Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Eyes to See Ears to Hear

There are many false gospels in the world and false doctrines.  There is no person alive today who is acknowledged by the world as being a man of God and whose words are taken as the truth of God.  This makes for the situation of many false voices of lies and deception and the truth of God known by an extreme minority not engaged in any effort to proclaim that truth to the world.  

As I write these words I do not do so to fulfill any great commission  or proclaim any gospel but to reach others who are like me; one of that extreme minority.  

The Almighty God or Yahweh created Adam as Tslem, a poor copy, and not exact as Jesus the second Adam was.   Adam was only a shadow and was the God of this world until Satan took this title from him.  Adam was like Yahweh in the sense that he was sentient, aware of self and others and able to interact.  Adam was not the fulfillment of Yahweh's words, "Let us make man after our image and according to our likeness".   Jesus the Messiah was the fulfillment of a man being like Yahweh; but exactly how.  Jesus was not part of a pagan trinity or binary God; he was a man, a human being.  The total soul or the body and human spirit of Jesus was of Yahweh and not of the line of Adam.  Jesus was not of this world, of this creation.  Jesus was not omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient or eternal as these attributes belong to Yahweh only.  Jesus had the same exact character as his Father and God. In love, holiness, perfection, impeccability and righteousness Jesus the messiah was an exact copy of Yahweh.  Jesus said, "if you have seen me you have seen the Father" as Jesus lived his life doing what the Father would do and speaking the words the Father gave him.  Jesus was incapable of sin or of being tempted to sin.  Jesus was perfect love that casts away all sin.  Jesus was born of Yahweh and the seed of Yahweh remained in him and he could not sin.  While still human Jesus prayed to his Father and God in John 17.
The words,"That they may be one as we are one."  "That they may be one in us." show us that the Father and the Christ were joined as one while Jesus was yet human.  The prayer held out the hope of other humans joining Jesus and his Father.  In Yahweh's will there had to be one human being who would be the first born of many. Jesus was the one human who unlike Adam could not sin or be tempted with evil anymore that than his Father and God could because Jesus was created by his Father to be and exact copy of the divine nature or character of Yahweh.

There are some liars in this world that say Jesus was a potential sinner.  Adam and Eve were the only potential human sinners that have ever existed. From Adam forward all humans ARE sinners.
Jesus had no mediator and was born for and foretold by the prophets to be successful in his mission.

For humanity to be in Yahweh's image and likeness they had to have free will because Yahweh has free will.  Humanity can choose to obey or disobey Yahweh.  Some liars of this evil age say that Yahweh is evil and is the cause of all evil and that Yahweh created humanity evil from the beginning.  This idea is of Satan who is the cause of evil the father of lies whose work Jesus was sent to destroy.  How then Could all the evil be Yahweh's if Jesus was sent to destroy it?  Would this not make Jesus Yahweh's enemy?  As I said in the beginning of this article the lies and liars are many in this evil world.  

What Yahweh desires for humanity is that we become immortal spirit beings with the character displayed in His son Jesus while on Earth as Jesus said, "if you see me you see the Father".  We, by Yahweh's power, become immortal and impeccable.  This process in the spirit realm is reality, it happened the very moment Yahweh spoke the words but we humans were placed by Yahweh in a bubble called time and are totally unaware of this.  

The words spoken in the beginning by Yahweh went out from Him and accomplished immediately what His will is as Yahweh is not bound by time or anything else.  There is no one or no thing that can prevent Yahweh from doing His will.  If man has free will or not is no impediment to the will of Yahweh.  

Yahweh wanted to show Himself in His son and indeed Jesus said he came to reveal the Father.  The character of Yahweh, the righteousness, the love that cannot sin which is the fulfillment of the law and how Jesus fulfilled the law was in full and exact measure in Jesus the messiah.  The ultimate hope of humanity is to become what Jesus was and is in a kingdom of many like gods or Elohim's.  A mans hope is to be recreated in the image of Jesus who was created in the image of Yahweh.  Elohim in English means "a mighty one"  Jesus was and is a mighty one and so are the angels as well as some human beings were in shadow form.  In the kingdom of God the saints will become Elohim and rule and reign with Jesus for 1,000 years.  Yahweh is El Shadi or the Almighty of which there is only one being, the Father of Jesus.  You cannot have more that one almighty but the pagan lie of the trinity has three.  

The number of lies are many but the truth is only one.  Satan has been at work for many years causing spiritual blindness to fall on this evil world.  Out of all this evil Yahweh calls those who He knows will answer and obey Him.  Yahweh draws them to Himself by His Holy Spirit through Jesus His son.  These are then baptized  and receive the Spirit helper that teaches them all truth.  These people are extremely rare and are scattered around the Earth.  Shortly before the great tribulation the last of this number will be sealed to make 144,000 composed of both Jews and Gentiles from the time of Adam until this time.  

The signs Jesus gave us to watch for are beginning to become apparent and growing in intensity.  The world is a big mess of their own making.  Soon the greatest economic catastrophe in history will strike bringing about a false tribulation from which a false messiah will save them producing also a false millennium.  This antichrist will want worship in exchange for his "saving the world" and most will comply while some will not.  The spiritual information God's elect have at this time is that we have less than 
ten years from 2018 until the return of Jesus.  This may change as time brings more understanding. This is not setting some date, it is giving a season, a possibility, a spiritual hypothesis.

We will continue to wait and watch while obeying the gospel to see the end of these things LORD willing.



  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...