Monday, June 21, 2021






Homosexuals and Lesbians claim that they were born with their sexual orientation.  Imagine a new born baby, only hours old, having sexual feelings for their own gender.  What about when the child is 1 or 2 years old and realizes that they are attracted to those of their own sexual biological nature.  All readers of this blog know that I approach all topics with what scripture mentions about that topic.  Scripture condemns all forms of sexual activity except that which is in marriage with one man and one woman.  No other type of sex is accepted and is a sin.  Anyone who denies this is a liar and ignorant of God's righteous judgment.  

The only sin that all people are born with is the sin passed onto us by Adam; as in Adam all sin and all die.

The old covenant law only made sin even more sinful as it had a written law.  God did not create us sinners, we chose sin.  No one is born a sinner in this way.  Sin by the law.   Homosexuality is sin so is adultery. Since God did not create us sinners then we are not born homosexuals or adulterers. Sin is a learned behavior beginning from birth as we are exposed to a world populated by sinners. Demonic spirits also influence us to do evil. Sin proves free will; God does not make us sin, we partner with Satan to sin. 

All types of sin are common to all people and no one of these is worse than the other. All sin is punished by everlasting death.  Jesus brought a new covenant to humanity that if we believe Jesus was and is Gods son and humanity’s savior by faith and confess our sins to God asking for mercy and forgiveness; God will forgive all your sins and empower you with His Spirit to live a life that pleases Him. Then when Jesus returns you will be changed into an immortal, impeccable spirit being.

Quit making excuses and living a lie, trust in God and Jesus.

If you say you are born that way you are either ignorant or a liar. You are trying to blame God for what you are rather than admit the truth.



  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...