Thursday, January 16, 2025



We have reached a critical point in our growth.  We have stored food, have extra power sources, extra heat sources and methods of communications and protection.  Something is missing, what is it, what should we be doing ?

There has been as you know , no really significant thing that God has taught us in some  time.  We have a wealth of spiritual knowledge compared to the world.  In the past we have reached out to some people, IF they show us that they are interested.  Brian and his wife seemed interested but, I realized later that Brian was not but, his wife was.  It says many are called but, few are chosen.  I doubt Brian was called but, I think his wife was.  His wife, although called , did not answer because of Brian. The same was true of Amanda and the people who were at that gathering at Ray and Joann’s place.  When we speak to anyone about spiritual things it should always be because they ask.  Then when we speak they are being called but, what they do with it is up to them.  Thus far there has only been one other that has listened to us and was called and then she answered and now fellowships with us as one of us being chosen.  I know we are not ashamed of Christ and his gospel but, the idea of sharing what we have with others should not be avoided because of the results of the past.  We are to love our neighbors as ourselves.  We know that all the elect have not yet been chosen but, have we recognized how that process works by personal experience.

God began to work with me and I shared with three others my experience and through that three more elect were added. How would it have turned out if I had kept those things to myself ?  I do not know but, what happened afterwards testified for itself.  Proverbs 3:27 , 1 Peter 3:9 .  Aquila and Priscilla in Acts 18:24-26  .  Acts 19:1-7  Paul met Apollos and 11 others later and the 12 were baptized and Paul laid hands on them and the Holy Spirit came upon them..  Galatians 6:10 , Hebrews 13:2   A spouse can by their conduct be an aid in winning over their mate.  1 Peter 3:1 

It seems to me that this is how at times God selects HIS elect, through HIS existing elect sharing, when asked, for the reason for the hope you have. 1 Peter 3:15-16 , Colossians 4:6 , 2 Timothy 2:25-26

We have been shown great blessings, great knowledge , a miracle healing, agape love and this is what we are to show others and by that conduct perhaps be a part in bringing in another elect.  Love is a verb and if it is not it is just words.  



Hebrews 11:6   Impossible to please GOD without faith.  The law was not of faith.  Under the law there was no repentance, no mercy or forgiveness.  The promises did not come from the law.  The law will not make you a joint heir with Christ.  The law does not give life.  Righteousness does not come from the law.  Salvation does not come by the law.  The law places a curse on people.  If the law did provide the way to salvation then Christ died in vain.  What the law could not do GOD did through Christ.  The law is what condemns all people to death for all have sinned , the law is what we need saved from. 

Everything that is needed to have salvation is not given in the law.   People who insist that keeping the law is required do not understand any of what I have written here.  


 All churches say there is a God.  When they define and describe that god is where the controversy begins.  Is GOD a trinity, a binary or only one or Unitarian.  This “three sided” disagreement situation has existed for centuries.  The cause of this confusion is carnal unconverted minds left to the imaginations of their own human spirits.  When the truth about any spiritual topic is desired GOD is the only one who can reveal it.  All spiritual truths come from GOD.  Carnal thinking fails to consider every word of GOD when developing their version of truth. This combined with the absence of the Holy Spirit leads to lies.  All churches, regardless of how much truth they have, are guilty of this error.  Satans method is to combine a truth with lies to make the lie more believable.  This is then manifested in the preaching of the churches.  False beliefs like immorality of the soul, universal salvation, glorified flesh, that Jesus was capable of sin, that Jesus wanted to avoid the crucifixion, the rapture, the trinity or binary ideas about GOD and many more lies enter into the belief systems of the various churches because of Satans methods.  

Once these lies become entrenched they are nearly impossible to reverse.  Revelation 12:9 is not an overstatement but a fact.  The devil has indeed deceived the entire world except for the elect saints.  This Satanic deception will continue until the return of Christ.  

There are both men and women who fancy themselves to be preachers, claim to be of GOD, have many followers and rake in the money but none of them know the truth.  The very way they organize their church with a one man or woman show is itself a lie.  A lie sugarcoated with a little truth is still a lie.  No lie is of the truth,  1 John 2:21  If a church or preacher says there is a GOD, but describes that god in a way inconsistent with scripture then one truth is wrapped up with many lies making the whole thing a lie.  This spiritual principle applies to all spiritual beliefs. Some say that angels are intangible beings that cannot interact with humans by touch and vice versa; in the account of 2 Kings 19:35  I am positive that the 185,000 killed by the angel felt it and the angel felt them.  Angels can touch us and we them,  1 Kings 19:5,7 ,  Zechariah 4:1 ,  Hosea 12:3,4   Daniel 10:18   Acts 12:7   Touch goes both ways, is felt by both involved.   After reading these scriptures do you yet think angels are intangible beings ?  There are people who do in spite of what scriptures proclaim.   This lie also involves the glorified saints, that humans become spirit beings just like the angels, is denied by the intangible idea so they invent glorified flesh.  

The nearly universal teaching about Jesus desiring to escape the crucifixion is a total lie.  Romans 14:23  Jesus constantly said we must have faith but yet according to false preachers lost his faith in the garden of Gethsemane.  Everything that is not of faith is sin.  If true then Jesus sinned.  In Matthew 16:21,22,23  Jesus connected Peters comments in verse 22 with Satan.  If the world’s preachers are correct then Jesus actually did what he earlier condemned as Satanic.  Anyone believing the lie that Jesus wanted to escape crucifixion does not know Jesus, the FATHER or the gospel.  The truth is that Satan attacked Jesus with the intent of killing him before he could go to the cross.  This attack was the cup Jesus spoke about.  Jesus asked for that attack to stop but left it up to GODS will.  GOD sent an angel to strengthen Jesus and the attack ended. Luke 22:43  If Jesus did ask the FATHER to save him from being crucified GOD would have instantly sent 12 legions of angels.  Matthew 26:53  therefore Jesus never asked, the angels never came.  

