Thursday, February 3, 2022



           You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.

Define worship: Strongs article #H7812: to bow down, prostrate oneself before a superior in homage before an angel, man or God.

This verse seems to say that only God can be worshipped. Is this true? Joshua worshipped the angel who identified himself as Captain of the Lords army.  Joshua 5:14

Nathan the prophet worshipped King David.  1 Chronicles 29:20 & 1 Kings 1:22. Many translations avoid using the word worship but it is H7812 as given above.

When worship is made or given it is always directed to someone greater than you.  You must also know the one you direct worship toward.   You would never worship a human king like David as though he was the Almighty God but as the king that God placed on the throne.  Showing this honor or worship toward king David is to honor the Almighty God who put David on the throne.  This is the same with the worship of Jesus who God Almighty has placed on the throne of his father David. To honor and worship Jesus is to honor and worship the Almighty God.  When you worship Jesus you are fully aware that Jesus is not the Almighty God and your prayer should definitely reflect this fact.  The church is to rule and reign, to be kings and priests in the kingdom of God under Jesus.  The humans we rule over will worship us as “a god”;  an Elohim, a mighty one, as we will be greater than those who worship us just as Jesus is greater than those who worship him and finally the Almighty God who is greater than all.  All of this worship is to be understood as worshipping the Almighty who created the entire worship system and is at the very height of it.  

I hope you can see that there are different levels of worship and that worship is always from the lower being to the higher being and that your worship takes this into consideration as each level of those being worshipped is fully understood by the one worshipping.  

Because people worshipped Jesus the trinity people say that this means Jesus was God without knowing what I have explained in this writing.

This information should help to understand scriptures like:

 Micah 4:5 “for all people walk each in the name of his god, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”

Psalm 82:3 “ I said, you are gods and all of you are children of the Most High,”

Psalm 82:1 “ God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods.”

The word worship is not exclusively used in worship to God.

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