Thursday, February 29, 2024



The human spirit is what we are, all humans are a spirit in an earthen vessel, a temporary dwelling.  Scripture uses different words to describe the human spirit; inner man, heart, mind, breath of life.  This human spirit interacts with the brain to control the physical body.  The human spirit is what contains all knowledge and memories.  The human spirit is what has the potential to have a relationship with God.  The human spirit is how we are in Gods image and likeness but presently in a shadow way.  The human spirit was designed by God to need a body in which to operate, to be a soul, a living breathing creature.  As long as the spirit and body are joined there is life.  Death is the spirit separating from the body.  The body dies but the spirit does not.  The spirit came from God, from heaven, and at death returns there totally dormant, asleep.  This very thing happened to Jesus. Neither body or spirit is immortal unless a person is glorified by entering the kingdom of God.  In the kingdom your spirit, now sealed in Gods very own divine nature, is now totally incapable of sin and the body is composed of 100% spirit.  You are now truly in Gods image and likeness, you are now an Elohim, a mighty one.  You are now what Christ was in the the flesh, one with God, a son of God.  You will share, as a joint heir, the inheritance of Christ.  You will be a king and a priest over some area of the Earth formerly governed by a demon of Satan.  You will be worshipped by the humans that you love , teach and care for, you will be their god/Elohim.  Then you will worship and walk in the name of Yahweh forever.  

Tuesday, February 27, 2024



I know what it is like to be persecuted and ostracized, shunned.  I experienced this in the Worldwide Church of God.  I can relate to and have compassion for others who have suffered.  However, to attack the organization responsible is not the answer.  I have seen a relentless ongoing effort by people who have been injured emotionally to seek revenge.  Someone once said, vengeance is mine.  Romans 12:19  I do not in any way make light of suffering but someone once said, Christ suffered for you, leaving an example that you should follow. 1 Peter 2:21  Someone once said, 1 Peter 3:9 , 1 Peter 4:13  The scriptures contain many verses admonishing Christians to not seek vengeance, or attack persons or organizations but rather pray or do good, to overcome evil with good.  When we do engage in this type of behavior the evil overcomes us.  It will eat you away like a cancer.  You must let it go.  You need to repent of this kind of mindset asking God for forgiveness and strength to overcome these unChristlike feelings.  The origin of sin is in the mind, the human spirit, it is how we think that drives our words and deeds.  Is it possible to help those who have suffered without leading a crusade against the guilty who caused it ? 

This obsession with constant ridicule and debunking is not of God or Christ.  No matter what excuses you may attempt to use.  Will you now make me your enemy or will you see that you are only hurting yourselves and prolonging the suffering ?

Monday, February 19, 2024



How many angels can dance on the head of a pin ?  Sometimes we ask questions or seek answers to things that have not yet been revealed or not clearly explained in scripture.  In the second resurrection will all the people in it be naked ?  Sometimes questions can be totally not worth asking.  My point is this; we do not know everything even about those things that have been revealed.

The saints are emerging from darkness into light and the spirit of Yahweh teaches us all the things we need to know when we need to know them.  It , I think, is unwise to take on multiple issues all at once as we have a challenge just with one alone yet several at once. 

Not long ago there was a disagreement here about self defense, are Christians to never use force or may they use force. Good points were made by each side but in the end neither was able to dissuade the other. Each side treated the other with love and respect and ended the debate peacefully.  This was using wisdom and how disagreements between brethren should be handled.

We are all learning from Yahweh through Christ , John 6:45 , but not all at the same momentum as growing in the spirit varies from person to person.  It is now the duty and responsibility for all the saints to grow.  This is primarily our main purpose.  Sometimes we may be unsure about something, if so go to Yahweh through Christ then accept the yea or nay you receive.  If you have after a very long time not received an answer let it go.  Today, the saints should have patience and live according to what has been revealed that we do understand.  Philippians 3:15    Ephesians 1:7 

Sunday, February 18, 2024



 An Examination of Revelation 20:5

The event called the second resurrection is accepted by most all believers as a future event.  With some the issue that is disputed is the time it happens.  Some assign the second resurrection to be at the return of Jesus and all of unconverted humanity raised then. There is only one scripture that places the time after the 1000 years,  Revelation 20:5 , however those who place the second resurrection at the return say this scripture is not biblical, not inspired and was added by the Catholic Church in order to defend their claim that the Catholic Church was the millennium on Earth.  