Some churches say that Jesus did not come from heaven in an attempt to humanize him, to make Jesus exactly like humans in every way.  Well, we all come from heaven and at death return to heaven.  All humans are a human spirit in a fleshly body.  Our spirit is what keeps us alive and the body without the spirit is dead.  James 2:26  Biologically Jesus was exactly like us but spiritually was very different.  Anyone understanding the things I have written about has the Holy Spirit but if you do not understand then you are unconverted.

I have posted other articles here that prove Jesus was incapable of sin because he had the character of GOD and the love of GOD.  There are articles that disprove the lie of glorified flesh, of the great commission,  things concerning the law and other topics.  

This is a sad thing but expected it because GOD has only given HIS spirit to very few people while the vast majority are in darkness.  1 John 5:19 ,  1 John 4:6  ,  1 Corinthians 2:11,12,13   Unconverted people cannot understand the things of GOD.  1 Corinthians 2:14,15,16   All the churches are being led by unconverted people who think they are of GOD when they are in fact of Satan.  


 Instructions for study; combine the articles about voting, the Devil, cast lots, Trump and leaders cause to err.  These all tied together give spiritual knowledge .   This proves that GOD does not directly appoint rulers of this world but allows Satan to do that. It proves that voting is a sin.  Voting rejects GOD as king and chooses evil people to rule.  Proves that true Christians, GODS elect saints are not of this world, citizens of the kingdom, ambassadors and unspotted from the world.  Proves that the nature of GOD is in total opposition to human government that is controlled by Satan.  

Perversion began subtly, a little at a time.  All humanity is evil and over time became more evil.  Divorce was not a common thing 100 years ago, adultery was a crime punishable by a prison sentence, unwed mothers were a shame to parents, abortions were illegal and had to be done in secrecy, homosexuality was in the closet, transgenderism was unheard of, pedophilia is beginning to be looked at like homosexuality with the reasoning that they were born that way.  Once one perversion is accepted by society others will follow.  The truth is that all these perversions are because humanity is born that way.  All have sinned, none are righteous no not one, their hearts are fully set to do evil, they do the works of their father the devil.  It has taken humanity thousands of years to arrive to a time that happened in the days of Noah, every thought and intent of their heart is evil continually.  This is where humanity is right now.  The next step is for Satan to provide his latest lie, to avoid sin by keeping the law.  The law is a shadow and not the truth as it has no substance only symbolism.  The law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ,  John 1:17  

We have seen that 666 is a holy number of the Jews that they associate with their messiah, that Jerusalem is the harlot, that the beast rising up from the sea is the nation of Israel, that a third temple will be built and the sacrifices begin again, that a false Elijah will call fire from heaven to burn up those sacrifices, that in order for this temple to be rebuilt will require a powerful world leader to make it possible,  that today Israel is in a war for survival but has nuclear weapons, that many false prophets have risen with all kinds of lies, that Trump is being put forth as a king Cyrus, that both Jews and false Christians are making Trump into something that he is not,  that the false Christians believe Israel is the chosen of GOD,  that the messiah of the Jews will be Jesus when he is really the antichrist.  All these things are happening now.  

We, the elect saints of GOD have been watching these events develop over the last 31 years and now are looking for the rise of the man of sin.  We look for a 7 year covenant he makes with 10 nations that can only be made by a false tribulation or nuclear strikes by Israel against the Islamics who will attack Israel .  These Islamics must be defeated in order to have a third temple and if they are faced with the choice of total destruction or entering a peace covenant with antichrist they will choose the covenant.  This is what makes sense to us at this time but we see prophecy through a glass darkly which may because of this cause the order or methods of our prophetic understanding to adjust as more light shines.  Certain events are in stone but other details about them liquid so we must be careful not to make our speculation doctrine.  We will go with what we have until GOD decides to reveal more.  GOD has done this with us before so it should not be surprising.  



In this world there are spirituality only two kinds of people, converted and unconverted.  The scriptures confirm that the number of converted is very few.  We have learned that the exact number of true Christians from righteous Able to the last that is called and chosen by GOD is 144,000 .  This covers a time of about 6,000 years. Most of these saints are dead with only a very small remnant remaining when Christ returns.  We know that all the people in the world who say they are Christians are not, they just think they are because Satan has deceived them.  We know Satan is by the will of GOD the god of this world and that we are not of this world.  GOD allows Satan to control who the rulers of this world are in all the nations,  remember what Satan told Jesus during the temptation in the wilderness, “all these have been given unto me and I can give it to whoever I choose”.  We know that modern day Israel is in reality Judah and is not GODS chosen people because GOD divorced Israel long ago. The carnal nation of Israel was GODS elect under the law but there is also an election according to grace that existed long before the law because Abraham found grace and is called the father of the faithful.  

