and then agreed.  The answer is that this baptism was for all the saints before Jesus like those listed in Hebrews 11.  Baptism is the fulfillment of what circumcision only typed or was a shadow of.  All the saints before Jesus were circumcised in the flesh of the foreskin indicating that from Abrahams flesh ( seed) a messiah would come.  To confirm this promise Jesus was baptized for them as Paul also confirmed in Romans 15:8.  Jesus was born of God who is the Holy Spirit and was indwelt by the Spirit while in his mothers womb, see Psalm 22:10.  Even as a child Jesus told his human parents, “Do you not know that I must be about my Fathers business.” Luke  2:29

Jesus was a human being but he was by no means like us in every way:  spiritually he was far superior  to humans and angels. Hebrews 1:6

Jesus was created by his God and Father with the same love and righteousness as God. The saints  will be changed so as to be of the divine nature.  Jesus had this nature in its fullness as a man. Colossians 1:19 Jesus loved us in the same love ( agape)  as God loved him. This is how Jesus was like his God and qualified him to be the messiah. Jesus was impeccable. Brother Kel is wrong about the baptism of Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact Brother Kel has many things wrong just as Anthony Buzzard does. Neither one will listen to constructive criticism in the Spirit of Gods love.   Once Jesus ascended to heaven he could not be the example we follow, he was and is that example as a man.  We are to look at how he lived and Imitate him.  If we do this then we are following him and will be in the kingdom.

The idea that Jesus did not have the Holy Spirit until John baptized him is of an ignorant carnal mind.  You really do not know Jesus so you don’t know his God either.  


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...