Wednesday, August 25, 2021



The 7th King

                   In Revelation 17:10-11 it records there are 7 kings, The 6th John confirms is the Roman Empire by saying, one is.  The 5 that have fallen should be seen as the greatest power in their day as Rome was in Johns day.  I know that no one will agree with how I list these kings, but here is the list.

1. Egypt

2. Israel

3.  Babylon

4.  Persia

5.  Greece

6.  Rome and the title of Holy Roman emperor until it ended in 1918

7.  The U.S.A.

All will say that Israel does not belong on this list, however read 1 Kings 10:23-29 and this should change your mind.  After Israel left Egypt under the leadership of Moses, Egypt was a severely weaker kingdom. The Israelites spoiled them, left all their first born dead, subjected Egypt to a series of plagues and drowned the Pharo and his army.  Then God brought them into the promised land and poured out blessings on them and gave them King David and Solomon and under their reigns rose to be the greatest nation on Earth.

This nation Israel was to fall because they defied and rejected God. It was finally totally destroyed by the Roman Empire in 70AD.  The prophets foretold a restoration of Israel to happen after the second advent of Jesus Christ, yet future.  The current modern day Israel is a product of Satan as part of his end of days deception.  The United States is the 7th king that is very close to destruction by the administration of Joseph Biden. The U.S. must fall to make way for the beast nation Israel to rise.  The next world power will be Israel under the control of Satan.  This is the end time deception and delusion. Many false Christians view Israel as Gods chosen nation and people but this was under the old covenant which Israel broke leading to God divorcing Israel and choosing another people to replace them as Romans 11 tells us. 

News flash:  The Church has always been Gods chosen people and existed before there was an Israel in people like Able, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses and all the prophets; they were the church in the wilderness looking for a city whose builder and maker is God.  These people along with all of those who came in from Christ forward are spiritual Israel, the Israel of God. Carnal Israel was only a shadow of the good things to come in Christ, not the reality but shadow symbolism and they will not be Gods people again until Christ returns.  Modern day Israel will drink a double portion from the cup of Gods wrath because they broke their covenant, murdered Gods son and now in the end times are allied with Satan.  

I know well that no one will believe this writing except Gods elect saints because Satan has deceived the entire world. ( Revelation 12:9).  


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...