These are only a few things we have learned in the last 31 years and we must remember these and all other truth GOD has taught us and with all of this in mind consider what I now say.  There has never been any politician that has been an elect. All the governments of the world are evil and of Satan and actively participating in them is a sin for GODS people, that means voting, taking up some cause, holding an office or giving money to Satans politicians for their campaigns.  The elect of GOD must be 100% with GOD, they were bought with a price and are owned by GOD.  We cannot serve two masters, our citizenship is in heaven, we are ambassadors, we are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world.  The world is unclean and GOD calls us out of it saying, “come out from among them and be you separate and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you”.  Involving ourselves in the affairs of the world makes us unclean, spotted, and if guilty of this needing to repent and ask for and receive forgiveness.  Now, getting to the heart of the matter, Donald Trump is no better than Joe Biden, both are children of the devil as all worldly people are.  Voting for either one is voting for a devil.  GOD has appointed Jesus as our king and we did not vote for that.  To vote is placing your hope and faith in devil men and women, not in GOD and Christ.  We believe in a coming kingdom of GOD and are already called sons of GOD, why would we want anything to do with the devils world ?  

Trump is going to be president on January twenty 2025 and has plans to shake up the government but also plans to “solve” the problems in the Middle East.  The practicing Jews in Israel believe Trump will make the third temple possible as he already made Jerusalem Israel’s capital.  Trump has a strong connection to the Jewish people, his daughter married a Jewish man and converted to Judaism and Trump has in his inner circle many Jews.  The MAGA movement he began has become a religion with millions of loyal followers.  There are numerous prophecies by false prophets concerning Trump comparing him to Cyrus king of Persia, a gentile king who gave permission to Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild the temple.  Trump promises a new golden age with freedom and peace and prosperity that sounds like the millennium.  I know it may offend some but Trump is of the devil and is being used to bring about Satans plans for the end time.  Trump is NOT the antichrist or false prophet but one of the ten kings united with the beast.  Trump will surrender U.S. sovereignty to the antichrist when the seven year covenant is made. The devil citizens will go along with it thinking the AC is GOD. The temple worship system will be reestablished with sacrifices , offerings and keeping of days.  The Jewish people will rejoice until the AC says he is GOD, then the party’s over.  The Jews kick the AC out of Israel but AC has ten kings who will hate the harlot and run her through with swords and burn her with fire and this harlot we know is Jerusalem.  The great tribulation will rage in horror until Christ returns early to stop it and establishes the kingdom of GOD on Earth.  

This revelation is different from what we had thought but remember much of what we thought was a guess on our part based upon what we knew back then.  There is absolute truth and it only comes from GOD.  Understanding prophecy needs time and light,  over time more light shines making it easier to see.  We are not in darkness that that day should overtake us as a thief and as we see that day approaching we need to fellowship even more.   These thoughts recorded here are therefore subject to change as events progress.  This is the nature of prophecy. 

YAHWEH has known the end of all things even before HE created them and no matter what Satan and man may do will not alter HIS will.  YAHWEH is not the author of sin or the father of lies, HE does not deceive people, HE is not evil.  It is absolutely mandatory that humanity has free will to choose life or death, in Eden’s choice of fruit, under the law and in the new covenant as well it is a choice.  The saints love YAHWEH not because they are forced  or programmed to but because they of their own free will want to, this is what true love is.  If Yahweh did directly place evil rulers in power then HE would be the author of evil but instead has allowed Satan who is the author of evil to do the evil.  It is a similar thing to the story of Job where GOD allowed Satan to do his thing but placed only one limit on Satan, do not touch his, Jobs, life. Humanity is Job and YAHWEH allows Satan to do all kinds of evil to humanity but YAHWEH has one limit,  to not allow Satan to totally destroy humanity.  Does GOD deliberately make humans evil, does HE directly lead us into all sorts of temptations, does HE place sin and lust in our hearts ?  If YAHWEH did directly choose all these evil leaders then HE would also be responsible for their evil.  Humanity could rightly say it’s your fault YAHWEH, you did this.  However Humanity has no excuse because they are of their father the devil and they do their father’s works.  GOD uses Satan as a tool to present to humanity the concepts of good and evil, GOD being the good and Satan the evil, then it is humanity’s choice to make between these two.  There is none good but one and that is GOD.  

Consider that if YAHWEH set up these evil leaders it was a work of YAHWEH and no one else.  Then Jesus returns to destroy the works of his GOD in order to set up his GODS kingdom.  Also YAHWEH sets up these evil leaders so that some people follow 

in their evil and therefore into sin, is this YAHWEH setting them up to fall ?  To me this is not the character of YAHWEH who scripture says is love.  The idea that YAHWEH is directly responsible for the evil in this world caused by the evil rulers HE set up goes contrary to what to HIS own will and character.  YAHWEH said, “oh my people your leaders cause you to err and destroy the way of your paths”.  Wait, didn’t YAHWEH set these leaders up in the first place ?  YAHWEH sets up the evil leaders and when people follow them HE blames the people.

This defies all spiritual logic.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


In Luke 2:49 a young Jesus, at the age of 12, made an amazing comment to Joseph and Mary.  This event occurred during the Passover.  Jesus had become separated from his parents who did not realize he was missing until they were headed back home and traveled for a day before realizing Jesus was not among their relatives or friends.  Even when they returned to Jerusalem that took a day, they yet searched for him there and another 3 days passed before they finally found him.  Luke 2:46,47  informs us what Jesus was doing during that time.  I find it amazing that a boy of only 12 could have the knowledge and understanding to be engaged in conversations with the teachers at the temple who themselves also were amazed at the understanding and the answers Jesus gave them.  This story gives us important insight into the power of GODS spirit that was at work in the young Christ.  When Joseph and Mary found him and expressed their fear and worry to him his reply was equally amazing.  Jesus had to be about his FATHERS business.  Luke 2:49KJV   Jesus knew that Joseph was not his father but how long did he know this, how long was he aware of his FATHERS business ?  Joseph and Mary went to Passover every year which means Jesus did too.  It is said that the age of reason, a stage in early human life that occurs around 5 to 7 years, where rational thought is developed to distinguish good from evil and understand concepts and ideas on a basic level.  If this is true then Jesus would have been experiencing this condition for at least 5 to 7 years before this incident at age 12.  What would account for the extraordinary intelligence displayed by Jesus ?  We should already know, Jesus was, since the age of reason, fully connected to his GOD and FATHER.  GOD and Jesus were one even when Jesus was very young and even when Jesus was in Mary’s womb.  Psalm 22:10. At this tender age Jesus was totally immersed in his FATHERS business.  

