Thursday, October 11, 2018

The False Tribulation
The next global economic depression

If you have been following events in this world as Jesus told us to then you are aware of the terrible situations that exist.  All these will soon boil over and begin the countdown to the end of this evil age as recorded in Daniel the prophet.  Pray, Thy Kingdom come.

The enemy of Yahweh is Satan.  Satan has a plan to mimic the true God's plan and causes mirror events to happen before what God has revealed by the prophets.  This coming global economic collapse will be believed by the carnal world to be the great tribulation.  This next collapse or great depression must be so severe so as to be mistaken for the great tribulation.  Satan has human agents that he has placed into positions of power and influence that he uses to pull off his deception.  Scripture affirms that for this time it is Satan's world and he can give it to anyone he desires.  In scripture Jesus told his elect that, if it were possible this deception would fool even the elect, therefore the deception must appear to be the real thing but in reality it is not.  There will also be a limited nuclear war in the middle east as Islamic forces take advantage of world chaos caused by the economic collapse to attack Israel.  The carnal world will think Islam is the antichrist rather than the Jewish king who will be leading Israel. The forces of Islam will overwhelm Israel and force Israel to use nuclear weapons.  Israel will be led by a Jewish king descended from King David who will lead Israel to victory and force 5 Islamic nations to enter a treaty with 5 western nations, these 10 nations were long ago part of the two legs of the eastern and western ancient Roman empire mentioned in Daniel.  These will be the ten toes, not a Roman revival but a Jewish empire led by the antichrist, this son of King David.  In this way Satan restores the kingdom unto Israel but it is false and is not of God because Israel will not be restored until the real Jesus returns.  The Rothschild fortune will be used by the antichrist to bring the world back from the economic collapse and produce a time of peace, safety and prosperity that the carnal world will think is the millennium.  For when they say peace and safety then will come sudden destruction. The law of Moses will be reborn, the temple rebuilt and the sacrifices resumed.  The carnal world will forget Jesus and enter the old covenant law.  The law is what Jesus came and gave his life for in order to save us from the laws righteous condemnation as sinners worthy of death. This will be the denial of Jesus by the world.  After about three and a half years the antichrist will stop the sacrifices and proclaim himself God.  The carnal world will for the most part follow him but the Jews will realize the deception and rebel because they know God has never been or will ever be a man.  The trinity and binary God ideas have always been a lie.  This will usher in the real tribulation, the time of Jacob's trouble.  About 75 days before the antichrist proclaims himself God the elect saints of God will be sealed; 1335 days before the end of the 2520 days of Daniel.  This sealing of God's elect will make them unable to sin and provide protection from any harm.  The true converts after this time will be called the innumerable multitude. The elect are the 144,000.  The 144,000 elect were called and chosen before the tribulation begins, the innumerable multitude afterwards. Both of these will be in the first resurrection. The 2300 days of Daniel is the time the tribulation is cut short as Jesus said for the elects sake.  Jesus will return 220 days early else no flesh would be saved alive.  There will be great pain, suffering and death coming in the next few years but we must always remember what comes after.  It will be the kingdom of God on Earth.  No human eye has ever seen or ear heard and neither has it ever been in our imaginations what God has prepared for those who love HIM and have lived according to HIS will.  

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