I have searched the internet to find the oldest translations of the New Testament concerning Revelation 20:5 .  This was not an easy task.  Of the well know oldest and most widely used translations I found only one, the Codex Sinaiticus ,  that used only the words, “this is the first resurrection” and eliminate the first part of verse 5 completely, Revelation  20:5 .  In one translation, the Peshitta by George Lamsa, the words, “and the rest of the dead did not live again until the 1000 years were finished,”  are in verse 4 .   The Textus Receptus also has the complete text of Revelation 20:5 as well as the Vulgate.  I have have also spoken to Anthony Buzzard about this issue and he is confident that all of Revelation 20:5 is genuine.  When considering prophecy the time of events is mostly never definite and is very vague.  We must rely on the accuracy of the flow of events to even have some sense of timing.  When Jesus spoke of his return he only mentions the saints or elect as being resurrected this is also true of the prophets and Apostles.  The main focus of the scriptures is on the first resurrection with fewer verses about the second.  It says, the dead in Christ rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 , nothing about the unconverted dead.  The unrighteous unconverted will not inherit the kingdom of God but are ruled over by those who are in the kingdom .  The throne of Christs glory, the great white throne, is for the one who will judge humanity and all judgment will be Christs .  John 5:22.  The church is judged now to be worthy of the kingdom.  1 Peter 4:17.  We know that many will die at the return of Jesus, Isaiah 66:16, Jeremiah 25:31 , this event obviously has never happened and is future.   When you look at events rather than try to establish a time it is possible to get a proper flow of those events with the testimony of Christ, the Prophets and Apostles.  The great tribulation is to be a worldwide event with a death toll so high that if Jesus did not return early no human would be left alive.  Matthew 24:22

What is the reward of the saints ?  Is it not being raised from the dead to everlasting life at the return of Jesus ?  Psalm 37:34 , compare to , Isaiah 3:11,  Hebrews 11:6 ,  Proverbs 11:31 , 1 Peter 4:8 , John 3:36 Matthew 25:46 , John 5:24 , Isaiah 26:14 ,  Matthew 12:36 the saints are judged now but all others on the day of judgement, at the white throne.  The wicked do not receive the reward of the righteous.  Luke 18:7   The reward of the saints is the first resurrection.    None of the unconverted are mentioned in conjunction with the saints in the first resurrection.  1 Corinthians 15:20 -23.  At the return of Jesus those who are resurrected must be in Christ, the unconverted were never in Christ .  I hope you see how events and the description of them regarding the saints is different from the unconverted and without mentioning a time.  1 Corinthians 6:14 , John 6:39   John 5:29  gives more clarity to the purpose of the two resurrections as one is to life, the first, the second is to judgment.  The judgment refers to the great white throne judgment the occurs after the millennium.  Revelation 20:7,11 .  

If the second resurrection occurs at the second advent then the scriptures should reveal that.  Every scripture referring to the resurrection at the second advent only mentions the elect saints, never including the unconverted.  John 6:39 , it will be those who are the dead in Christ only that are resurrected at the second advent.   However, John 5:28-29 , all who are in their graves , Acts 24:15 notice it says “a” resurrection.  This would seem to indicate the just and the unjust , the just first then the unjust second, will both be raised at the second advent but with some space of time between them but not 1000 years , however that length of time is not known. It cannot be said that both the just and unjust are resurrected at the same time because there would not be two resurrections but only one.  Then the millennium begins lasting 1000 years.  At the end of the 1000 years is the great white throne judgement where all those humans in the millennium will face the formerly imprisoned Satan to be tested. Those who pass the test live and those who do not experience the second death.  People in the millennium live to be 100 years old.  Some think that everyone in the millennium lives until it’s end meaning some would be 1000 years old , a contradiction of Isaiah 65:20 , Isaiah 65:20 YLT , the Peshitta is records 100 years as does the Lamsa , the Interlinear and the Septuagint.  This means that during that 1000 years many would live well beyond 100, but Isaiah says they die at 100.

 This is problematic because no one is resurrected twice for the purpose of salvation.  There are only two resurrections mentioned in scripture.  Isaiah 11:6-9  describes conditions existing during the millennium as does Isaiah 65:17-25 .  The 1000 years would be ten generations of 100 years each of people who were never resurrected but repented and lived into the millennium.

The sinner being cursed in Isaiah 65:20  would seem to me to indicate that these sinners have committed the unpardonable sin and it is my understanding that those who commit this sin are not resurrected because the sacrifice of Christ is not available.  

Hebrews 10:26     In the codex Sinaiticus verse 5 does not say about the rest of the dead being raised after the 1000 years, however by careful examination of Revelation 20:4 describes the type of people who are in the first resurrection and eliminates all who had received and cooperated with the beast.  Only these faithful “came to life” for the 1000 years the evil people did not “come to life” until after the 1000 years and appear at the white throne.  Now Revelation 20:3,7 say Satan must be released to deceive again after the 1000 years.  The question arises, who will he deceive if all of humanity was raised at the return of Jesus. Isaiah says, Isaiah 2:2-4 that during the millennium there is no war and no devil.  Now we see that Gog and Magog have prepared for war. Revelation 20:8  Now this may be evidence to support Revelation 20:5  is correct in its entirety .

1.  There is war and the devil after the millennium.

2.  If all are raised in the second advent then who will the devil deceive after the millennium ?

3, The life span of those in the millennium is 100 years.  If these people were resurrected at the return of Jesus then only live 100 years during the millennium the they would have to be resurrected a second time which is not biblical.