The scriptures declare that we are to be transformed into the same image as Jesus,  2 Corinthians 3:18   Romans 8:29  

Was Jesus preoccupied with the business of economics, science and technology, engineering, the arts or politics?  Scripture indicates that Jesus was consumed by the zeal of his FATHERS business to the elimination of all else.  John 2:17   John 4:34  Jesus was totally committed to the will of GOD and all of this is the image of what we are to become.  Now we no that we have not yet achieved the stature and fullness of Jesus but we should be of a mind that makes this goal a desire that eats us up, consumes us.

We should not place anything else above this spiritual priority.  We should not think of the words and ways of this world by rather be focused on developing the mind of this man, Jesus Christ.  Philippians 2:5

We should not consider videos, books or TV shows making claims about things they know nothing about.  If placing your Mother, Father, son or daughter above Christ makes us unworthy of him , Matthew 10:37 ,  then what could be said of the other things in this world?

Jesus is speaking of total commitment to his FATHER and to himself.  We are not to love GOD or Christ half heartedly.  Matthew 22:37   Since Christians are still physically in this world but we are to be spiritually separate , however it seems to be that we forget this and involve ourselves in things that we should not be part of or participate in.  We need to spiritually educate ourselves to be able to discern the difference with the guidance of GODS spirit.  The spirit is to be our guide but if we fail to use the spirit then we have no guide.  John 16:13  John 14:26   Romans 8:14   Galatians 5:16,17,18   

We should never think we are standing firm to the degree that we become careless.  1 Corinthians 10:12

Proverbs 16:18  Matthew 26:41  2 Peter 3:17  

Paul understood these things very well.  Philippians 3:12. Hebrews 12:1,2    We are to search ourselves to determine if we have any issues that go against the profession of our faith.  2 Corinthians 13:5   All these warnings and admonitions from the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles would not even be in the scriptures if it were not possible that we could fail .  Therefore we need to do what Jesus always did, be about our FATHERS business.

Friday, January 10, 2025



As I have said before prophecy is subject to what the prophets of old have already spoken.  Nothing is added to or taken away from it.  1 Corinthians 14:32   The spiritual information given by YAHWEH  to the saints is only partial not complete and detailed.

1 Corinthians 13:9,10   Our small group knows some future events but perhaps not in proper order nor in great detail.  We believe for now that the current war in the Middle East will have a nuclear event by Israel  that will cause a forced alliance due to fear of annihilation hence the iron and clay feet on Daniels image as a mix of Jews and Gentiles . This event may be what causes the total destruction of Damascus,  Isaiah 17:1  as well as a few other cities and brings about a false tribulation.  After the antichrist makes the 10 nation covenant he brings back  peace, safety and prosperity to the world that we call the false millennium.  Satan copies YAHWEHS plan but changes the times and seasons so as to deceive the nations.

The beast rising out of the sea is the nation of Israel. Israel was, is not and yet is.  The antichrist and false prophet make an image of Israel as it was in the glory days of Solomon.  The number 666 is the amount of gold that came to Solomon yearly 666 talents. 1 Kings 10:14 ,  this is the number of a man and the number of the man of sin who makes an image of Israel under Solomons reign.  The false prophet imitates the prophet Elijah by calling fire down from heaven to burn up sacrifices that will be restored with the restoration of the third temple and the law of Moses and in this way all the people deny Christ and the new covenant.  The man of sin will at the mid point of the 7 year covenant declare himself GOD.  Daniel 9:27. The city of Jerusalem is the harlot,  Jeremiah 3:3 KJV and the headquarters of the man of sin who Jews see as the messiah and king.  John 5:43  When the man of sin says he is GOD the Jews will realize their mistake and reject him but he will bring his ten kings, toes, horns against Jerusalem,  Revelation 17:16  and this begins the time of Jacobs trouble that spills over on all the earth.  The gentiles have always though YAHWEH became a man and have no problem with the antichrists claim.

The church at this time is two distinct groups , one is faithful Philadelphia and the other lukewarm Laodiceans.  The living elect in those days will be sealed by YAHWEH to protect them from all harm,  Revelation 3:10  Revelation 7:3,4  Isaiah 54:13,14,15,16,17  but the Laodiceans must not love their lives unto death, Revelation 12:11    Revelation 20:4  become martyrs, so as to be in the kingdom with the elect when Christ returns. Revelation 14:13  The elect living at this time are described by Paul; 1 Corinthians 15:51  The "we shall not all sleep" refers to the living remnant that are not dead as sleep in this verse is a synonym for death.  These living elect saints will instantly be changed from flesh to spirit having never seen death and they along with all the rest of the 144,000 and the innumerable multitude will experience this "change" which is twofold; from mortal to immortal and from sinner under grace to impeccable.  When this remnant is sealed they will be as Jesus was when on this earth. 1 John 4:17  This remnant will then be impeccable as Jesus was and have direct contact with YAHWEH as Jesus did, they will not need a mediator and because of this seal in there foreheads they are sealed as Jesus was sealed.  John 6:27  It is then no wonder that no harm will come to them during the tribulation.

