Thursday, April 20, 2023


Gentiles are under the Law

If gentiles can sin and sin is the transgression of the law then gentiles are under the law.  If not then Gentiles have no sin for where there is no law there is no sin, Romans 4:15.  The law was not just for Israel but for the entire world so that all people are guilty of sin. Romans 3:9-26  both Jews and gentiles are all under sin, the whole world subject  to the law.  Romans 6:23 wages of sin is death 1 Corinthians 15:56 sting of death is sin the power of sin is the law.  A mixed multitude came out of Egypt with Moses not just Israelites but also gentiles Exodus 12:38, with that in mind see Deuteronomy 5:2-3. 

Those who say or teach that gentiles were never under the law are saying gentiles cannot sin, if true they don’t need Jesus to  be forgiven and will have all the rewards and blessings. Sin produces death so gentiles cannot die?! 

All humanity ,except the saints, are under the law.

There is much more I could write but I hope this will serve to prove this truth.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Scripture Proving the Trinity is a Lie


The doctrine of the trinity states that God is three distinct but not separate eternal persons, coequal in presence, power and knowledge. 

Remember, the trinity can never be separated.

The triune members are eternally coequal in all things. Keeping this in mind see and understand the following scriptures.

John 14:10

John 3:2  & 12:49

John 17:3

1 Corinthians 8:4-6

2 Corinthians 1:3

Ephesians 1:3 & 1:17  &  4:6

1 Timothy 2:5

1 Peter 1:3

John 10:29-30  & 20:17

Revelation 3:12

Psalm 22:1-10

Matthew 27:46

Matthew 24:36

1 Corinthians 11:3  & 3:23

Isaiah 46:9

Mark 12:29-34

Matthew 20:20-23  1:18   Luke 1:35

Matthew 4:1-11  &  Luke 4:1-13  &  James 1:13

There are scriptures that people do not understand, are very bad translations or have been deliberately altered that are used to “prove “ the trinity.   1 John 5:7  ,  1 Timothy 3:16 , John 1:1-5 ,  Matthew 28.19  are only a few of deliberately altered scriptures.  

John 8:58 , John 10:33, Matthew 28:18 , Mark 2:5-7 , Isaiah 9:6  are a few verses used to prove Jesus is God.  Use these to debunk;  John 17:11, Acts 2:22 , Acts 10:38 , Matthew 24:36 , Mark 13:32 , 1 Corinthians 8:6, 2 Corinthians 1:3, Ephesians 1:3, John 20:17, Psalm 22, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Revelation 3:12  

Saturday, April 8, 2023


Artificial Intelligence 


Artificial Intelligence is an oxymoron .

No artificial intelligence can freely choose while having to obey a pre-written code.  Human knowledge is only reflected in this pre-written code and no expert system has freedom of choice, results can not happen in any other way than the pre-written code dictates.  Even when a robot writes code it is still limited to the amount of possible outcomes predetermined by human programmers.  One million lines of code would be about 18,000 pages of text or about 14 times the length of the novel “War and Peace”.

To print out the code of all of Google services would be 36 million pages, a stack 2.2 miles high. Robots are programmed in the python, C or C++ languages that require thousands of subroutine programs to operate the many functions a robot would need to appear human or intelligent. All of these programs only mimic intelligence and you can only get out of the robot what you program in.  The only way for a robot to kill humans is for them to be programmed to, to weaponize them.  The fears people have of a terminator style robot that achieves consciousness and seeks to destroy humanity is total science fiction.  However an evil human could program a robot to kill other humans, but the robot would have no capacity for emotion or sentience in carrying out the program. It is impossible for matter of any kind to be alive or intelligent . Only biological organisms are alive by the breath of life from God. Human flesh alone is not alive until the human spirit enters it and imparts life by the spirit’s presence.  True life and intelligence is not material but spiritual.  Robots do not have a spirit only a program designed by man that can only do what it’s programmed to do.  The real threat of AI is not the robot but the human who programs it.  It is the same logic behind the fact that guns do not kill people, people use guns to kill people, the gun is only one of many tools that can be used to kill along with bombs, spears, knives or robots.  The tool cannot think or reason why, only the human using it.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


The New Normal is that there is no Normal 


In this post I will not use any scripture because those who think in the no normal way would not accept Gods word at all.  Homosexuals, transsexuals, binaries or any other gender identity are being supported by people that have lost their minds along with the sexual perverts .  I agree with the opposing side that sees all this sexual perversion as a mental illness more than likely including satanic involvement. It is being said that transgender people are being targeted for genocide, how, genocide involves a race, sexuality is not a race.  

Why would anyone want to be identified as a person by the way they have sex ?  How does this perversion fit into the idea of Darwinism , where survival is of the fittest among the propagation of species?  Nature requires both male and female in order to have a species survive. Homosexuality and transsexuals violate this scientific fact. If a person is born male or female this was normal. It is normal because it is fact.  For thousands of years sexuality was known and accepted and those who violated this established norm were perverted.  Today we have certain people who are “ultra enlightened” and imbued with insight far beyond everyone else . They are currently small in number but growing.  They seem to make a lot of money as well by pushing this perversion. Any sane person who speaks out to tell the truth is immediately labeled transphobic or homophobic and cancelled.  The global elite, who secretly run the world, are behind all manner of things that tear apart society.  It is their goal to destroy society and replace it with a new world order where they rule and we are slaves.  Our institutions of education, medicine, economics, social norms and politics are all being destroyed by these evil people.  From what I see they are using the Democratic Party to accomplish this.  They are doing the same things in other nations too.  The elite are getting very close to their goal, perhaps only months away.  The great awakening for those who are stupid today is that all their stupidity was just a tool used to usher in the dream of the elite and when done the elites will destroy all the stupid people and establish the kingdom of Satan. Then Satan will have a false millennium and things will be more normal except for bringing the world under the law of Moses.  After a while this man of sin will think he deserves to be God and proclaims himself  so.  Then the shit will hit the fan the biggest of all time, the great tribulation.  God will cut this time short and Christ will bring the kingdom to Earth and all the bullshit will end.  You stupid people, you evil people, will have then a hope you never had before, a real and true hope, not some perverted lie.   So you idiots out there go ahead and cut off your breasts, testicles and penises and be anything you want to be while you can because your days are numbered.


  The United States has not won a war since the Second World War. In   Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan we spent billions of dollars and lost ...