Wednesday, December 14, 2022


    When Did Jesus Receive The Holy Spirit


Brother Kel of “Trinity Delusion “  says Jesus received the Holy Spirit when he was baptized by John the Baptist.  This cannot be true. 

In John 1:31-34  John admits he did not know who the messiah was.  A sign was given to John that the man on whom you see the spirit descend and rest on is  he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 3:11 before John baptized Jesus he said that Jesus was more powerful than he was and could baptize with the Holy Spirit.  Matthew 3:13-17  John did not think Jesus needed baptized and Jesus said that he was doing this to fulfill all righteousness.  Then John agreed and the sign John was given before was the fulfilled. It is so obvious here that Jesus did not get baptized to get the Holy Spirit but for another reason.

In the account in  Matthew 3:13-17 it is plain that Jesus did not come to John for a usual baptism.  The reason was to fulfill all righteousness.   Imagine, Jesus, the messiah, who was the embodiment of salvation and had direct access to God not having the Holy Spirit until he was about 30 years old.  Jesus would have been an unconverted man.  Do you think that was the case for a man  who was conceived by the Holy Spirit. What did Jesus mean by “fulfill all righteousness”??   John understood this and then agreed.  The answer is that this baptism was for all the saints before Jesus like those listed in Hebrews 11.  Baptism is the fulfillment of what circumcision only typed or was a shadow of.  All the saints before Jesus were circumcised in the flesh of the foreskin indicating that from Abrahams flesh ( seed) a messiah would come.  To confirm this promise Jesus was baptized for them as Paul also confirmed in Romans 15:8.  Jesus was born of God who is the Holy Spirit and was indwelt by the Spirit while in his mothers womb, see Psalm 22:10.  Even as a child Jesus told his human parents, “Do you not know that I must be about my Fathers business.” Luke  2:29

Jesus was a human being but he was by no means like us in every way:  spiritually he was far superior  to humans and angels. Hebrews 1:6

Jesus was created by his God and Father with the same love and righteousness as God. The saints  will be changed so as to be of the divine nature.  Jesus had this nature in its fullness as a man. Colossians 1:19 Jesus loved us in the same love ( agape)  as God loved him. This is how Jesus was like his God and qualified him to be the messiah. Jesus was impeccable. Brother Kel is wrong about the baptism of Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact Brother Kel has many things wrong just as Anthony Buzzard does. Neither one will listen to constructive criticism in the Spirit of Gods love.   Once Jesus ascended to heaven he could not be the example we follow, he was and is that example as a man.  We are to look at how he lived and Imitate him.  If we do this then we are following him and will be in the kingdom.

The idea that Jesus did not have the Holy Spirit until John baptized him is of an ignorant carnal mind.  You really do not know Jesus so you don’t know his God either.  

Monday, May 30, 2022



From the the womb to the tomb life should be protected.  What is life and when does it begin?  The answers to these questions are totally unknown to the medical science of abortion.  Other sciences like Astrobiology and Evolution define life as something that can move, take in food, excrete waste, grow and respond to external stimuli. Evolution says life began when certain lifeless amino acids and proteins combined in a pool of prehistoric goo.  Then over billions of years critters crawled out of this goo and evolved into all life on Earth.  A question about this theory is, can life come about by lifeless things or is matter alive?  Life can only come from life and the origin of life is not in matter but in something else.  A woman's womb contains amniotic fluid, which corresponds to the pool of prehistoric goo,  in which the zygote evolves through stages into a human being.  If NASA were to discover a slug on Mars and the camera on the rover showed the slug moved, was this caused by the wind or a Mars quake?  After many hours  of observation the slug moved to a small particle and consumes it, more hours pass and at the opposite end of the slug material is ejected out of its body.  A decision is made to use the rovers arm to disturb the soil next to the slug and when this is done the slug forms the shape of a circle and at this point NASA announces that it has discovered life on Mars.  Would NASA kill the slug or let it live and study it considering it a wonderful thing?  

Life is in all things that are alive no matter how it appears or what stage it is in.  All life is as that slug on Mars, that pool of goo on prehistoric Earth or the womb of a woman.  If there is even the slightest doubt of anything being alive or not the unanimous view must be that of life or does ignorance or self serving desire take president?  The ignorant and self serving say, "I do not know if it is alive or not but I am going to destroy it anyway."  Pro-abortionist women say,"Its my body", I ask, is it?

Is the woman's body also the body of the fetus?  No, there are two bodies else when you are born you would be your mother and not a separate human being.  The mother is the host body for the other developing human being in her womb.  Pro-abortionists justify their position by denying visible proof of life.  Just saying something is true does not make it true.  Life proves itself by not being dead and death proves itself by not being alive. A fetus proves it is alive because dead things can not do what a fetus does.  Roe verses Wade did nothing but legalize national mass murder.  This is a power not given to the supreme court by the constitution and was in reality the court making law which is something only the congress can do.  Roe verses Wade should be struck down for this reason.  

Abortion supporters say a fetus is not alive and is just a mass of cells, that movement is involuntary and that intake of food and excretion of waste is only to keep the cells active.  If I use this criteria to judge if something is alive then any person outside the womb is not alive.  A grown man is a mass of cells, are his movements really voluntary and his intake of food and excretion of waste no indication he is alive?  Have we so much lost our way that we can no longer see the difference between something that is alive or dead?  