Daniel wrote about these two churches, Daniel11:32,33,34,35  Zechariah 13:9   Isaiah 10:20,21,22,23   1 Peter 1:6,7  

The great tribulation will come close to killing all life on earth but for the elects sake the days will be shortened by the return of Christ.Matthew 24:22

The  U.S. is one of the ten horns and the beast or man of sin is the eighth king and one of the previous seven kings.  All eight are world powers that began with Egypt, Israel ,Babylon , Persia, Greece, Rome, the U.S. and finally Israel again.  Israel, under Solomon was the richest and greatest nation ;  1 Kings 4:24   1 Kings 10:27   This will be repeated under the antichrist.  With the election of Trump the Jews are looking for him to help fight their enemies and make possible the third temple.  As one of the horns Trump may surrender U.S. sovereignty over to the antichrist.  Trumps new golden age may very well come through this arrangement.  Remember that the false Christians believe Israel is GODS chosen nation and that the third temple will be for Jesus at his return.  

Another sign given is the deadly wound that is healed.  Revelation 13:3  The heads symbolize the seven mountains around Jerusalem.  Revelation 17:9 

Mount Moriah was the location of the temple and the deadly wound occurred by the Romans who destroyed the second temple then the third temple heals this wound. The idea that Rome is the harlot is wrong, it is Jerusalem.  There are many clues in the scriptures to prove this. Here is one.  Matthew 23:35  Revelation 18:24  Acts 7:52  1 Thessalonians 2:15  Revelation 16:6   Revelation 18:24  The harlot is indeed the city of Jerusalem.  Revelation 11:8  Isaiah 1:21  Ezekiel 16:15,30   

I have posted several articles on this blog that deal with end time events as we see now in this glass darkly.  While the details may alter the event itself is sure; there will be a man of sin, there will be a great tribulation, there will be a temple and sacrifices.  Trumps role in this is based upon his making Jerusalem the capital of Israel and moving the U.S. embassy there, that his daughter is an Orthodox Jew and that many in his inner circle are Jews.  Trumps association with false prophets that declare him to be something he is not. The two assignation attempts on Trumps life have him convinced that GOD saved him for a reason.

How all of this will turn out will be made more clear as more light shines and we will adapt our views accordingly.  




Luke 4:8  Mark 12:30  Deuteronomy 6:5   Psalm 119:2   

Submit yourselves for the Lords sake to every human authority but to what degree.  Why do we submit, is submitting voting.  Consider that GOD has already said that the leader’s of government cause people to err and destroy their paths.  Are you aware that GOD wills that Satan is the god of this world.  The dominion GOD had given to Adam now belongs to Satan.  By GODS will Satan is the one who places rulers over the nations.  Satan told Jesus that control over the world was given to him, who gave it to him.  GOD has nothing to do with human governments.  If Satan did not have absolute control over the world how could he had offered Christ this control in exchange for his worship ?  1 John 5:19   No matter how much ignorant men try to spin this scripture confirms that GOD ALMIGHTY has given Satan the dominion Adam once had.  This dominion is complete with only one exception, Satan is not permitted to destroy all of humanity.  Christ told us that we are not to be of this world just what does this mean?

Matthew 6:13  There are two kingdoms, GODS and Satans, which should we seek, obey, put first or the one not to involve ourselves with?  GODS kingdom is not at this time on the earth only in heaven where our citizenship is, where are names are recorded.  

All true Christians should understand what I have written here and if you don’t understand then you are not a Christian. 



The process of becoming a Christian is nothing like what you see in the world.  To become a Christian you must come out of the world, this means what the world believes, teaches and does in the worship of what they think is GOD.  To accomplish this GOD will destroy the world you have made for yourself and then build you a new one.  This can be a fearful experience as it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living GOD.  I recall my own conversion experience and at first it seemed fearful but as I progressed the fear subsided and became love.  New thoughts entered my mind/spirit that I never had or knew before concerning the truth of things I did not know.  This was proof to me that GOD was working with me and I was led to understand a little later that I needed GOD and Christ in me.  I came to see that I needed to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit but there was no one qualified to perform this but GOD led me to see that HE would. I was in a swimming pool and prayed that GOD would baptize me and give me HIS spirit then went under the water and came back up into a new life.  From that day forward it has been one awesome experience after another, learning and growing in the spirit.  My life was no longer my own, I was bought with the price of the sacrifice of Christ, I now belonged to GOD.  I did not view myself as special or better than others but realized I was a sinner under grace. When I look at the world I see the result of Satans work everywhere.  It did not take long for me to see that the worlds idea of what Christianity is was false, not just some but all of it.  I knew that only GOD could put anyone in HIS church and that only through Christ could anyone learn from the FATHER.  I learned that GOD long ago abolished all human ministry and that HE and Christ control everything in the church. I learned that GODLY love , called agape, is the only way the law could be fulfilled, and I stopped working in the law to become GODS workmanship as GOD does the works in me by HIS love thus fulfilling the intent of the law and what the law could not do.  In this way GOD established the law in me, not by my the works in the law but by GODS works in me.  Philippians 3:9

There are many other things I have been taught over the last 30+ years since my conversion, far to lengthy to go into in this writing, but contained here on this site I have posted much of what GOD has taught me.  If it seems to you as garbage I will not be shocked, surprised or offended as this is normal.   Matthew 22:14. Matthew 7:14 The shock and surprise would be if someone understood.  If you are one of those extremely rare ones please write me, my e-mail has been given in several places.   