I confess that I never had to prove Revelation 20:5 but I believe the result of my study confirms the accuracy of the verse , weather verse 5 is present or not, when the events, flow and description of them, are carefully examined.  This also shows it does not matter if different translations contain it or not, the message of its accuracy is found by asking; who, what, when, where how and why , then conducting a diligent search to answer them.

I do not believe that an error concerning this issue is any threat at all to our salvation.  Deuteronomy 29:29 , Acts 1:7   So then, if God does not reveal a thing to us how can we be held responsible for not knowing ?  What we need to do is put this matter on the back burner and move on to possibly be shown other marvelous things.


Saturday, February 10, 2024


Do You Have An Idol ? 

Ezekiel 14:3-8   Ezekiel is not speaking about a physical idol, he is saying an idol of the heart, the mind, the spirit of man.  The error, the idol,  is in how people think Yahweh has operated, worked among humanity. 

From the time of Adam and forever Yahweh has had various ways that HE has communicated with HIS people using angels and prophets but the Christ event changed how Yahweh now communicates with HIS people.  Hebrews 1:1-2   Yahweh now, since Christ, communicates with HIS saints through Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:1-7   Even the Apostles knew and preached that only Yahweh is able to make us grow and we should never view any man in this way, to do so sets up an idol in our minds because we would be putting some man in place of Yahweh.  This is made clear by , 1 Corinthians 3:3-4 ,  the Corinthians were looking at certain men boasting in them, 1 Corinthians 4:6 .  Paul stated plainly that not even he or Apollos could give the understanding of what what they preached, that only Yahweh can do this.  To elevate any man as the giver of spiritual understanding is to replace Yahweh with a man, glorify a man rather than Yahweh. 

Men can teach lies but no man can teach truth, this belongs to Yahweh only.  Jesus Christ gave his life so that each one of us can have a personal relationship with his God, we do not need some other mediator, some man that we may hold to be more than what he is.  The world is full of modern day Corinthians who set up Benny Hinn, John Hagee , the Pope and many others.  The saints of Yahweh should never do this, it is worldly.  1 Corinthians 3:3

Paul sums up this Corinthian error ,  1 Corinthians 3:21-22.  There is a truth being addressed here that should awaken us all to examine ourselves and ask, have I set up an idol in my mind, have I elevated some man and boast in him thinking he is the one who enlightens me ?   Do you see how this idol of the mind denies both Yahweh and Christ ?    Peter tells us plainly that the prophets, like Ezekiel, 1 Peter 1:12 , are speaking to us and Ezekiel warns against doing what Paul described to the Corinthians.  We all have access to Yahweh individually, this means with no other person except Christ the mediator.  

All of us have made this Corinthian error in the past elevating and boasting in some man led organization and we got burned, why do it again.  Do you think the next time will be different ?  Since Adam, Yahweh only has been the teacher and today the way HE teaches is through HIS son.  John 6:45 ,  Hebrews 1:2 

Monday, February 5, 2024

Sexual Sins



Scripture addresses five sexual sins; adultery, fornication, homosexuality, incest and beastiality.  Adultery violates the seventh commandment while the latter four are violations of the law of Moses.  When Moses was given the law the words inscribed on the tables of stone were those spoken to Israel on the day of assembly, Exodus 20:1-17 ,  Deuteronomy 5:22 .  The second set of tables contained the exact same words, Exodus 34:1 , Deuteronomy 10:2 .  The Ten Commandments were not know to humanity before God gave them to Moses.  Deuteronomy 5:3  Now the Ten Commandments were placed inside the ark of the covenant, Exodus 25:16 but the law of Moses was outside of and beside the ark.  Deuteronomy 31:26 .  In this law of Moses were  the judgments or penalty for violating the Ten Commandments, additional laws concerning the festivals, unclean laws, and sexual laws as well as other laws totaling 603 Mosaic commandments with the Ten Commandments making the total number of laws 613.  Now, fornication is sex between unmarried people, incest is forbidden in Leviticus 18:6-18  &  Leviticus 20:11-21 shows death was the penalty for theses sins . The sin of homosexuality, Leviticus 18:22 and beastiality, Leviticus 18:23 .  The Ten Commandments  were the statutes and the law of Moses contained the judgments. All sin is worthy of death without mercy under this system of laws.  Hebrews 10:28 , Deuteronomy 17:6 .  Sexual sins are no worse than other sins but all sins earn the wages of death , Romans 6:23.  All of these sins, all 613, can be forgiven under the new covenant and all of these laws are combined under the law of Christ, love God and love neighbor, Mark 12:30-31 , Matthew 22:40 .  Some of you have seen posts here on Simply Christian about Liberal Christianity that believes the scriptures must be viewed through the lens of modern society and must change to include homosexuality and other sins that the prophets, Jesus and Apostles plainly state are sins.  Sin has never changed and is the same today as in biblical times.  Liberal Christianity provides a way for the sinner to not feel they are sinners and welcomes the sinner with their unrepentant sins as fellow Christians.  There is a lesson for all of us here; do not carelessly read any post and do not be impressed with great swelling words of emptiness.  Check out what these posts are really saying before you give a thumbs up.  


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...