Now what does the Almighty God have to say about abortion?  Most people do not care, not even many of those who claim to be Christian.  Exodus 21:22-23 says, "If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. But if there is a miscarriage you are to take life for life." This verse makes it clear that when anyone causes the death of the unborn it is murder and the the punishment is death.  In this verse it was accidental but would it change if done intentionally weather by another person or the mother herself?   No it would not.  

While a fetus is in the womb, God is the God of that fetus. 

Psalm 22:10 "From birth I was cast upon you, from my mothers womb you have been my God."

God forms a fetus in the womb and has complete knowledge of you before being born.  Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you and before you came out of the womb I sanctified you and ordained you to be a prophet unto the nations."

 Psalm 139:13-16 "For you created my innermost being, you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the Earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

Do these scriptures rattle you at all?  You so called Christians, do they impact your view of abortion?  

It is the spirit of Man, the breath of life from GOD, that gives life.  Without this spirit there is no life.  The fetus has this life, this spirit else it would not be alive.  The punishment for killing the fetus is the same as killing a full grown person, death.  After all this ignorant women still say, "its my body and if I want to kill my baby I will."  With all the methods of birth control available today why do we need abortion?  It is because of people being irresponsible and allowing their sexual desires to rule over common sense and responsibility.  People have sex in the heat of the moment with inflamed animal passions flowing and washing away any idea of what will happen if pregnancy results.  Abortion is the biggest cop out of all to deal with the acts of irresponsible people who behave like animals.  There is coming a day in which all those who approved and participated in this murderous act of abortion will pay.  Abortion is wrong under any circumstance including incest or rape.  It is not the man and woman that makes life, it is GOD, life comes from GOD not people.  A fetus is a person, a soul, that has a GOD.

This writing will not change anything about abortion.  People will go one doing what they do because they just don't care about anything except themselves.  There is no love in the world anymore that seems great enough to turn people around from committing any heinous act as all forms of human love have waxed cold.  Sin, abominations and perversions abound and are excepted as alternative life styles. Anyone who speaks up for what is right is condemned and canceled.  These are the last days and this is what scripture says is to happen in this time and it will lead us all to a point of our own destruction if it were not for a loving GOD who has had an eternal plan for humanity and will not let us destroy ourselves even though we actually deserve it.  For those of you who do not believe in GOD you had better hope you are wrong because GOD is the only hope you have.


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Return of Christ

     Return of Christ

John 17:15 “I pray not that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil one.”

The saints will not be raptured out of the world but will be kept from the evil one as Jesus requested in his prayer.  

Revelation 3:10 “I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the Earth.”

God can protect His saints anywhere.

Matthew 24:29-31 (the time here is immediately after the tribulation not before the tribulation,  The elect saints are gathered after the tribulation. 

The saints will be miraculously protected from the horror of the tribulation while still on the Earth as Jesus prayed to the Father.  There is no secret rapture where the saints are taken to heaven.  The Holy Spirit doesn’t leave the Earth, remember God is omnipresent, always everywhere, so this false rapture goes against Gods attributes which define who He is.  

From the time you are reading this article until Jesus does return there are events that must take place.  

The antichrist must make a peace treaty with ten nations for 7 years.  At the midpoint of this 7 years the tribulation begins and Jesus will return cutting the time of tribulation short for the sake of the saints who are alive and remain in those days.

God has set the exact times that all these events will occur, Daniel 8:19 tells us God has appointed the time just as other events during that time, Revelation 9:13-15 an hour, day, month and year is another appointment.  In eternity God has set these times.

When you see the antichrist make the 7 year peace treaty with ten nations then you will know that Jesus will return at sometime short of the end of this 7 years.  

Study the scriptures asking God to show you the truth.

Thursday, February 3, 2022



           You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.

Define worship: Strongs article #H7812: to bow down, prostrate oneself before a superior in homage before an angel, man or God.

This verse seems to say that only God can be worshipped. Is this true? Joshua worshipped the angel who identified himself as Captain of the Lords army.  Joshua 5:14

Nathan the prophet worshipped King David.  1 Chronicles 29:20 & 1 Kings 1:22. Many translations avoid using the word worship but it is H7812 as given above.

When worship is made or given it is always directed to someone greater than you.  You must also know the one you direct worship toward.   You would never worship a human king like David as though he was the Almighty God but as the king that God placed on the throne.  Showing this honor or worship toward king David is to honor the Almighty God who put David on the throne.  This is the same with the worship of Jesus who God Almighty has placed on the throne of his father David. To honor and worship Jesus is to honor and worship the Almighty God.  When you worship Jesus you are fully aware that Jesus is not the Almighty God and your prayer should definitely reflect this fact.  The church is to rule and reign, to be kings and priests in the kingdom of God under Jesus.  The humans we rule over will worship us as “a god”;  an Elohim, a mighty one, as we will be greater than those who worship us just as Jesus is greater than those who worship him and finally the Almighty God who is greater than all.  All of this worship is to be understood as worshipping the Almighty who created the entire worship system and is at the very height of it.  

I hope you can see that there are different levels of worship and that worship is always from the lower being to the higher being and that your worship takes this into consideration as each level of those being worshipped is fully understood by the one worshipping.  

Because people worshipped Jesus the trinity people say that this means Jesus was God without knowing what I have explained in this writing.

This information should help to understand scriptures like:

 Micah 4:5 “for all people walk each in the name of his god, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”

Psalm 82:3 “ I said, you are gods and all of you are children of the Most High,”

Psalm 82:1 “ God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods.”

The word worship is not exclusively used in worship to God.


  We have reached a critical point in our growth.  We have stored food, have extra power sources, extra heat sources and methods of communic...