 I do not want your money.  I cannot save you,  I am not your leader or teacher.  I am a human being just like you, a sinner just like you. The only difference is that unlike you I have been called out of this world and chosen to be one of GODS elect saints.  The usual response to this statement is; who do you think you are, you self righteous so and so,  your of the devil,  come down off your high horse.  I have heard them all and I know that Christ was accused of the same things.   If Christ suffered these things then so must I .  You and I owe nothing to each other but love love one another. I write to you in that love, how will you respond ?    


Isaiah 28:9,10   This scripture is informing us of how GOD reveals HIS truth in the scriptures.  There are more scriptures that add to this understanding;  John 6:45  informs us that GOD uses Jesus as the mediator to reveal HIS truth.  Peter tells us that GOD inspired men to write the scriptures in both covenants.  2 Peter 1:21  2 Peter 3:15,16  Peter calls Paul’s writings scripture.  Jesus said that Christians must search the scriptures for answers,  Matthew 7:7  Jesus spoke in parables to hide the truth from all but the church.  Matthew 13:11,12,13  Jesus continues by showing in the prophet Isaiah how his comments were prophesied beforehand.  Matthew 13:14,15  

Are you beginning to see how  the truth is scattered ; precept upon precept line upon line,  from Genesis to Revelation and that asking, seeking and knocking along with diligently searching the scripture with GODS guidance through Christ will teach the truth.  

Another example is this.  If you desire to know the truth about life and death first you pray through Christ to the FATHER admitting your ignorance and acknowledging GODS power ask for GOD to teach you about this , 1 John 2:27 , and no human ministry is required or needed.  The Apostles and Jesus many times quoted old covenant scriptures in connection with the new covenant thus showing the wisdom and proper understanding as well as their fulfillment.  

All the truth you receive from this process is what you use to build on your spiritual foundation of the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles.  I compare this to a  spiritual chain composed of unbreakable links; lies and deception are very weak link and will break showing the need to replace these links.  We must never  assume a truth or invent one to support a personal theory.  Conjecture and speculation is not truth.  However this practice has crept into all the false churches. Failure to seek GODS guidance and diligently search will lead to weak links, and false doctrines .  I have only given a few examples of how to properly divide the word of truth but all truth is arrived at by this process.  Once you have built on the foundation with these accumulated truths it will expand your knowledge and ability to add more truth with accuracy and more rapidly.  You will grow.  

Now the world is not given the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD. Therefore, Isaiah 28:11,12,13  applies because the world is without GOD, Christ and GODS spirit, they are cut off from GOD in the world with no hope. Ephesians 2:11,12,13  

Our part in this is to in faith believe what is revealed to us after we have tried the spirits to confirm they are from GOD.  We also devote ourselves to studying,  meditation and prayer.  The truth is not conveniently written in outline form, it is scattered from Genesis to Revelation and we must diligently ask, seek and knock and the door will be opened.

It is here a little and there a little and we take these littles and combine them to have a whole.  For this we give GOD all the glory along with HIS son .  The works of the law produced no fruit but this working in the spirit bears fruit unto GOD .  In spiritual reality we are GODS work and are inspired by HIM to do all the things described in this article to find the truth.  Worldly, unconverted carnal people do not have these blessings and this is why all their churches are deceived .  The elect of GOD have all these blessings and then it becomes impossible to deceive them.  


 Agape is the very love of GOD .  There is no other love higher or greater or more powerful than agape.  Even the best of human love when compared to agape does not exist.  When a person is unconverted they do not have agape , they have human level love.  This human level love is what is under the law because all unconverted people are under the law that is everyone on this planet who is unconverted is under the law.  Romans 3:19    Paul tells us that agape is the fulfillment of the law.  Romans 13:10  Therefore anyone who  places themselves under the law or is under the law simply because they are unconverted does not have agape , the love required to fulfill the law they are under.  There are people who with all their heart believe they are converted but yet place themselves under the law.  This is a huge conflict of interest and deception of Satan.  No one can be in both covenants at the same time.  Romans 11:5,6  Romans 3:20   I have heard all the attempts by law keepers who try to worm their way out of what scripture plainly says but in their own way they are as blind as a trinitarian and totally ignore the scriptures and use them in a feeble and failed attempt to justify themselves .  This however is the state which GOD keeps all unconverted people in , so that they , in this current evil age, can never come to the knowledge of the truth.   2 Timothy 3:6,7   Isaiah 25:7  ,  2 Corinthians 3:14,15,16  The only people that have this veil lifted are those in Christ, the elect saints.  Agape is a gift , the greatest gift of all and GOD alone will determine who receives it.  This agape will do no harm or evil to anyone therefore it is what is required to fulfill the law.  This is how Jesus Christ fulfilled the law.  The works of the law like keeping the Sabbath, the holy days, kosher food, paying tithes, giving offerings and all that is written in the book of Moses are nothing but shadows.  Hebrews 10:1   Romans 8:3,4   Hebrews 7:18,19   It is the will of GOD for unconverted people to remain in their ignorance, in this time before the return of Christ, to protect from committing the unpardonable sin.  Today, if GOD would give HIS spirit to everyone many would perish because they will not repent.  Luke 13:3  2 Peter 3:9  Revelation 9:21  2 Peter 2:21  Hebrews 10:26,27   Hebrews 6:4,5,6   

Now with all these things in mind I would like to address a common misconception that any use of violence by a Christian is absolutely forbidden.   They say even self defense against a violent man who is bent on murdering you is wrong.  If the evil man wants to murder your wife, your children or even a stranger you must not intervene, you must stand and watch and do nothing.  This mindset is carnal, not knowing what agape is.  What agape is it that would not do anything to stop evil ?  Psalm 68:5   Isaiah 1:17   James 1:27   Exodus 22:22,23,24   Matthew 7:12   Proverbs 3:27   Philippians 2:3,4   Romans 12:17,18,19,20,21   This Romans 12:8  says, “if possible on your part”  or “as much as it depends on you”  live at peace with all men.  If a Christian is faced with a situation where a loved one or loved stranger is being physically harmed or abused by an evil man and does nothing it is not agape, it is more like cowardness.  A perfect love will cast out fear and the Christian man will intervene with what force is needed to protect others from harm, injury or death.  A Christian, in their human spirit, is not thinking evil while using force, the thoughts and intents of his human spirit is actually good and not evil.  It would not be agape to do nothing.  Abraham, GODS friend, used force to recover Lot and save the cities that were being threatened by Chedorlaomer.  This no doubt required violence and killing .  How were Abrahams actions judged by Melchizedek priest of the most high GOD ?  Hebrews 7:1  Genesis 14:18,19,20   Are true Christians of the faith of Abraham ?  Other biblical personalities did the same as Abraham and their stories are recorded for us.  There is a great difference between killing and murder; David killed Goliath but murdered Uriah the Hittite.  GODS responses to each were entirely different.  No True Christian should ever in their human spirit find some perverse thoughts or some sick pleasure that are the reason and motivation for using violence and force.  The 6th commandment says thou shalt not do murder.   No Christian should murder but under special circumstances they can kill.

Jesus praised the works the works of Abraham,  John 8:39KJV  Galatians 3:7   James 2:21,22,23,24   Romans 4:16   GOD called David a man after GODS own heart except in one matter,  1 Kings 15:5  Acts 13:22   So fellow Christians, if you ever find yourselves in a situation where you must show agape by defending yourself or others from evil men use whatever means you have to defend them and yourself and while doing so be praying that GOD will give you the victory.   This is what agape would do.


Saturday, January 4, 2025


 I have read the opinions of many professing ministers, pastors and preachers about whether or not Satan can get into your mind and thoughts and as you may imagine there is no consensus of opinions.

Consider if you will deception, how can Satan deceive if he cannot access your mind ? How can Satan get you to believe a lie if he cannot be in your thoughts ?   How about this scripture,  2 Corinthians 4:4  or this one ,  1 John 5:19  or these;  2 Thessalonians 2:9,10  Romans 1:21  2 Corinthians 11:3   Notice how the mind is the common theme in these verses.  Then in Luke 8:27,28,29,30,31,32,33

Take note that this Legion knew who Jesus was and had super human strength, Legion begged Jesus not to cast them into the Abyss.  Jesus sent them into a herd of swine.  Afterwards the formerly possessed man was in his RIGHT MIND.  What does this tell you about what Satan can do to you ?  While this situation was very violent many others take on a different approach.  The common deceiving Satan does is to hide truth and replace it with lies.  Benadam and Anthony Buzzard have had many debates with trinitarian opponents firing truth after truth at them but each one after the debate ends walks away a trinitarian.  Why do you think this is ?  It is because Satan has blinded their MINDS.  Satan can cause you to believe anything by taking over your mind just as he did Legion and Trinitarians.  Satan can do this while you are awake or unconscious.  You are especially susceptible to his lies when unconscious and helpless.  What Satan places in your mind will be there when you awake and it will seem to be very real, as real as your fathers hugs and your mothers kisses and you would swear to it. 

 Then we have the account of the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19:13,14,15,16  the man who had the evil spirit had no control over his speech or actions.  A demon can take a person over completely both body and mind, the soul.  The demon has the ability to implant thoughts in your mind, thoughts that live on and are the reason for the outcome of debates with trinitarians.  Satan and his demons can implant false memories in your mind to deceive you whether conscious or unconscious.  It is very obvious by the scriptures that Satan, as the prince of the power of the air, has the ability to make you believe anything and you will too.  Without the protection of GOD we are helpless but as Christians we are shielded by GOD from this deception. John 17:9,11,12,15,20   It is not possible to deceive GODS elect .  Matthew 24:24  

 2 Thessalonians 2:9,10,11,12   Satan has been using a variety of deceptions ever since the garden of Eden.  Revelation 12:9  he deceives and has deceived the entire world with the exception of GODS elect saints.  Since he already has the world but not the saints we become a special target, one that Satan desperately desires so this is a warning to all the saints to be on guard for the roaring lion seeking to devour you.  If you, as a saint, open a door of opportunity to Satan he will use it to get you.  The saints are to know Satans devices and abilities, his signs and lying wonders. ( Lying wonders , think on that one. )  What Satan desires is to lead you away from GOD and Christ and usually GOD protects the saints except in cases where a saint opens a door in foolishness or ignorance and the result of this will not be good. 2 Peter 2:20,21  1 Corinthians 10:12 This has happened to some saints and the accounts of this are recorded in scripture, king David’s adultery and murder of Uriah are one.  If this can happen to David it could happen to you.  Sampson’s antics with Delilah are another.  Has Satan gotten into your minds, has he planted lies, has he deceived and has your deception been so powerful and effective that you would believe it ?   One sure fire sign of this is when in the face of undeniable scriptures you decide to believe in something that is totally against scripture.  Another is attempting to justify yourself by using those same scriptures.  Finally you will become angered and insult someone who is trying to tell you the truth.  

I sincerely hope  that will never be the case with any of GODS saints. 

In Matthew 4:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11  is the record of the Devils attempt to tempt Christ to sin.  Take careful note that Jesus went into the wilderness and after a 40 day fast the tempter came and said ,  “ If you are the son of GOD command that these stones be made bread.”  This of course did not work.  Then the Devil literally transported Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and told him to jump and the Devil quoted scripture, “HE shall give HIS angels charge over you least you dash your foot against a stone.”  Well this attempt to tempt Jesus didn’t work either.  Then the Devil literally transported Jesus to an exceeding high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and said to him, “All this I will give you if you worship me.”  This last attempt by the Devil failed too and the Devil left Jesus and angels came and ministered to him.  The Devil has the ability to actually transport a person from one location to another.  If the Devil can do this bodily then he would have no problem doing it with the human spirit, your mind , as in a false dream or vision. 

Now it is also very important to understand that these temptations were attempts to get Jesus to sin and each one failed.  This was no farce, it was real. If you understand what sin really is you should be able to see that Jesus was victorious over far more than what even the law demanded.  The law focused on words and deeds without any consideration to the thoughts and intents of the human spirit.  The one commandment of the Ten Commandments that could never be proven because no human witnesses could know the thoughts and intentions of another person.

Thou shalt not lust or covet is a function of the mind/ human spirit and is the key to understand what sin really is.  Proverbs  23:7  James 1:14,15  do you see, desire, being enticed , thinking of doing what the Devil tempts you with is the sin. The words and deeds are only the manifestation of your inner thoughts and desires and this is the kind of person you truly are.   Jesus explained this in , Matthew 15:18,19,20  do you see how Jesus raised the bar, magnified the law,  Isaiah 42:21KJV   This should be very sobering information for people that have not known this truth.  Think, if the old covenant law was impossible to keep then the new covenant magnified law Christ revealed is doubly impossible, Solomon agreed, Proverbs 20:9   The spirits of just men could never be made perfect if the sin in the human spirit was not addressed and overcome.  This is why Paul said, “I would not of known what sin is if not for the law because I would not have know LUST except the law said, thou shalt not covet.”  Jesus could not lust for the things the Devil tried to tempt him with because he had the very character of GOD HIMSELF.  Hebrews 1:3   This is why Paul said, Philippians 2:5 ,  Jesus had a mind that was one with his GOD and just as GOD cannot be tempted WITH EVIL neither could HIS son and all Christians need to be of the same mind so that we can be one with GOD too.  Think on all these things I have written.

So then, if you have understood what has been written here happy are you, blessed are you.

Thursday, January 2, 2025



When you die the body is dead but the human spirit is not dead only dormant.

The body has no life of its own and even when the spirit is in the body the body still has no life of it’s own.  The body only appears to have life because of the spirit.  It is like a puppet and puppeteer.  The life that is in the puppeteer activates the puppet. Cut the strings and the appearance of life to the puppet ends but true real life is yet in the puppeteer.  It is the spiritual life force that is life, the body is controlled by this force having no life of its own.

NDE and OBE are impossible because when the spirit is not in the body neither spirit or body functions.  NDE and OBE are tricks of Satan perhaps to get people to believe in immediate life after death.

Matter is not alive, is not life, cannot think or have memories.  Your body is matter, dust, therefore the only remaining part of the soul, the spirit, has life, thoughts and memories.  The life, thoughts and memories in your spirit are stored in the spirit and at death thoughts and memories end because you no longer have any new ones but life is in stasis, dormant, and inoperative, the spirit is not dead but cannot function in any way apart from a body.

Satan is by the will of GOD the absolute ruler of the world and under Satan fallen angels or demons are given rulership of various geographical areas, cities , states, a nation, groups of nations and hemispheres under Satan. When Christ returns Satan and these demons will be replaced by Christ and the elect saints.

The light on the first day of the recreation of the Earth was the glory of GOD later replaced by GOD with the sun, moon and stars on the fourth day.

The Earth was already existing in Genesis 1.  It was in a state of chaos and confusion caused by the rebellion of Lucifer and the resulting battle between the righteous angels and Lucifer’s angels.  This is what severely damaged Earth and Genesis tells the story of GOD repairing this damage and preparing Earth for humanity.

The reason Lucifer rebelled was that he came to see that GOD bypassed him as HIS heir and was going to give all HIS creation to a man who would be GODS son.  

When you look in a mirror you see your body and this is generally how you see yourself and as others do too.  What you are actually seeing is a shell, a temporary dwelling for what and who you really are. You are a spirit currently in a body composed of matter.  To fully comprehend this is to understand a very important spiritual truth.  What GOD is doing with humans is developing the human spirit to be like that of HIS sons human spirit, a spirit of perfection, holiness, righteousness and agape or GODLY Love. This is how you will truly will become if successfully completing your calling and choosing and being one of HIS elect saints.  When born into GODS kingdom you will no longer be human but a new creation, a glorified, impeccable, immortal spirit being. This is the Christian hope and faith.

Jesus Christ is much higher than the angels having a better name and a Godly nature from his mother’s womb.  Where as angels were not created this way because biblical history says angels could sin but Jesus was incapable of sin.  The elect saints are being transformed to be in the image of Jesus and Jesus was created in the image of GOD.  This means that we too will be higher than the angels and even judge them.  We also share in his inheritance which is everything GOD has ever created.  Our imaginations are unable to even comprehend the awesome glory that GOD has in store for us.


  We have reached a critical point in our growth.  We have stored food, have extra power sources, extra heat sources and methods of communic...